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[Anmeldezeitraum ab dem 20.01.2025] Kostenloser Koreanisch-Sprachkurse am König Sejong Institut der Freien Universität Berlin

Vielen Dank für Ihr Interesse am Sejong-Koreanisch-Sprachkurs am King Sejong Institut in Berlin. Das King Sejong Institut Berlin bietet im ersten Semester 2025 Koreanisch-Sprachkurse an. Unser Sejong-Koreanischkurs ist kostenlos und für jedermann zugänglich. Alle notwendigen Informationen zur Anmeldung zum unserer Sejong-Koreanisch-Sprachkurs finden Sie auf der Website des Fachbereichs Koreanistik der Freien Universität Berlin, <Kurse des King-Sejong-Instituts>verfügbar sein.                                                               Wir werden weiterhin unser Bestes tun, um Ihre Leidenschaft für die koreanische Sprache und Ihr Interesse an der koreanischen Kultur zu unterstützen und weiter zu fördern.

Ort: Offline

19.12.2024 - 20.01.2025
20.01.2025 | 12:15 c.t. - 13:45
24.01.2025 | 10:00 c.t. - 11:30

Koreanisches Neujahrsfest 2025: Sebae, Yutnori & Ttŏkkuk

Am 29. Januar 2025 (Mittwoch) um 15:00 Uhr  feiern wir gemeinsam das koreanische Neujahr!  Ort:  IKS Seminarraum Das koreanische Neujahr (Seollal) ist eines der wichtigsten traditionellen Feste in Korea. Bei dieser Veranstaltung haben Sie die Möglichkeit, traditionelle Spiele zu spielen, koreanisches Essen zu genießen und die koreanische Kultur hautnah zu erleben.

29.01.2025 | 15:00 c.t. - 17:30
31.01.2025 | 10:00 c.t. - 11:30

The 2025 Korean Cinema with Hyangjin Lee

The occult mystery Exhuma , which had its world premiere at the Berlin International Film Festival, is the top Korean box office hit of 2024. The historical drama 12.12: The Day became the highest-grossing film of 2023 and swept domestic film festival awards in 2024. Both films skillfully engage with Korea’s traumatic historical memories: Exhuma centers on the horrors of the Japanese colonial occupation, while 12.12: The Day portrays the 1979 rebellion led by the new military regime in stark realism. The regime suppressed the Gwangju Uprising (May 18 Gwangju Democratization Movement) through the declaration of martial law in 1980. Politics is a driving force behind the success of Korean cinema. Much like the candlelight protests, which echo the scale and energy of K-pop concerts, social critique has become a defining characteristic of Korean popular culture. The most widely embraced films of the past two years, such as Concrete Utopia , Smugglers , Veteran 2: I, the Executioner and Escape , further demonstrate the deep social engagement that continues to fuel the Korean film industry, transcending genre boundaries. The 2025 Korean Film with Lee Hyangjin aims to showcase both the social commentary and the aesthetic achievements of popular cinema. Black Republic encapsulates the central voices of the Korean New Wave, which emerged from the late 1980s to the mid-1990s as the first major cinematic movement in Korea, striving to innovate the national film industry. Veteran and Veteran 2: I, the Executioner exemplify the lasting magic of “division blockbusters” Silmido and Taegukgi: The Brotherhood of War , which set a new benchmark by surpassing the 10 million viewer milestone in 2004, within the action-crime genre. The selected works and invited guest talks highlight the shared historical memory and social empathy that have shaped the nation's film culture, now poised to reach a global audience.

Ort: Capitol Dahlem Thielallee 36, 14195 Berlin

19.02.2025 - 21.02.2025
13.01.2025 | 12:00 - 13:45

KEC Special Lecture Series - Korean Buddhism

Ort: Otto-von-Simson Straße 11, 14195 Berlin, Germany

17.12.2024 | 16:00 c.t. - 17:45

KEC Human Security Forum: Discussion

Ort: Institut für Koreastudien, Otto-v.-Simson Str. 11, 14195 Berlin

12.12.2024 | 16:00 s.t. - 17:30

KEC Special Lecture Series - Korean Buddhism

Ort: Otto-von-Simson Straße 11, 14195 Berlin, Germany

10.12.2024 | 16:00 c.t. - 17:45

[King Sejong Institut - Kostenloses Konzert] K-Klassik in der Welt: Die koreanische Stimme mit dem Berliner Rundfunkchor

2. Kultursalon des Instituts für Koreastudien – Kunst, Kultur und Dialog

Ort: Seminarraum des Instituts für Koreastudien Otto-von Simson Str. 11, 14195 Berlin

05.12.2024 | 16:00 c.t. - 19:00

KEC Special Lecture Series - Korean Buddhism

Ort: Otto-von-Simson Straße 11, 14195 Berlin, Germany

03.12.2024 | 16:00 c.t. - 17:45

KEC Special Lecture Series - Korean Art

Ort: Otto-von-Simson Straße 11, 14195 Berlin, Germany

02.12.2024 | 14:00 c.t. - 15:45

KEC Special Lecture Series on North Korea 2024/25

Ort: Offline venue: Seminarraum 1.2052 Kaiserswerther Str. 16-18 14195 Berlin

11.11.2024 | 16:00 c.t. - 18:00

KEC Special Lecture Series - Korean Art

Ort: Otto-von-Simson Straße 11, 14195 Berlin, Germany

08.11.2024 | 14:00 c.t. - 15:45

Buddy Treffen

Das nächste Buddy Treffen findet am Mittwoch, den 23. Oktober 2024, um 18 Uhr am Institut für Koreastudien statt. Geschlossene Veranstaltung.

Ort: Freie Universität Berlin Institut für Koreastudien Otto-v.-Simson-Straße 11 14195 Berlin

23.10.2024 | 18:00 s.t. - 20:00

Infoveranstaltung zum Auslandsjahr für Studenten der Koreastudien

Die Informationsveranstaltung für das Auslandsstudium in Korea, die vom Institut für Koreastudien gemeinsam mit dem Referat für Studierendenmobilität durchgeführt wird, findet am Dienstag, den 22. Oktober 2024 um 13:30 Uhr (s.t.) im Institut für Koreastudien (Otto-v.-Simson-Straße 11) statt. Die Veranstaltung richtet sich insbesondere an die derzeitigen Drittsemester, die sich im Dezember für ein Auslandsjahr (2025/26) an einer koreanischen Partneruniversität inklusive eines Wechsels in den BA Integrierte Koreastudien bewerben wollen.

Ort: Freie Universität Berlin Institut für Koreastudien Otto-v.-Simson-Straße 11 14195 Berlin

22.10.2024 | 13:30 s.t. - 15:00

KEC Special Lecture Series - Tanch'ŏng

We are excited to invite you to a special KEC lecture on Tanch'ŏng, the traditional Korean art of temple and palace decoration. These vibrant patterns and designs carry deep cultural significance, representing harmony, protection, and beauty in Korean architecture. The lecture will provide fascinating insights into the techniques of Tanch'ŏng, making it a must-attend event for anyone interested in Korean art and culture. Lecturer: Kim Jŏng-hyŏn (Korea National University of Heritage)

Ort: Freie Universität Berlin Institut für Koreastudien Otto-v.-Simson-Straße 11 14195 Berlin

21.10.2024 | 14:00 s.t. - 16:00

[Externe Veranstaltung] CrossAsia Talks: Vladimir Glomb

Ort: Webex: https://spk-berlin.webex.com/spk-berlin/j.php?MTID=m245aa44e09d9a8f8d0ba8d432ee4dced

17.10.2024 | 18:00 s.t. - 19:30

Abschlussfeier der Koreastudien

Das Institut für Koreastudien freut sich, zu Ehren der erfolgreichen Absolventen des letzten Jahres eine Feier zu organisieren. Am 11. Oktober 2024 werden Bachelor sowie Master-Absolventen mit Studierenden und Mitgliedern des Instituts ihren Erfolg im Rahmen einer Abschlussfeier am Institut für Koreastudien feiern.

Ort: Institut für Koreastudien Otto-von-Simson-Str. 11 14195 Berlin

11.10.2024 | 14:00 s.t. - 16:00

Kulturwoche Korea - ㅎ Story - Hangeul Imagination

Ort: IKS, Otto-von-Simson-str.11 14195 Berlin

10.10.2024 | 15:30 c.t. - 17:00

Kulturwoche Korea

Das Institut für Koreastudien (IKS) lädt Sie herzlich zur 1. Kulturwoche Korea ein. Bitte beachten Sie, dass Veranstaltungsort und Zeiten sich noch ändern können!

07.10.2024 - 11.10.2024

KEC Human Security Forum: Dr. Sookyung Kim (Vice Minister, Ministry of Unification, ROK)

Lecture by Dr. Sookyung Kim (Vice Minister, Ministry of Unification, ROK) More information to be announced soon.

02.10.2024 | 14:00 s.t. - 15:30

Vorstudienkurs für Studienanfänger der Koreastudien

Liebe Studienanfänger der Koreastudien! Auch dieses Jahr gibt es am Institut für Koreastudien wieder einen Vorstudienkurs für die neu-immatrikulierten BA-Studierenden der Koreastudien. Dieses Mal findet er vom 01. bis 11. Oktober 2024 statt. Das Programm bietet erste Hilfestellungen und Einblicke in das Studium und soll bei der Orientierung und (semesterübergreifenden) Vernetzung der Studierenden unterstützen. Außerdem erwarten die Studierenden interessante kulturelle Veranstaltungen und vor allem ein Rahmen, in dem sie ausreichend Zeit bekommen, sich mit der koreanischen Aussprache und Schrift tiefer vertraut zu machen, um einen Einstieg in die Sprachkurse weiter zu erleichtern. Auch die Einstufungstests für die koreanische Sprache werden im Zeitraum des Vorstudienkurses durchgeführt. Wir freuen uns, Sie alle bald an unserem Institut begrüßen und kennenlernen zu dürfen! Der Kurs ist für Kernfächler (Mono-Bachelor Koreastudien) und Koreanisch-Anfänger (im Kombi-Bachelor) obligatorisch . Bitte entnehmen Sie Zeit und Ort der Veranstaltungen dem Vorstudienkursprogramm 2024 (s.u. "Downloads"). Der Vorstudienkurs beginnt am 01.10. um 10 Uhr im Hörsaal -1.2009 der Holzlaube (Fabeckstrasse 23–25 14195 Berlin-Dahlem).  

01.10.2024 - 11.10.2024
20.09.2024 - 21.04.2024

Celebrating Chuseok

Ort: Institute für Koreastudien Otto-v.-Simson Str. 11, Berlin

17.09.2024 | 18:00 - 19:00

Korea Competence Week 2024

(closed event)

Ort: Institute of Korean Studies Otto-v.-Simson Str. 11 14195 Berlin

16.09.2024 - 20.09.2024

Kostenloser Koreanisch-Sprachkurse am Sejong Institut der Freien Universität Berlin (Anmeldezeitraum geschlossen)

Im August 2024 gehen die Koreanischkurse des Sejong-Instituts an der Freien Universität Berlin im Rahmen eines Probesemesters in die erste Runde (Kurszeiten siehe weiter unten). Die Koreanischkurse des Sejong-Instituts an der Freien Universität Berlin, die im August 2024 zum ersten Mal stattfinden werden, richten sich nicht nur an Studierende der Freien Universität Berlin, sondern sind für alle geöffnet. Darüber hinaus stehen Sejong-Koreanisch-Kurse für jedermann kostenlos zur Verfügung. Mit unseren neuen Sprachkursen werden wir unser Bestes geben, um Ihre Leidenschaft für die koreanische Sprache und Ihr Interesse an der Koreanischen Kultur zu unterstützen und weiter zu fördern.

Ort: Offline

26.08.2024 - 13.12.2024

Korean Studies Summer School 2024

The Institute for Korean Studies FU Berlin, Germany, extends an invitation to prospective participants for the 2024 Korean Studies Summer School. Scheduled from August 19th to 27th, 2024, in Gangwon Province, South Korea, this Summer School aims to convene students enrolled in BA, MA, or PhD programs in Korean Studies from Freie Universität Berlin and other European universities.

Ort: Republic of Korea (South Korea) Gangwon Province and Seoul

19.08.2024 - 27.08.2024
18.07.2024 | 14:00 - 16:00
17.07.2024 - 19.07.2024

Korea Europe Peace Platform - Berlin Forum 2024

Ort: Weiterbildungszentrum (der Freien Universität Berlin) Otto-von-Simson-Str. 13, 14195 Berlin

10.07.2024 | 14:00 - 17:00

Korean Studies Graduate Students Conference 2024

The KEC International Graduate Students Conference is an annual event held in early July in Berlin, specifically for graduate students. Students from various universities gather to present their thesis proposals. This year, presenters will participate from Washington, D.C., Venice, and Prague. Engaging in rigorous discussions with their accompanying professors, it is anticipated that new ideas will emerge.

Ort: Institute of Korean Studies Otto-von-Simson-Str. 11 14195 Berlin

05.07.2024 | 10:00 - 19:00

Gedenkfeier für Agness Eun-Hee Kim

Ort: Institute für Koreastudien Otto-v.-Simson Str. 11, Berlin

02.07.2024 | 16:00 - 18:00

KEC Special Talk with: Prof. Dr Yong Wook Lee

Ort: Institute of Korean Studies Otto-von-Simson-Str. 11 14195 Berlin

24.06.2024 | 14:15 - 16:00

Hanmun Workshop 2024

The Special Hanmun Workshop is open to all students who are interested in hanmun studies. The purpose of the three lectures held on Monday 24 th of June 2024 is to introduce traditional Korean sources written in hanmun as well as to offer a reading session on classical texts under the guidance of the foremost Korean specialists from the Academy of Korean Studies. For the third lecture (Reading selective passage from the Confucius Analects) please prepare the enclosed materials in advance. The lectures are designed both for advanced students and beginners and for the first two lectures no knowledge of Chinese characters or hanmun is required. You can find the enclosed materials at the bottom at the page under DOWNLOADS.

Ort: Offline venue: Otto-v.-Simson Str. 11, 14195 Berlin

24.06.2024 | 10:00 - 14:00

Summer School Special Lecture Series 2024 - Prof. Dr. Hwayong Lee

Ort: Institute of Korean Studies Otto-von-Simson-Str. 11 14195 Berlin

20.06.2024 | 14:00 - 16:00

7th Annual Kim Dae Jung Lecture

In memory of the late South Korean president and Nobel Peace Prize laureate Kim Dae Jung, the Institute of Korean Studies of the Freie Universität Berlin celebrates the 7th Annual Kim Dae Jung Lecture. This year, our speaker is Glyn Ford, who served as a Member of the European Parliament for 25 years, contributing significantly to international trade and foreign affairs, especially with Asia. Post his tenure, he continued his engagement with the DPRK through his NGO, Track2Asia, establishing a political dialogue with the Workers’ Party of Korea and visiting the DPRK nearly 50 times.

Ort: Institute of Korean Studies Otto-von-Simson-Str. 11 14195 Berlin

30.05.2024 | 14:15 - 16:00

KEC Special Lecture Series Summer 2024 - Assistant Prof. Dr. Dennis Wuerthner

Ort: Institute of Korean Studies Otto-v.-Simson Str. 11 14195 Berlin

28.05.2024 | 16:00 - 18:00

Koreastudien Studenten Symposium Sommersemester 2024

Interne Veranstaltung.

Ort: Offline

21.04.2024 | 10:00 - 18:00

The 2024 Korean Cinema with Hyangjin Lee

By now, the renaissance of Korean cinema, culminating most visibly in the success of Parasite (2019) at the 2019 Cannes Film Festival and the 92nd Academy Awards, is well known.  But few have spoken about the hidden force behind its global success–a group of female producers and directors, who have spearheaded its most recent wave of popularity by producing films of diverse genres, appealing to global audiences of different ages, backgrounds and tastes.  The breadth of their collective works ranges from the social critiques of Next Sohee (2022) to the blockbuster action comedy of EXIT (2019).   <The 2024 Korean Cinema with Hyangjin Lee> focuses on those who draw sympathy and solidarity between global audiences, offering them a new cinematic experience of historical memories from a woman’s perspective. The three films chosen for this year are: Taxi Driver (2017), a story of German journalist Jürgen Hinzpeter and taxi driver Kim Sa-bok who witnessed the struggles of citizens for the May 18 Gwangju Democratization Movement together; The Age of Shadows (2016), the first Korean film produced and distributed by Warner Bros, which dramatizes espionage set in the Japanese forced occupation period; and Sugung-The Underwater Palace (2023) which documents a story of women pansori, the disappearing Sugunga . Border-crossing and transnational memories are key words chosen for <The 2024 Korean Cinema with Hyangjin Lee> to hear the silenced voices of women rewriting history.

Ort: Capitol Dahlem Thielallee 36, 14195 Berlin und Institut für Koreastudien Otto-von-Simson-Str. 11 14195 Berlin

13.02.2024 - 15.02.2024

KEC Special Lecture Series on North Korea

When was North Korea's state system formed? There are varying opinions on this matter. Some suggest it was in the 1930s when the country was actively engaged in anti-Japanese activities. Others argue for the 1960s, citing the establishment of a unitary system, while some point to the 1980s when the successor system was solidified. However, the 1950s are often considered the pivotal period, as it was during this decade that the foundational elements of the social and economic system were put in place. Pyongyang was designated as the capital city, and significant growth occurred in the industrial sector. In light of these historical considerations, we have organized three lectures aimed at delving into the process of North Korea's National System Building during the 1950s. Through these lectures, we aim to provide you with a comprehensive understanding of North Korea's new strategy in the 2000s, centered around the reconstruction of its national system. 

Ort: Online (Webex)

05.02.2024 | 16:15 - 17:45

KEC Special Talk

Ort: Institut für Koreastudien Otto-von-Simson-Str. 11 14195 Berlin

24.01.2024 | 14:15 - 15:45

KEC Special Lecture Series on the Korean Wave (Hallyu)

K-pop, a global cultural phenomenon, garners mixed opinions. Some see it as "soft power" supported by the Korean government, serving diplomatic and economic purposes, while others dismiss it as a fleeting trend. Amid praise and criticism, K-pop offers bold narratives, worldviews, and top-notch choreography, defining itself as an artistic performance. It has not only replaced Western idol models but also serves as an industrial prototype that the West is beginning to adopt. K-pop's resilience can be attributed to its fan-centric approach and diverse production system. K-pop agencies connect creators of different backgrounds, forming a cultural network. This lecture aims to focus on the "perspectives," "strategies," and "methodologies" of K-pop creators that captivate global fans. Understanding their values, methods, and fan engagement offers insight into K-pop's present and future in the global music market. 

Ort: Online (Webex)

22.01.2024 | 12:15 s.t. - 13:45

Special Filmscreening "Reset" with film director Min Bae

The Institute of Korean Studies at Freie University Berlin invites you to join the special screening of the film "Reset" (2022) in the presence of film director Min Bae. 

Ort: Room -1.2009 (Holzlaube) Fabeckstr. 23-25, Freie Universität Berlin, 14195 Berlin

18.01.2024 | 14:00 c.t. - 16:00

Inforveranstaltung zum Sommersemester 2024

Die Informationsveranstaltung für Lehrveranstaltungen im Sommersemester 2024 findet um 18 Uhr im Institut für Koreastudien statt. Die Veranstaltung richtet sich insbesondere an Kernfächler der Koreastudien.

Ort: Institut für Koreastudien Otto-v.-Simson str. 11 14195 Berlin

16.01.2024 | 18:00 s.t. - 19:00

KEC Special Lecture Series on the Korean Wave (Hallyu)

K-pop, a global cultural phenomenon, garners mixed opinions. Some see it as "soft power" supported by the Korean government, serving diplomatic and economic purposes, while others dismiss it as a fleeting trend. Amid praise and criticism, K-pop offers bold narratives, worldviews, and top-notch choreography, defining itself as an artistic performance. It has not only replaced Western idol models but also serves as an industrial prototype that the West is beginning to adopt. K-pop's resilience can be attributed to its fan-centric approach and diverse production system. K-pop agencies connect creators of different backgrounds, forming a cultural network. This lecture aims to focus on the "perspectives," "strategies," and "methodologies" of K-pop creaters that captivate global fans. Understanding their values, methods, and fan engagement offers insight into K-pop's present and future in the global music market. 

Ort: Online (Webex)

15.01.2024 | 12:15 s.t. - 13:45
12.01.2024 | 10:00 - 12:00

Studying MAGEA - Introduction to the program and Q&A session (online)

MAGEA will give a short introduction to the MAGEA program and answer questions related to the program. Everyone interested in the program structure the application the admission prerequisites our cooperating institutes our academic advisors other related topics is welcome to attend the online session. Access: MAGEA meets on January 9, 2024, 1:00 PM (UTC+01:00) Amsterdam, Berlin, Bern, Rom, Stockholm, Wien. Join on Webex here: Meeting link: https://fu-berlin.webex.com/fu-berlin-en/j.php?MTID=mebcf11d70ca999b49887fdffed459504 Meeting number: 2791 658 2684 Password: DXvZi46Pgn2 Join by video system: Dial 27916582684@fu-berlin.webex.com You can also dial and enter your meeting number. Join by phone: +49-619-6781-9736 Germany Toll +49-89-95467578 Germany Toll 2 Access code: 2791 658 2684

Ort: Webex

09.01.2024 | 13:00 s.t. - 14:00

KEC Special Lecture Series on the Korean Wave (Hallyu)

K-pop, a global cultural phenomenon, garners mixed opinions. Some see it as "soft power" supported by the Korean government, serving diplomatic and economic purposes, while others dismiss it as a fleeting trend. Amid praise and criticism, K-pop offers bold narratives, worldviews, and top-notch choreography, defining itself as an artistic performance. It has not only replaced Western idol models but also serves as an industrial prototype that the West is beginning to adopt. K-pop's resilience can be attributed to its fan-centric approach and diverse production system. K-pop agencies connect creators of different backgrounds, forming a cultural network. This lecture aims to focus on the "perspectives," "strategies," and "methodologies" of K-pop creaters that captivate global fans. Understanding their values, methods, and fan engagement offers insight into K-pop's present and future in the global music market. 

Ort: Online (Webex)

08.01.2024 | 12:15 s.t. - 13:45

KEC Human Security Forum 2023 - 140 Jahre Deutsch-Koreanische Beziehungen: Einblicke und Ausblicke

Ort: Institut für Koreastudien Otto-v.-Simson str. 11 14195 Berlin

11.12.2023 | 19:00 s.t. - 20:30

Confucian Heritage: Decoding Writings of Chosŏn Literati

Internationaler Workshop of subproject C09 „Evaluationen von Wissen in konfuzianischen Akademien“  Given a troublesome history of the modern perception of Confucian teaching both in the West and East Asia there is a strong tension between texts of Chosŏn Literati perceived as Confucian and a large corpus of texts which are relegated either to the realm of literature, official documents, or personal materials. The purpose of the present workshop is to challenge the dichotomy and bring to attention various types of Literati writings which have been considered as not typically Confucian for a long time and were largely neglected by modern research or studied only as collateral products of Confucian scholars. This concerns above all large corpus of texts studied predominantly by literature specialists, such as poetry or epigraphics, texts, understood as official documents including various sorts of court memorandum, reports or policy plans and analysis, as well as a broad range of texts mined mostly for information on the author represented by correspondence, dialogues with disciples or diaries. The notion of dichotomy between pure literature, expressing personal feelings of Chosŏn Literati, and their ideologically motivated official writings addressed either to the Korean State authorities or fellow scholars and disciples was to a large degree constructed by the Literati themselves to appeal to diverse audiences in their official capacities yet it should not obscure the fact that most of their personal writings were motivated by the same ideals of the Learning of the Way like their reform proposals or documents written in their official capacities.  As a prime example of stereotypical treatment of a Confucian scholar’s  œuvre  could serve collected writings of Yulgok Yi I (1536–1584) and their historical and modern reflections as materials recommending knowledge transfer and epistemic changes within Chosŏn Confucian discourse. Workshop presentations will focus an analysis of various Literari forms and genres employed by Yulgok in his quest for the spreading of the Confucian message and engage in a dialogue over the question whether of his takes could be singled out as typically Confucian or not. This seemingly trivial question is a basic precondition for a fundamental revision of the existing notion of what is currently understood under a category of Korean philosophical or Confucian texts.

Ort: Institut für Koreastudien Otto-von-Simson-Str. 11 14195 Berlin

08.12.2023 - 09.12.2023

Route to Peace - International Conference for the 70th Anniversary of the Korean War Armistice

International Conference for the 70th Anniversary of the Korean War Armistice

Ort: Republic of Korea, Seoul Sungkonghoe University Cheon-hwan Lee Memorial Hall,

25.11.2023 | 09:30 s.t. - 18:00

6th Berlin Forum on Korea: Diversity in Unity - Cultural Diplomacy in East Asia

GEAS Anniversary Conference and Alumni Meeting

Ort: Harnack-Haus, Ihnestr. 16, 14195 Berlin

09.11.2023 - 10.11.2023
08.11.2023 | 17:00 - 18:30

Inforveranstaltung zum Auslandsjahr für Studenten der Koreastudien

Die Informationsveranstaltung für das Auslandsstudium in Korea, die vom Institut für Koreastudien gemeinsam mit dem Referat für Studierendenmobilität durchgeführt wird, findet am Dienstag, den 07. November 2023 um 18 Uhr (s.t.) in der Holzlaube (Raum 0.2001) statt. Die Veranstaltung richtet sich insbesondere an die derzeitigen Drittsemester, die sich im Dezember für ein Auslandsjahr (2024/25) an einer koreanischen Partneruniversität inklusive eines Wechsels in den BA Integrierte Koreastudien bewerben wollen.

Ort: Freie Universität Berlin Holzlaube (Raum 0.2001) Fabeckstraße 23-25, 14195 Berlin

07.11.2023 | 18:00 s.t. - 20:00

Korea Europe Center - Booktalk

Ort: Institut für Koreastudien Otto-von-Simson-Str. 11 14195 Berlin

01.11.2023 | 17:00 s.t. - 18:30

Koreastudien Studenten Symposium

Interne Veranstaltung der Koreastudien an der Freien Universität Berlin. Programm:  Samstag, der 28.10.2023, 14-18 Uhr Präsentationsrunde 1 Sonntag, der 29.10.2023, 10-18 Uhr Präsentationsrunde 2

Ort: Institut für Koreastudien Otto-von-Simson-Str. 11 14195 Berlin

28.10.2023 - 29.10.2023

Lecture Series "Research Fields in Global East Asia" 2023/24

We cordially invite all students and faculty to our  Lecture Series "Research Fields in Global East Asia"  this semester. The lecture series is a constituent part of the English-taught Master's program "MA Global East Asia", which started its inaugural year this October. University faculty in Chinese, Korean, and Japanese studies will provide insights into their areas of research.

25.10.2023 - 07.02.2024

KEC Special Lecture Series on North Korea

Ort: Hybrid-event: Offline: Institute of Korean Studies Otto-v.-Simson Str. 11 14195 Berlin Online: Webex

20.10.2023 | 10:15 - 11:45

Abschlussfeier der Koreastudien

Das Institut für Koreastudien freut sich, zu Ehren der erfolgreichen Absolventen des letzten Jahres eine Feier zu organisieren. Am 13. Oktober 2023 werden Bachelor sowie Master-Absolventen mit Studierenden und Mitgliedern des Instituts ihren Erfolg im Rahmen einer Abschlussfeier am Institut für Koreastudien feiern.

Ort: Institut für Koreastudien Otto-von-Simson-Str. 11 14195 Berlin

13.10.2023 | 15:00 s.t. - 18:00

Vorstudienkurs für Studienanfänger der Koreastudien

Liebe Studienanfänger der Koreastudien! Wir freuen uns, Ihnen mitteilen zu können, dass in Vorbereitung auf den Semesterstart ein Vorstudienkurs geplant ist, der für alle Kernfächler (Mono-Bachelor Koreastudien) und Koreanisch-Anfänger (im Kombi-Bachelor) obligatorisch  sein wird. Der Vorstudienkurs wird offline, im Seminargebäude "Holzlaube" (Fabeckstr. 23-25) der Freien Universität Berlin durchgeführt.   Bitte beachten Sie, dass Sie bereits für den Vorstudienkurs die Lehrbücher ‚Sogang Korean 1A‘ und später für das erste Fachsemester ‚Sogang Korean 1B‘ benötigen.   Der Vorstudienkurs beginnt am 05.10. um 9 Uhr im Hörsaal -1.2009.   Den Plan finden Sie unten unter Downloads.

05.10.2023 - 13.10.2023

Korea Competence Week for Graduate Students and PhD Candidates

The Korea-Europe Center at the Institute of Korean Studies/Freie Universität Berlin is pleased to announce the 2023 Workshop Series <Korea Competence Week> for graduate students and PhD candidates intending to enhance the academic and political competence of those involved in Korea-related research and politics.

25.09.2023 - 29.09.2023

Summer School

Ort: Offline

16.08.2023 - 24.08.2023

KEC Special Lecture Series on North Korea 2023 - North Korean Studies in Washington D.C.

Washington, D.C. has the highest concentration of North Korean studies in the English-speaking world. Between 2001 and 2020, 28 PhDs were awarded in North Korea from the seven surrounding universities. It is also home to a number of institutes and researchers whose focus is North Korea. This semester, we are bringing together researchers and representatives of research organizations who have been studying North Korea for many years. We designed this series to hear their thoughts on North Korea, their strategies, and to get a sense of what's happening in North Korea research around Washington, D.C.

Ort: Online (Webex)

11.07.2023 | 14:15 - 15:45

KEC International Graduate student Symposium 2023 – Keynote

The Korea Europe Center International Graduate Student Symposium 2023 will feature a keynote speech by HyunSook Oh, a BK21 Research Professor in the Department of Korean Language and Literature at Seoul National University.

Ort: Institute of Korean Studies Otto-von-Simson-Str. 11 14195 Berlin

06.07.2023 | 16:00 - 18:00

Korea Europe Center International Graduate student Symposium 2023

To build up a network among the young generation of Korean studies scholars in Europe, graduate students working on Korea-related themes in several European universities are invited to present their research.  Accompanied by their respective advisors, these students will present their findings over a period of three days.This year's event will also feature contributions from graduate students at George Washington University and Seoul National University, with a total of nine presentations scheduled.

Ort: Institute of Korean Studies Otto-von-Simson-Str. 11 14195 Berlin

06.07.2023 - 08.07.2023

KEC Summer School Special Lecture Series 2023

This Special Lecture Series is designed to deepen the themes of Korean History involved in historical and cultural sites in Kwangju and near area. It is for participants of FU-IKS Summer School 2023 as well as for general audience interested in this topic.

Ort: Online: Webex

05.07.2023 | 16:15 - 17:45

Korea Europe Peace Forum 2023: Peaceful Coexistence and Prosperity in the Era of Uncertainties: Promoting EU-South Korea Cooperation in Crisis Management

This forum provides a venue for multifaceted analysis and in-depth discussion to foster cooperation between South Korea and Europe in times of heightened uncertainties by exploring diplomatic strategies to mediate conflicts, facilitate effective crisis management, and foster sustainable peace on the Korean peninsula.

Ort: FU Weiterbildungszentrum Otto-von-Simson-Str. 13 14195 Berlin

03.07.2023 - 04.07.2023

KEC Summer School Special Lecture Series 2023

This Special Lecture Series is designed to deepen the themes of Korean History involved in historical and cultural sites in Kwangju and near area. It is for participants of FU-IKS Summer School 2023 as well as for general audience interested in this topic.

Ort: Online: Webex

30.06.2023 | 16:15 - 17:45

KEC Special Lecture Series 2023 - Sailing or drifting? The Korean wave, self and fandoms

The Korean Wave consistently piques the interest of media outlets. Especially in the German context, it is still perceived as a new trend. Sceptic voices remain most visible and question the reasons for its success. The most popular view is the soft-power perspective, painting the Korean cultural industry and its artists as embedded in foreign policy processes. Other views characterise Hallyu as a passing trend, a short-lived anomaly. Lastly, success is sometimes attributed to consumerism, stating that K-pop and other Korean cultural content are designed to appeal to everyone and especially the inexperienced youth. In short, Korean cultural content and its consumers are eyed with both wonder and distrust. Beyond popular media discourse, academic discussion on how to understand the Korean Wave and its impact on a changing media landscape has emerged. However, until now, the German case was largely sidelined in discussions. Focusing on K-pop, the special lecture series “Sailing or drifting? The Korean Wave, self, and Fandoms” addresses this gap by providing an opportunity to discuss the impact of the Korean Wave on youth. Are individuals simply swept up by the wave or consciously riding it? Moving beyond arguments about the maturity of consumers and/or manipulation by media, the series highlights the artistic dimension of internationally popular Korean music and dances.

Ort: Online

30.06.2023 | 14:15 - 15:45

KEC Summer School Special Lecture Series 2023

This Special Lecture Series is designed to deepen the themes of Korean History involved in historical and cultural sites in Kwangju and near area. It is for participants of FU-IKS Summer School 2023 as well as for general audience interested in this topic.

Ort: Online: Webex

28.06.2023 | 14:00 - 15:30

Hanmun Workshop: How to read Hanmun

We have organized a special workshop on how to read Hanmun(한문), which is essential for studying Korean studies. Senior Researchers of the Jangseogak Archives(장서각) of the Academy of Korean Studies(한국학중앙연구원), who study traditional Korean culture and are also responsible for teaching Korean, come to IKS. They also give presentations on the traditional Korean culture they are studying.

Ort: Offline venue: Otto-v.-Simson Str. 11, 14195 Berlin

26.06.2023 | 09:00 - 16:00

KEC Lecture 2023 - Korea and Germany: Key Partners with Shared Values - H.E. Mr. Kim Hong-kyun

The KEC is glad to welcome the ambassador of the Republic of Korea to Germany, H. E. Mr. Kim Hong-kyun

Ort: Otto-v.-Simson Str. 11, 14195 Berlin

20.06.2023 | 16:00 - 17:00

KEC Lecture 2023 - Democracy and Civil Society in Korea - Prof. Dr Sunhyuk Kim

The KEC is glad to welcome Prof. Dr Sunhyuk Kim who will present on democracy and civil society.

Ort: Otto-v.-Simson Str. 11, 14195 Berlin

19.06.2023 | 10:00 - 13:00

KEC Special Lecture Series 2023 - Sailing or drifting? The Korean wave, self and fandoms

The Korean Wave consistently piques the interest of media outlets. Especially in the German context, it is still perceived as a new trend. Sceptic voices remain most visible and question the reasons for its success. The most popular view is the soft-power perspective, painting the Korean cultural industry and its artists as embedded in foreign policy processes. Other views characterise Hallyu as a passing trend, a short-lived anomaly. Lastly, success is sometimes attributed to consumerism, stating that K-pop and other Korean cultural content are designed to appeal to everyone and especially the inexperienced youth. In short, Korean cultural content and its consumers are eyed with both wonder and distrust. Beyond popular media discourse, academic discussion on how to understand the Korean Wave and its impact on a changing media landscape has emerged. However, until now, the German case was largely sidelined in discussions. Focusing on K-pop, the special lecture series “Sailing or drifting? The Korean Wave, self, and Fandoms” addresses this gap by providing an opportunity to discuss the impact of the Korean Wave on youth. Are individuals simply swept up by the wave or consciously riding it? Moving beyond arguments about the maturity of consumers and/or manipulation by media, the series highlights the artistic dimension of internationally popular Korean music and dances.

Ort: Online

16.06.2023 | 12:00 - 13:45

Human Security Forum 2023 - Appeal to new approaches to the North Korea problem in the current threatening international constellation

The Korea Europe Center (KEC) continues its series "Human Security Forum" with a talk by Prof. Dr. Moon Chung-In on new approaches to the North Korea problem.

Ort: Hybrid Offline venue: Otto-v.-Simson Str. 11, 14195 Berlin

15.06.2023 | 15:00 - 17:00

KEC Summer School Special Lecture Series 2023

This Special Lecture Series is designed to deepen the themes of Korean History involved in historical and cultural sites in Kwangju and near area. It is for participants of FU-IKS Summer School 2023 as well as for general audience interested in this topic.

Ort: Online: Webex

14.06.2023 | 14:00 - 15:30

KEC Special Lecture Series on North Korea 2023 - North Korean Studies in Washington D.C.

Washington, D.C. has the highest concentration of North Korean studies in the English-speaking world. Between 2001 and 2020, 28 PhDs were awarded in North Korea from the seven surrounding universities. It is also home to a number of institutes and researchers whose focus is North Korea. This semester, we are bringing together researchers and representatives of research organizations who have been studying North Korea for many years. We designed this series to hear their thoughts on North Korea, their strategies, and to get a sense of what's happening in North Korea research around Washington, D.C.

Ort: Online (Webex)

13.06.2023 | 14:15 - 15:45

6th Annual Kim Dae Jung Lecture 2023

In memory of the late South Korean president and Nobel Peace Prize laureate Kim Dae Jung, the Institute of Korean Studies of the Freie Universität Berlin celebrates the 6th Annual Kim Dae Jung Lecture. Former Prime Minister Lee Nakyon will give a lecture with the title “Suggestions for a Renewed Approach to Peace on the Korean Peninsula”.

Ort: Offline Holzlaube, Fabeckstr. 23/25, -1.2009 großer Hörsaal (UG)

12.06.2023 | 16:30 - 18:00

KEC Book Talk 2023 - The Sociology of Hallyu Pop Culture: Surfing the Korean Wave

Alongside the Korea Europe Center (KEC) Special Lecture Series “Sailing or drifting? The Korean wave, self and fandoms”, this years KEC Book Talk invites the authors of the monograph The Sociology of Hallyu Pop Culture: Surfing the Korean Wave (Palgrave 2021) Associate Professor Dr Vincenzo Cicchelli and Dr. Sylvie Octobre to present and discuss their work with students and scholars alike.  

Ort: Online

09.06.2023 | 16:15 - 17:45

KEC Special Lecture Series 2023 - Sailing or drifting? The Korean wave, self and fandoms

The Korean Wave consistently piques the interest of media outlets. Especially in the German context, it is still perceived as a new trend. Sceptic voices remain most visible and question the reasons for its success. The most popular view is the soft-power perspective, painting the Korean cultural industry and its artists as embedded in foreign policy processes. Other views characterise Hallyu as a passing trend, a short-lived anomaly. Lastly, success is sometimes attributed to consumerism, stating that K-pop and other Korean cultural content are designed to appeal to everyone and especially the inexperienced youth. In short, Korean cultural content and its consumers are eyed with both wonder and distrust. Beyond popular media discourse, academic discussion on how to understand the Korean Wave and its impact on a changing media landscape has emerged. However, until now, the German case was largely sidelined in discussions. Focusing on K-pop, the special lecture series “Sailing or drifting? The Korean Wave, self, and Fandoms” addresses this gap by providing an opportunity to discuss the impact of the Korean Wave on youth. Are individuals simply swept up by the wave or consciously riding it? Moving beyond arguments about the maturity of consumers and/or manipulation by media, the series highlights the artistic dimension of internationally popular Korean music and dances.

Ort: Online

09.06.2023 | 14:15 - 15:45

KEC Summer School Special Lecture Series 2023

This Special Lecture Series is designed to deepen the themes of Korean History involved in historical and cultural sites in Kwangju and near area. It is for participants of FU-IKS Summer School 2023 as well as for general audience interested in this topic.

Ort: Online: Webex

07.06.2023 | 14:00 - 15:30

KEC Lecture 2023 - Happiness and Koreans: Why they are unhappy? - Prof. Myungho Park

The KEC is glad to welcome Prof. Myungho Park who will present on happiness in South Korea.

Ort: Otto-v.-Simson Str. 11, 14195 Berlin

05.06.2023 | 14:15 - 16:00

KEC Summer School Special Lecture Series 2023

This Special Lecture Series is designed to deepen the themes of Korean History involved in historical and cultural sites in Kwangju and near area. It is for participants of FU-IKS Summer School 2023 as well as for general audience interested in this topic.

Ort: Online: Webex

31.05.2023 | 16:15 - 17:45

KEC Special Lecture Series - 140 Jahre Deutsch-Koreanische Beziehungen

Anläßlich des 140. Jahres der deutsch-koreanischen Beziehung veranstaltet das FU-IKS eine Reihe der Vorträge, die die Geschichte dieser Beziehung in verschiedenen Aspekten beleuchten.

Ort: Online

31.05.2023 | 14:00 - 15:30

KEC Summer School Special Lecture Series 2023

This Special Lecture Series is designed to deepen the themes of Korean History involved in historical and cultural sites in Kwangju and near area. It is for participants of FU-IKS Summer School 2023 as well as for general audience interested in this topic.

Ort: Online: Webex

24.05.2023 | 16:15 - 17:45

KEC Summer School Special Lecture Series 2023

This Special Lecture Series is designed to deepen the themes of Korean History involved in historical and cultural sites in Kwangju and near area. It is for participants of FU-IKS Summer School 2023 as well as for general audience interested in this topic.

Ort: Online: Webex

17.05.2023 | 14:00 - 15:30

KEC Special Lecture Series on North Korea

Washington, D.C. has the highest concentration of North Korean studies in the English-speaking world. Between 2001 and 2020, 28 PhDs were awarded in North Korea from the seven surrounding universities. It is also home to a number of institutes and researchers whose focus is North Korea. This semester, we are bringing together researchers and representatives of research organisations who have been studying North Korea for many years. We designed this series to hear their thoughts on North Korea, their strategies, and to get a sense of what's happening in North Korea research around Washington, D.C.

Ort: Online (Webex)

16.05.2023 | 14:15 - 15:45

KEC Summer School Special Lecture Series 2023

This Special Lecture Series is designed to deepen the themes of Korean History involved in historical and cultural sites in Kwangju and near area. It is for participants of FU-IKS Summer School 2023 as well as for general audience interested in this topic.

Ort: Online: Webex

10.05.2023 | 16:15 - 17:45