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Dr. des. David Hamann

Ein Ticket von Brody über Berlin nach New York.
Die organisierte Solidarität deutscher Juden für osteuropäische jüdische TransmigrantInnen im Krisenjahr 1881/82.

The dissertation thematizes the transit of Jewish-Russian Transmigrants through the Germen Empire during the crisis year 1881/82. The focus of the dissertation is on the transnational organization of a “directed” Jewish Emigration to America which was realized by the Alliance Israélite Universelle and German relief committees. These committees provided the basis for the foundation of the Aid Organization of German Jews (Hilfsverein der deutschen Juden) in 1901. The logistical optimization of the Jewish transit through Germany was closely connected with the fight against the forming antisemitic movement. Actors of the “Berlin movement” instrumentalized a putative “Jewish mass immigration”, which in fact was a complete transit. They benefitted from the growing popularity of racist and antisemitic order models and the nationalistic-conservative turn of the Bismarck government. Based on causes for emigration and flight of Russian Jews and their transit from east to west, the organization history of the Jewish migration aid is investigated. In this context three important Jewish Berlin actors of the migration aid and the fight against antisemitism are portrayed to show the close connection between these two aspects: Salomon Neumann, Moritz Lazarus and the initiator of the Hilfsverein Paul Nathan. Conclusive three future developments from the crisis year 1881/82 to the foundation of the Hilfsverein in 1901 are outlined.


Leo Baeck Fellowship Programme, Studienstiftung des deutschen Volkes

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