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Applications and Forms

On this page, you will find applications and forms that may be relevant for the different degrees that can be earned at the Department of History and Cultural Studies (Magister, PhD Programs, Bachelor, Master, Habilitation). For further information, please use the respective links.

PhD Programs

Further information

Here, you will find the necessary template for the approval certificate which you are requested to bring with you for the counselling interview concerning grading. Please also find out about the transfer of credits on our website!

The checklists are intended to help you with estimating your own position within the course of your degree. Completed, they may also function as an instrument for the autonomous documentation of your credits, in order to present it to the BAFöG officer.

You may complete the Transcript of Records yourself.

Change of regulations

Service for lecturers: please use the examination and attendance certificates for documentation of the affine area only! The module certificate is intended to be used for the display of examination results with credit points.



  • anträge, formulare, modulanmeldung, modulabmeldung, anrechnungsbescheinigung, zulassung zur promotion, antrag auf bachelorarbeit