Dr. Till Schöfer

Institut für Chinastudien
Vertretung von Prof. Dr. Genia Kostka
Raum 1.1131
14195 Berlin
2018 - 2022 |
Hertie School, Berlin, Germany |
2017 - 2018 |
London School of Economics, London, UK |
2016 - 2017 | Sciences Po, Paris, France M.A. International Affairs (International Public Management) |
2013 - 2016 | University of Cambridge, Cambridge, UK B.A. (Cantab) History |
since 2023 | Freie Universität Berlin, Berlin, Germany Guest Lecturer |
2022 |
Freie Universität Berlin, Berlin, Germany |
2020 - 2022 | University of Maastricht, Maastricht, Netherlands Researcher |
2021 / 2022 |
Freie Universität Berlin, Berlin, Germany Data Scientist / Quantitative Researcher |
2018 - 2020 | Hertie School, Berlin, Germany Research Associate |
2018 | London School of Economics, London, UK Research Assistant |
2017 / 2018 |
Asia House, London, UK Researcher (Part and Full Time) |
2017 |
University of California, Berkeley and University of Zürich, Zürich, Switzerland Research Assistant |
2015 | German Historical Institute London Research Assistant |
2022 Hertie School PhD Completion Grant
2020 Winner of Dahrendorf Forum PhD Research Paper Award
2017-2018 Studienstiftung des Deutschen Volkes Scholarship
2016 David Thompson Scholarship
2016 The Simms Benefaction and Scholarship for the Study of History
‘Developing Country Status at the WTO: the Divergent Strategies of Brazil, India and China’ (with Clara Weinhardt). International Affairs (2022). https://doi.org/10.1093/ia/iiac227
‘Differential Treatment for Developing Countries in the WTO: The Unmaking of the North-South Distinction in a Multipolar World’ (with Clara Weinhardt). Third World Quarterly (2021). https://doi.org/10.1080/01436597.2021.1992271
Under Review
'The Unmaking of Special Rights: How International Norms of Differential Treatment Adjust to Global Power Shifts'. Book Manuscript coauthored with Klaus Dingwerth, Clara Weinhardt, Julian Eckl and Simon Herr. Oxford University Press.
‘US-China Contestations in Europe’ (with Richard Maher). Book Chapter in Santino Salvador Regilme (ed.) The United States and China in the Era of Global Transformations: Geographies of Rivalry.
‘Identity at the WTO: How China Defends its Developing Country Status’. European Journal of International Relations
‘From Southern Leader to Flexible Negotiator: New Directions in Brazilian Trade Policy’. World Trade Review.
Non Peer-Reviewed
‘The Unmaking of Developing Countries’ Special Rights in Global Trade Politics’ (with Clara Weinhardt). The Loop – ECPR’s Political Science Blog. 5th January 2022. https://theloop.ecpr.eu/the-unmaking-of-developing-countries-special-rights-in-global-trade-politics/
‘Re-Thinking ASEAN Integration: European Precedents and Southeast Asian Futures’. Asia House Policy Paper. September 2017.