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Rebecca Santinelli


Capitolium erat caput mundi: a study of the topographical and historical development of the Capitoline Hill in Rome

The project investigates the Capitoline Hill in Rome from the 6th century BC to 4th century AD. Through the study of all available archaeological and textual sources, the topographical and the historical development of the hill are analysed using a holistic approach. The aim is to identify and explain continuities and breaks in the formation and transformation of the urban landscape of the Capitoline Hill. To this purpose, all known monuments (including architecture, sculptures, inscriptions etc.) will be catalogued and studied, attempting to place them in their original context. The use of geographic information system will aid the analysis of the spatial and topographical development of the Capitoline Hill in different phases.

The project is funded by the German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD) and is carried out within the frame of the Landscape Archaeology and Architecture (LAA) programme of the Berlin Graduate School of Ancient Studies (BerGSAS).

It is supervised by Prof. Dr. Ortwin Dally (DAI Rome/FU Berlin) and Prof. Dr. Monika Trümper (FU Berlin).



10.2022 -

Member of the Berlin Graduate School of Ancient Studies (BerGSAS). Enrolled in the program “Landscape Archaeology and Architecture” (LAA). Schoarship provided by the German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD).

10.2022 -
Doctoral student in Classical Archaeology at the Freie Universität in Berlin.

2018 - 2021
Master’s Degree in Classical Archaeology at the Sapienza University in Rome.
MA Thesis: “Raffigurazioni urbane nei mosaici tardoantichi” (Urban representations in late antique mosaics).

2014 - 2018
Bachelor’s Degree in Classical Archaeology at the Sapienza University in Rome.
BA Thesis: “Columane caelatae e capitelli figurati nell’Asia Minore ellenistica e romana” (Columnae caelatae and figured capitals in Hellenistic and Roman Asia Minor).

2007 - 2012
Secondary education at the classical lyceum Istituto Scolastico Nazareth in Rome.

Professional experience

09.2022 German Archaeological Institute, Rome
Post-processing of surveying data using BricsCAD and QGIS.

08 - 09.2022 Capitoline Hill, Rome
German Archaeological Institute
Excavation and digital documentation of a multi-period site.
Processing of surveying data using BricsCAD and Agisoft Metashape.

06 -07.2022 Pompeii, Italy                      
University of Rouen
Excavation and documentation of a of a bread oven (1st century AD).

05.2022 German Archaeological Institute of Rome
Post-processing of surveying data using AutoCAD.

11.2021 -01.2022 German Archaeological Institute, Rome
Processing of surveying data using AutoCAD, PhoToPlan and Agisoft Metashape.

08 - 10.2021 Capitoline Hill, Rome
German Archaeological Institute
Excavation and digital documentation of a multi-period site.

08 - 09.2019 Capitoline Hill, Rome
German Archaeological Institute
Processing and analysis of finds from a multi-period site. Digital documentation of pottery using Laser Aided Profiler.

07.2019  Pompeii, Italy
University of Rouen
Metallurgical workshop (1st century AD) - excavation, documentation, processing and analysis of finds.

10.2018 Spoletino, Italy
Roma Tre University
Reused cistern (1st century AD) - excavation, documentation, processing and analysis of finds.

08 -09.2017 Spoletino, Italy
Roma Tre University
Reused cistern (1st century AD) - excavation, documentation, processing and analysis of finds.

10.2017 Palatine Hill, Rome
Sapienza University
Excavation of part of the Via Sacra - excavation, documentation, processing and analysis of finds.

09.2016 Pyrgi, Italy
Sapienza University
Excavation of an Etruscan sanctuary - excavation, documentation, processing and analysis of finds.

02 -04.2016 Sapienza University, Rome
Processing and analysis of pottery from the Etruscan sanctuary at Pyrgi (Santa Severa).                    

R. SANTINELLI, “L’otium è rivelatore”. Imperatori e otium tra archeologia e letteratura: Roma, Sapienza Università di Roma, 11-13 maggio 2022, in: BStLat, II, 52, Napoli 2022, pp. 697-700.

R. SANTINELLI "I depositi votivi nell’Italia centrale", in: M. PAPINI (Ed.), Arte Romana (new edition), Firenze 2021, pp. 154-155.

B. DE SANTIS, R. SANTINELLI, "Ampolle con vedute del litorale flegreo", in: M. PAPINI (Ed.), Arte Romana (new edition), Firenze 2021, pp. 502-503.