Prof. Dr. Khanna Usoyan (Omarkhali)

Fachbereich Geschichts- und Kulturwissenschaften
Institut für Iranistik
Wissenschaftliche Mitarbeiterin und Lektorin für kurdische Sprachen
Erasmus+ Koordinatorin / Stellvertretende Master-Beauftragte
Raum 1.1020
14195 Berlin
Dienstag 12-13 Uhr, nach Vereinbarung
Online ist auch möglich:
Academic Qualifikation
Employment and Research Experience
Organised conferences & other events
Academic Qualifikation
- Priv.-Doz.:
Venia legendi in Iranistik; Habilitationsschrift “The Yezidi Religious Textual Tradition: From Oral to Written. Categories, Transmission, Scripturalisation and Canonisation of the Yezidi Oral Religious Texts”, Georg-August-Universität Göttingen, July 2017. - Ph.D.:
Department of Religion and Religious Studies, Faculty of Philosophy and Political Science, Saint Petersburg State University, St Petersburg, Russia, 2006. - M.A.:
Master in Eastern, African Studies in the specialisation of the Religions of the Peoples of Asia and Africa, Department of Iranian Philology, Faculty of Oriental Studies, Saint Petersburg State University,2004. - B.A.:
Bachelor in Eastern, African Studies in the specialisation of the Iranian philology and Kurdish Studies, Department of Iranian Philology, Faculty of Oriental Studies, Saint Petersburg State University,2002.
Employment and Research Experience
- Oct/2017–Mar/2018:
Research fellow at the Käte Hamburger Kolleg Dynamics in the History of Religions between Asia and Europe, CERES, Ruhr-Universität Bochum, the project “From Orthopraxy to Orthodoxy – Christian Influences on Yezidism in the Diaspora? The Discourse on Canonisation, Standardisation and Unification of Tradition among Yezidis in Western Europe”, Bochum. - Oct/2010–Sep/2017:
Assistant Professor (wissenschaftliche Mitarbeiterin) at Georg-August University of Göttingen, Institute of Iranian Studies, Göttingen. - Apr–Jul/2010:
Academic assistant (wissenschaftliche Hilfskraft) “Kurdish Comparative Dialectology on the Basis of Sorani and Kurmanji”, Institute of Iranian Studies, Göttingen. - Mar/2007–Feb/2010:
Bursar of the DFG Graduiertenkolleg 896/2 „Götterbilder–Gottesbilder –Weltbilder“, with the project “Yezidi Religious Texts: Their Theological Implications with Some References to the Ahl-e Ḥaqq Religious Tradition”, Georg-August University of Göttingen. - Oct/2005–Mar/2014:
Lecturer (Lehrbeauftragte) for Kurdish Studies at the Institute of Iranian Studies, Georg-August University of Göttingen. - Jun–Nov/2005:
Academic assistant (wissenschaftliche Hilfskraft) in the DFG project “Kulturelles Gedächtnis der Yezidi-Gemeinschaft in Deutschland hinsichtlich religiöser Fragen”, under the leadership of Prof. Dr. Ph. G. Kreyenbroek, Georg-August University Göttingen.
Organised conferences & other events
- 19/Jan/2019:
Workshop “The Concept of Honour and Conflict Resolution”, in collaboration with the Institute of Social and Cultural Anthropology and the Institute of Iranian Studies, Georg-August University Göttingen. - Dec/2016–Feb/2017:
Vorlesungsreihe: “Religiöse Traditionen unter Kurden”, Georg-August-Universität Göttingen. - 28/Apr/2013:
Kurdish Studies Workshop in cooperation with the Kurdish Institute in Vienna. - 22–29/Apr/2013:
An excursion of students of Iranian Studies to the Kurdish Institute and Library in Vienna. - 7/Sep/2012:
The panel “Religious Minorities and Political Changes in Kurdistan”, the 2nd International conference on Kurdish Studies “The Kurds and Kurdistan: Considering Continuity and Change”, the University of Exeter, the United Kingdom.
- Lehrveranstaltungen im Wintersemester 2024/2025
- Lehrveranstaltungen im Sommersemester 2024
- Lehrveranstaltungen im Wintersemester 2023/2024
- Lehrveranstaltungen im Sommersemester 2023
WiSe 2018/19
Institut für Ethnologie, Georg-August-Universität Göttingen
- (Seminar) Is it all about violence? Quest for honour in “honour-based” societies (with Prof. Dr. N. Schareika)
- (Seminar) The Meaning and Practice of Honour: Analysing Case Studies from Iran, Kurdistan, Afghanistan, Arabia and Africa (with Prof. Dr. N. Schareika)
SoSe 2018
Theologische Fakultät, Georg-August-Universität Göttingen
- (Seminar) Methods in Intercultural Research (with PD Dr. F. Heinrich)
Institut für Iranistik, Georg-August-Universität Göttingen
- (Seminar) Schriftliche und mündliche Literatur der Kurden (with Dr. B. Bahrami)
- (Kolloquium) Iranistik Master- und Doktorandinnen-Kolloquium (with Prof. Dr. E. Orthmann)
SoSe 2017
- (Übung) Einführung in die kurdische Grammatik I
WS 2016/17
- (Seminar) Religious minorities in Kurdistan between tradition and modernity: Yezidism, Ahl-e Ḥaqq and Alevism
- (Seminar) "Brave men, pretty women?" or "Brave men, brave women?" The changing image of women in Kurdistan
- (Seminar) Kulturelle Traditionen im westiranischen Raum: Different Aspects of Kurdish Culture
WS 2014/15, WS 2013/14
- (Seminar) Kulturelle Traditionen im westiranischen Raum: Different Aspects of Kurdish Culture
SS 2013
- (Seminar) Wissenschaftliches Arbeiten mit Audiomaterial: Herstellung, Digitalisierung und Archivierung (with Prof. Dr. Ph. Kreyenbroek)
- (Seminar) Klassische kurdische Literatur: Kurmandschi, Sorani und Gorani
- (Übung) Kurdische Schriftsysteme: Lateinisch, Arabisch, Kyrillisch und Westarmenisch
WS 2012/13
- (Seminar) Kulturelle Traditionen im westiranischen Raum: Different Aspects of Kurdish Culture
- (Seminar) Kulturelle und religiöse Traditionen der Kurden und ihre mündliche Überlieferungen: Oral Traditions and the System of Transmission
SS 2012
- (Seminar) Religions among the Kurds
- (Seminar) ‘Genre’ in the Persian and Kurdish literatures (with PD Dr. K. Föllmer)
- (Übung) Einführung in die kurdische Grammatik I
WS 2011/12
- (Seminar) Kulturelle Traditionen im westiranischen Raum: Different Aspects of Kurdish Culture
SS 2011
- (Seminar) Oral Traditions: From oral literature to religious traditions in Kurdistan
WS 2010/11
- (Seminar) Kulturelle Traditionen im westiranischen Raum: Different Aspects of Kurdish Culture
- (Seminar) Aspects of oral and written tradition in Persian and Kurdish culture (with PD Dr. K. Föllmer)
- (Übung) Kurdische Sprachübung (Kurmancî II)
- (Übung) Kurdische Lektüre (Kurmancî II)
SS 2010
- (Seminar) Kurdish comparative dialectology on the basis of Sorani and Kurmanji
- (Seminar) Analyse kurdischer religiöser Texte
- (Übung) Kurdische Sprachübung I
- (Übung) Einführung in die kurdische Grammatik I
WS 2009/10
- (Übung) Analyse kurdischer Texte zu sozialen Fragen
- (Übung) Kurdische Sprachübung (Kurmancî II)
- (Übung) Kurdische Lektüre (Kurmancî II)
SS 2009, SS 2008, SS 2007
- (Übung) Einführung in die kurdische Grammatik I
- (Übung) Kurdische Sprachübung I
- (Übung) Kurdisch für Fortgeschrittene (Kurmancî III)
WS 2008/09
- (Seminar) Die Sprache der yezidischen religiösen Texte und ihre Implikationen
- (Übung) Kurdische Sprachübung (Kurmancî II)
- (Übung) Kurdische Lektüre (Kurmancî II)
WS 2007/08
- (Übung) Kurdische Sprachübung (Kurmancî II)
- (Übung) Kurdische Lektüre (Kurmancî II)
- (Übung) Kurdisch für Fortgeschrittene (Kurmancî III)
- (Seminar) Yezidism
- (Übung) Kurdische Sprachübung (Kurmancî II)
- (Übung) Kurdische Lektüre (Kurmancî II)
- (Seminar) Kurdische Kultur
- (Übung) Einführung in die kurdische Grammatik I
- (Übung) Kurdische Sprachübung I
Forschungs- und Lehrschwerpunkte
- Iranophone minority religions
- Yezidism (history, textual tradition, rituals, modern transformations)
- Kurdish literature: written and oral
- Kurdish language and dialectology
- Oral literature in Iranian languages
- Religion, orality, transmission and scripturalisation in the Near East
- ‘Honour-based’ societies; codes of honour among Kurds and Pashtuns
- Tribalism
Abgeschlossene Forschungsprojekte
The Yezidi Religious Textual Tradition: From Oral to Written
This project studies the Yezidi religious textual tradition, containing descriptions of many hitherto unknown aspects of the oral transmission of Yezidi religious knowledge. It presents a detailed account of the ‘mechanisms’ underlying various aspects of the tradition. It shows how the religious textual tradition functioned – and to a certain degree still does – in its pre-modern way, and also describes the transformations it is currently undergoing, including the issues and processes involved in the increasing trend to commit religious knowledge to writing, and indeed to create a written canon.
The project was sponsored by DFG and GSGG. It ended as habilitation treatise in 2016.
Religious Minorities in Kurdistan: Beyond the Mainstream
The project “Religious Minorities in Kurdistan: Beyond the Mainstream”, which resulted in the edited by Khanna Omarkhali volume, represents an account of the various religious milieus flourishing beyond the Islamic mainstream in all parts of Kurdistan. The miscellany describes how the religious minority groups operate within the Kurdish regions, which themselves have been subject to numerous conflicts and social as well as political transformations at the turn of the 21st century. This volume emphasizes recent developments affecting these communities, in particular their social and religious lives. Six chapters are dedicated to the Ahl-e Haqq (Yarisan/Kaka’is), Yezidis, Alevis, the Haqqa and Khaksar Sufi traditions, the Shabaks, as well as to the Jewish and Christian communities in Kurdistan.
Kurdish Reader (Kurmanji)
The book is designed to help students with a basic knowledge of the Kurdish language to enhance their fluency by studying a variety of texts ranging from literary and folklore to non-narrative prose works. The first part of the book focuses on the literary works, both prose and verse, from all parts of the Kurmanji speaking countries. As the first part of the book presents the development of written tradition, part two introduces the reader to a range of variants of Kurmanji from Turkey, Armenia, Russia, Syria, Iraqi Kurdistan, Azerbaijan, Turkmenia, and Khorasan, each conveying the richness of their forms. The Reader contains Kurdish–English glossaries and a grammar section.
A. Monographs, Edited Volumes and Special Issues
B. Book Chapters
C. Headwords in Encyclopaedias
D. Articles
E. Reviews
F. Translations, Interviews and Others
G. Lectures
A. Monographs, Edited Volumes and Special Issues
- Omarkhali, Kh. and Ph. Kreyenbroek (eds.), Devamlılık ile Dönüşüm Arasında Yezidilik (Turkish translation of Yezidism: Between Continuity and Transformation, Series: IRANICA, vol. 29, Harrassowitz, Wiesbaden, 2021), from English to Turkish: İbrahim Bingöl, Avesta, Istanbul, 2024, 368 p. ISBN 978-625-8585-88-1.
- Омархали, Х., Езидская религиозная текстуальная традиция: от устной к письменной. Категории, трансмиссия, скриптуализация и канонизация езидских религиозных текстов (с примерами устных и письменных религиозных текстов), пер. с английского Р. Б. Галанин, Петербургское Востоковедение, Orientalia, Санкт-Петербург, 2023, 544 с. ISBN 978-5-85803-619-7.
- Omarkhali, Kh. and Kreyenbroek, Ph.G. (special eds.), Oral Tradition among Religious Communities in the Iranian-Speaking World, Special issue of Oral Tradition, vol. 35, Number 2, Harvard University, Cambridge, 2022, pp. 183-468. E-ISSN 1542-4308.
- Omarkhali, Kh. and Kreyenbroek, Ph. (eds.), Yezidism: Between Continuity and Transformation, Series: IRANICA, vol. 29, Harrassowitz, Wiesbaden, 2021, XVI, 323 p. ISBN 978-3-447-11800-2.
- Omerxalî, X., Kevneşopa Êzdiyatiyê ya Tekstuel a Dînî: Ji ya Devkî bo ya Nivîskî. Kategorî, Veguhaztin, Binivîskirin û Bikanonkirina Tekstên Êzdiyatiyê yên Dînî, from English to Kurdish: Fahriye Adsay, Avesta, Istanbul, 2021, 600 p. ISBN 978-625-7253-81-9.
- The Yezidi Religious Textual Tradition: From Oral to Written. Categories, Transmission, Scripturalisation and Canonisation of the Yezidi Oral Religious Texts (With Samples of Oral and Written Religious Texts and with Audio and Video Samples on CD-ROM), Series: Studies in Oriental Religions, vol. 72, Harrassowitz, Wiesbaden, 2017.
Reviews: 1) Bruinessen, M. van, Kurdish Studies 6(1), 2018, pp. 155–157; 2) Hutter, M., Anthropos 113, 2018, pp. 328–330; 3) Schmidinger, Th., Wiener Jahrbuch für Kurdische Studien 6, 2018, pp. 353–354.
- with Kreyenbroek, Ph. (guest eds.), Kurdish Studies 4(2), special issue: Yezidism and Yezidi Studies in the Early 21st Century, Transnational Press London, London, 2016.
- (ed.), Religious Minorities in Kurdistan: Beyond the Mainstream, Series: Studies in Oriental Religions, vol. 68, Harrassowitz, Wiesbaden, 2014.
- Turkish translation: Kürdistan'daDiniAzınlıklar: Ana-akımın dışında kalanlar, from English to Turkish: İ. Bingöl, Avesta, Istanbul, 2014.
Reviews: 1) Bruinessen, M. van, Kurdish Studies 2(2), 2014, pp. 240–243. 2) Osztovics, Ch., Wiener Jahrbuch für Kurdische Studien 2, 2014, 2015, pp. 522–523.
- Kurdish Reader: Modern Literature and Oral Texts in Kurmanji. With Kurdish-English Glossaries and Grammatical Sketch, Harrassowitz, Wiesbaden, 2011.
Reviews: 1) Ammann, B.,Orient. Deutsche Zeitschrift für Politik, Wirtschaft und Kultur des Orients 1, 53, Berlin, 2012, pp. 44–45; 2) Chyet, M., Zeitschrift der Deutschen Morgenländischen Gesellschaft 163, Wiesbaden, 2013, pp. 267–270; 3) Schmidinger, Th., Wiener Jahrbuch für Kurdische Studien 1, 2013, pp. 340–342; 4) Mörth, K., Wiener Zeitschrift für die Kunde des Morgenlandes 104, 2014, pp. 373–375; 5) Amr, T. A., Orientalistische Literaturzeitung 110(3), 2015, pp. 244–246.
- Ēzdīyātī: Ğivāk, Sambol, Rītūal ū Mīt (Yezidism: Society, Symbol, Observance and Myth), from English to Kurdish: E. Opengîn; from Roman to Arabic script: K. Xankî, Kurdish Academy, Erbil, 2011. (In Kurdish)
- Kreyenbroek, Ph.G. in collab. with Z. Kartal, Kh. Omarkhali, and Kh. J. Rashow, Yezidism in Europe: Different Generations Speak about their Religion. Göttinger Orientforschungen, Reihe: Iranica, Harrassowitz, Wiesbaden, 2009. (Contents and Preface)
- Arabic translation: Dīyānat al-Yazīdīya fī Awrupā, from English to Arabic: M. H. Ibrahim, Erbil, 2016.
- Turkish translation: Avrupa’da Yezidilik Farklı kuşaklar dinleri hakkında konuşuyor, from English to Turkish:H. İlhan, Avesta, Istanbul, 2011.
Reviews: 1) Schmidinger, Th., Orient. Deutsche Zeitschrift für Politik, Wirtschaft und Kultur des Orients, 2010, pp. 73–75; 2) Six-Hohenbalken, M., Wiener Zeitschrift für die Kunde des Morgenlandes 101, 560–562; 3) Ackermann, A., Religion 40(4), pp. 366–368.
- Mêtodeke Analîza Qewlên Êzdiyan (A Method of the Analysis of the Yezidi Religious Hymns), in collab. with K. Xankî, Avesta, Istanbul, 2009, 190 p. (In Kurdish)
- (ed.), Sehîdê Îbo, Kurdê Rêwî (Kurdish Wayfarer), from Cyrillic to Roman, intr., comments and dictionary by Kh. Omarkhali, Avesta, Istanbul, 2009. (In Kurdish)
- Êzdiyatî: Civak, Sembol, Rîtûel (Yezidism: Society, Symbol, and Observance), from English to Kurdish: Ergîn Opengîn, Avesta, Istanbul, 2007.
Reviews: 1) Derînce, Ş., ‘Êzdiyatî – xebateke sereke’, Diyarname 10.11.2007; 2) Reşîd, T., ‘Lêkolîna ola Êzdîyan; gaveke nû’, 19.02.2008; 3) Gökçen, A., ‘Ermenistan’da Ezidiler Suriye’de Kürtler’, Agos gazetesi, 22.02.2008.
- Jezidizm. Iz Glubiny Tysjačeletij (Yezidism. From the Early Millennia), St Petersburg State University, St Petersburg, 2005.
Reviews: 1) Firsov, S. L., NG-Religii, Moscow, 2006; 2) Basharin, P. V., Vostok 1, Moscow, 2007,pp. 194–196; 3) Averjanov, Ju. A., Vostok. Afro-Aziatskie obščestva: istorija i sovremennost’, 1, Moscow, 2007, pp. 200–201.
- (co-author with Šachnovič, M. M., et al.), Religii Mira (World Religions), St. Petersburg State University, Saint-Petersburg, 2005.
- (ed. with Steblin-Kamenskij I. M., et al.), Vtoraja mirovaja vojna na Vostoke. Vostok vo Vtoroj mirovoj vojne (World War II in the East. The East in World War II), Saint Petersburg, 2005.
B. Book Chapters
- Omarkhali, Kh., ‘Geleneksel Ataerkil Toplumlarda Namus Kavramının Karmaşıklığı: Yezidilik Örneği’, in Omarkhali, Kh. and Ph. Kreyenbroek (eds.), Devamlılık ile Dönüşüm Arasında Yezidilik (Turkish translation of Yezidism: Between Continuity and Transformation, Series: IRANICA, vol. 29, Harrassowitz, Wiesbaden, 2021), from English to Turkish: İbrahim Bingöl, Avesta, Istanbul, 2024, pp. 217–246.
- Omarkhali, Kh., ‘IŞID Saldırıları Sonrası Yezidi Geleneğinde Meydana Gelen Dönüşüm ve Kadının Konumu: Ilhan Kızılhan ile yapılan bir görüşme’, in Omarkhali, Kh. and Ph. Kreyenbroek (eds.), Devamlılık ile Dönüşüm Arasında Yezidilik (Turkish translation of Yezidism: Between Continuity and Transformation, Series: IRANICA, vol. 29, Harrassowitz, Wiesbaden, 2021), from English to Turkish: İbrahim Bingöl, Avesta, Istanbul, 2024, pp. 101–118.
- Omarkhali, Kh. (with Ph. Kreyenbroek), ‘Giriş’, in Omarkhali, Kh. and Ph. Kreyenbroek (eds.), Devamlılık ile Dönüşüm Arasında Yezidilik (Turkish translation of Yezidism: Between Continuity and Transformation, Series: IRANICA, vol. 29, Harrassowitz, Wiesbaden, 2021), from English to Turkish: İbrahim Bingöl, Avesta, Istanbul, 2024, pp. 11–20.
- Omarkhali, Kh., ‘Yezidis’, in Religious Minorities Online (RMO), edited by Erica Baffelli, Alexander van der Haven, and Michael Stausberg, De Gruyter, Berlin, Boston, 2024.
- Estelle Amy de la Bretèque and Khanna Omarkhali, 'The Yezidi Religious Music: A First Step in the Analysis of the Acoustic Shape of Qewls', in Omarkhali, Kh. and Kreyenbroek, Ph.G. (special eds.), Oral Tradition among Religious Communities in the Iranian-Speaking World, Special issue of Oral Tradition, vol. 35, Number 2, Harvard University, Cambridge, 2022. E-ISSN 1542-4308, pp. 309–330.
- Kreyenbroek, Ph. and Omarkhali, Kh., Introduction to Omarkhali, Kh. and Kreyenbroek, Ph.G. (special eds.), Oral Tradition among Religious Communities in the Iranian-Speaking World, Special issue of Oral Tradition, vol. 35, Number 2, Harvard University, Cambridge, 2022. E-ISSN 1542-4308, pp. 193–198.
- Omarkhali, Kh., ‘The Complexity of the Notion of Honour in Traditional Patriarchal Societies: The Case of Yezidism’, in Yezidism: Between Continuity and Transformation, edited by Omarkhali, Kh. and Kreyenbroek, Ph., Series: IRANICA 29, Harrassowitz, Wiesbaden, 2021, pp. 181–202.
- Kreyenbroek, Ph. and Omarkhali, Kh., Introduction to Yezidism: Between Continuity and Transformation, edited by Omarkhali, Kh. and Kreyenbroek, Ph., Series: IRANICA 29, Harrassowitz, Wiesbaden, 2021, pp. XI–XVI.
- Omarkhali, Kh., ‘Transformations in the Yezidi Tradition and the Position of Women after the ISIS Attacks: An Interview with Ilhan Kizilhan’, in Yezidism: Between Continuity and Transformation, edited by Omarkhali, Kh. andKreyenbroek, Ph., Series: IRANICA 29, Harrassowitz, Wiesbaden, 2021, pp. 95–106.
- Kreyenbroek, Ph. and Omarkhali, Kh., ‘‘Kurdish’ Religious Minorities in the Modern World’, The Cambridge History of the Kurds, edited by H. Bozarslan, C. Gunes, and V. Yadirgi, Cambridge University Press, 2021, pp. 533–559.
- Kreyenbroek, Ph. and Omarkhali, Kh., ‘‘Kurdish’ Religious Minorities in the Modern World’, The Cambridge History of the Kurds, edited by H. Bozarslan, C. Gunes, and V. Yadirgi, Cambridge University Press, 2021, pp. 533–559.
- Omarkhali, Kh., ‘Das Êzîdentum: Anmerkungen zu den jüngsten Entwicklungen’, Religion in Kurdistan: Mehrheiten, Minderheiten, Heterodoxien, Übersetzung aus dem Englischen von Christoph Osztovics, Vienna Yearbook for Kurdish Studies, edited by Th. Schmidinger et al., Vienna, 2019, pp. 157–168.
- with Joisten-Pruschke, A., ‘Kurdische Magie: jesidische Zauberschalen’, in Günther, S. und Pielow, D. (eds.), Die Geheimnisse der oberen und der unteren Welt: Magie im Islam zwischen Glaube und Wissenschaft, Reihe: Islamic History and Civilization, Band 158, Leiden, Boston, 2018, pp. 461–475.
- Omarkhali, Kh. und Joisten-Pruschke, A., ‘Kurdische Magie: jesidische Zauberschalen’, in Günther, S. und Pielow, D. (eds.), Die Geheimnisse der oberen und der unteren Welt: Magie im Islam zwischen Glaube und Wissenschaft, Reihe: Islamic History and Civilization, Band 158, Leiden, Boston, 2018, pp. 461–475.
- ‘Zerdüştlük ve Avesta’ (Zoroastrianism and Avesta), Avesta - Zerdüştilerin Kutsal Metinleri, Avesta, Istanbul, 2017, 3rd edition, pp. 9–31. (1st edition 2012; 2nd edition 2014).
- ‘Current Changes in the Yezidi System of Transmission of Religious Knowledge and Status of Spiritual Authority’,in Omarkhali, Kh. (ed.), Religious Minorities in Kurdistan: Beyond the Mainstream, Series: Studies in Oriental Religions, vol. 68, Harrassowitz, Wiesbaden, 2014, pp. 67–77.
- with Mossaki, N., ‘A History of Russian Kurdology: With a Brief Literature Overview’, in Hennerbichler, F. et al. (eds.), Wiener Jahrbuch für Kurdische Studien. Die Geschichte von Kurdischen Studien und Kurdologie. Nationale Methodologien und transnationale Verflechtungen, Wiener Verlag für Sozialforschung, Ausgabe 2, Vienna, 2014, pp. 140–177.
- Introduction to Religious Minorities in Kurdistan: Beyond the Mainstream, Omarkhali, Kh. (ed.), Series: Studies in Oriental Religions, vol. 68, Harrassowitz, Wiesbaden, 2014, pp. XVII–XXXVIII.
- ‘Los Kurdos de la Ex Unión Soviética: una Perspectiva Histórica y Cultural’ (The Kurds in the former Soviet states: from the historical and cultural perspectives), in M. Férez Gil (ed.), Estos son los Kurdos. Análisis de una Nación, Universidad Anáhuac Mexico, Senado de la República Mexicana, México, 2014, pp. 257–272.
- ‘Yezidiler Yezidilerin dini bilgileri aktarma sisteminde ve ruhani otorite statüsünde bugün meydana gelen değişimler’ (Current Changes in the Yezidi System of Transmission of Religious Knowledge and Status of Spiritual Authority),in Omarkhali, Kh. (ed.), Kürdistan'daDiniAzınlıklar: Ana-akımın dışında kalanlar, from English into Turkish:İ. Bingöl, Avesta, Istanbul, 2014, pp. 127–141.
- ‘Jesidismus’,in Handbuch der Iranistik, L. Paul (ed.), Ludwig Reichert Verlag, Wiesbaden, 2013, pp. 222–225.
- ‘Kurdische Literatur’, in Handbuch der Iranistik, L. Paul (ed.), Ludwig Reichert Verlag, Wiesbaden, 2013, pp. 340–343.
- Omarkhali, Kh., ‘Zerdüştlük ve Avesta’ (Zoroastrianism and Avesta), Avesta. Zerdüştilerin Kutsal Metinleri. Introduction to the Avesta, from English into Turkish: F. Adsay,İ. Bingöl, Avesta, Istanbul, 2012, pp. 9–31. (2nd edition 2014, 3rd edition 2017).
- ‘Yezidi Religious Oral Poetic Literature: Status, Formal Characteristics, and Genre Analysis. With Some Examples of Yezidi Religious Texts’, in Krivko, R., Lourié, B., Orlov, A. (eds.), Scrinium, 7-8: Ars Christiana. Revue de patrologie, d’hagiographie critique et d’histoire ecclésiastique, part II, Gorgias Press & Axioma, Piscataway, New Jersey, 2011–2012, pp. 144–195.
- ‘Jezidskaja religioznaja pis’mennaja literatura’ (Yezidi religious written literature), Lazarevskie Čtenija 1, Zhigalina, O. I. (ed.), Institut Vostokovedenija RAN, Moscow, 2012, pp. 159–184.
- ‘KurdInnen in der ehemaligen Sowjetunion’, in Schmidinger, Th. (ed.), Kurdistan im Wandel. Konflikte, Staatlichkeit, Gesellschaft und Religion zwischen Nahem Osten und Diaspora, Peter Lang Verlag, Frankfurt am Main, 2011, pp. 225–239.
- with Rezania, K., ‘Some Reflections on the Concepts of Time in Yezidism’, in Allison, Ch., Joisten-Pruschke, A., Wendtland, A. (eds.), From Daēnā to Dîn. Religion, Kultur und Sprache in der iranischen Welt, Harrassowitz, Wiesbaden, 2009, pp. 331–346.
- ‘Qewl û Me‘nayên Êzdiyan: Paye û Rola Wan. Li Ser Pirsa Himberhevkirina Êzdiyatiyê, Yarisan (Ehl-ê Heq) û Zerdeştiyê’ (Yezidi religious hymns and legends: their status and role. On the question of the comparative analysis of Yezidism, Yāresān (Ahl-e Ḥaqq) and Zoroastrianism), from English into Kurdish: E. Opengîn, in Şêx Fexrê Adiyan. Fîlosof û xasê ola Êzdiyatiyê, Dengê Êzdiyan, Oldenburg, 2009, pp. 94–122.
- ‘Zoroastrizm’, in Religii Mira, Šachnovič, M. M. (ed.), St Petersburg State University, St Petersburg, 2005, pp. 103–110.
C. Headwords in Encyclopaedias
- Omarkhali, Kh., ‘Miṣḥafā Rash’, The Encyclopaedia of Islam, 3rd ed., Leiden, Boston, 2020, pp. 129–130.
- Omarkhali, Kh., ‘Kitāb al-Jilwa’, The Encyclopaedia of Islam, 3rd ed., Leiden, Boston, 2020, pp. 88–90.
- Omarkhali, Kh., ‘Jeziden’, in H. Hallermann, et al. (eds.), Lexikon für Kirchen- und Religionsrecht (LKRR), Band 2, Ferdinand Schöningh, Brill, 2019, pp. 682–684.
- ‘Jezidizm’ (Yezidism), Enciklopedija religij, Zabiyako, A. P., et al. (eds.), Moscow, 2008, pp. 594–596.
- ‘Jezidskie svjaščennye pisanija’ (Yezidi Sacred Books), Enciklopedija religij, Zabiyako, A. P., et al. (eds.), Moscow, 2008, p. 596.
- ‘Malaki Taus’, Enciklopedija religij, Zabiyako, A. P., et al. (eds.), Moscow, 2008, pp. 770–771.
- ‘Jezidizm’ (Yezidism), Religiovedenie: slovar’, Elbakyan, E. S. (ed.), Moscow, 2007, pp. 200–203.
- ‘Jezidizm’ (Yezidism), Religiovedenie. Enciklopedičeskij slovar’, Zabiyako, A. P., et al. (eds.), Moscow, 2006, pp. 469–471.
- ‘Jezidskie svjaščennye pisanija’ (Yezidi sacred books), Religiovedenie. Enciklopedičeskij slovar’, Zabiyako, A. P., et al. (eds.), Moscow, 2006, p. 471.
D. Articles
- Omarkhali, Kh., ‘An Amulet Scroll from Erzurum from August D. Żaba’s Kurdish Collection in the Manuscript Department, National Library of Russia, Kurd. 51’, Journal of Islamic Manuscripts 13(3), Brill, 2022, pp. 291–324.
- with Kreyenbroek, Ph., ‘Introduction to special issue: Yezidism and Yezidi Studies in the Early 21st Century’, KurdishStudies 4(2), Special issue: Yezidism and Yezidi Studies in the Early 21st Century, guest edited by Omarkhali, Kh. and Kreyenbroek, Ph., Transnational Press London, London, 2016, pp. 122–130.
- with Kreyenbroek, Ph., ‘Yezidi Spirits? On the Question of Yezidi Beliefs’, KurdishStudies 4(2), Special issue: Yezidism and Yezidi Studies in the Early 21st Century, guest edited by Omarkhali, Kh. and Kreyenbroek, Ph., Transnational Press London, London, 2016, pp. 197–207.
- ‘The Kurds in the Former Soviet States from the Historical and Cultural Perspectives’,in The Copernicus Journal of Political Studies. International Relations. Theory and Practice, 2(4), Piechowiak-Lamparska, J., Férez Gil, M. (eds.), Dom Wydawniczy Duet, Toruń, 2013, pp. 128–142.
- ‘Istoričeskie predposylki formirovanija Kanona v sovremennom jezidskom obščestve’ (Historical Preconditions of the Formation of a Canon in the Today’s Yezidi Society), Musul’manskoe prostranstvo po perimetru granic Kavkaza i Central’noj Azii, Belokrenicky, V. Ja., Oultčenko, N. Ju. (eds.), IV RAN, Kraft+, Moscow, 2012, pp. 216–223.
- ‘Peyvên di Qewlên Êzdiyan de’ (Kurdish Words in the Yezidi Hymns), in Kurmancî 51, Institut kurde de Paris, Paris, 2012, p 1.
- ‘Qewl û Me‘nayên Êzdiyan: Paye û Rola Wan’ (Yezidi Religious Hymns and Legends: Their Status and Role), Şêx Fexrê Adiyan. Fîlosof û xasê ola Êzdiyatiyê, veguhastin bi tîpên Erebî: S. C. Osman, Xanî, Duhok, 2011, pp. 125–157. (In Kurdish)
- with Xankî, K., ‘Mêtodeke Analîza Qewlên Êzdiyan’(A Method of the Analysis of the Yezidi Hymns), Şêx Fexrê Adiyan. Fîlosof û xasê ola Êzdiyatiyê, veguhastin bi tîpên Erebî: S. C. Osman, Xanî, Duhok, 2011, pp. 341–385. (In Kurdish)
- ‘Jezidskie kosmogoničeskie mify. K voprosu sravnitel’nogo analiza jezidizma, achl-i Chakk i zoroastrizma’ (Yezidi Cosmogonic Myths. To the Question of the Comparative Analysis of Yezidism, Ahl-e Ḥaqq and Zoroastrianism), Religiovedenie 4, Blagoveshchensk, 2010, pp. 105–119.
- ‘Names of God and Forms of Address to God in Yezidism. With the Religious Hymn of the Lord’, Manuscripta Orientalia. International Journal for Oriental Manuscript Research, vol. 15, 2, Thesa, St. Petersburg, 2009, pp. 13–24.
- ‘The Status and Role of the Yezidi Legends and Myths. To the Question of Comparative Analysis of Yezidism, Yārisān (Ahl-e Ḥaqq) and Zoroastrianism: a Common Substratum?’ Folia Orientalia 45–46, Cracow, 2009–2010, pp. 197–219.
- ‘On the Structure of the Yezidi Clan and Tribal System and its Terminology among the Yezidis of the Caucasus’, Journal of Kurdish Studies 6, Belgium, 2008, pp. 104–119.
- ‘Tawis (Senceq) di Ermenistanê da’ (Tawus (Senjeq) in Armenia), Lalish 28, Duhok, 2008, pp. 33–41. (In Kurdish)
- ‘Ezidizm i kastovoe delenie ezidskogo obščestva’ (Yezidism and Caste Division of the Yezidi Society), Religiovedenie 1, Blagoveshensk, 2006, pp. 11–24.
- ‘Rites de passage in Yezidism, Zoroastrianism and Vedic Religions’, in Iran. Cultural and historical tradition and dynamics of development,Moscow, 2006, pp. 116–118.
- Jezidizm – Nacional’naja Religija Kurdov. Avtoreferat dissertacii na soiskanie učёnoj stepeni kandidata filosofskich nauk, St Petersburg, 2006, 23 p.
- ‘Ster: svjatyni jezidov Armenii i Gruzii’ (Ster: Sacred Places of Yezidis of Armenia and Georgia), in VostokovedenieiafrikanistikavuniversitetachSanktPeterburga, Rossii, Evropy. Aktual’nyeproblemyiperspektivy,Saint-Petersburg, 2006, pp. 258–259.
- ‘Jezidizm – nacional’naja religija kurdov’, in Nauka, Religiya, Obščestvo, Šachnovič, M. M. (ed.), Saint Petersburg, 2005, pp. 35–43.
- with Reşo, X. C., ‘Cejna “Çarşemba Sor”. Sala Teze li cem êzîdîyên Îraqê, Tûrkîyê, Sûriyê û wisa jî li cem êzîdîyên Ermenîstanê û Gurcistanê’ (The Feast “Çarşemba Sor”. New Year among Yezidis of Iraq, Turkey, Syria and Yezidis of Armenia and Georgia), Peyama Kurd, Bohn, 08.04.2005, p. 8.
- ‘Kastovo-teokratičeskij princip delenija tradicionnogo ezodskogo obščestva’ (Caste-theocratic Principal of Division of the Yezidi Society), in Vostokovedenie: codex juvenalis, Saint-Petersburg, 2004, pp. 117–130.
- ‘Etničeskaja identičnost’ kurdov i samoidentifikacija kurdov-ezidov. Vzaimodejstvie s predstaviteljami drugich kul’tur’ (Ethnic Identity of the Kurds and Self-identification of the Yezidi Kurds), in Put’ Vostoka. Kulturnaja, etničeskajaireligioznajaidentičnost, vol. 33, Saint-Petersburg, 2004, pp. 100–105.
- ‘K voprosu ob upotreblenii epiteta “baran” v kurdskom fol’klore i avestijskom “Chvarno” ili pechlevijskom “Farre”’ (To the Question of the Usage of the Epithet “ram” in the Kurdish Oral Tradition and Avestan “Xvarno” and Pahlavi “Farr”), in Vostokovedenie: codexjuvenalis, Saint-Petersburg, 2004, pp. 60–64.
- ‘On the Question of the Genesis of Yezidism in Connection with the Initiation Ceremony in Vedic Religion, Zoroastrianism and Yezidism,’ in A. Krasnowolska, M. Rzepka (eds.), International Conference on Kurdish Studies (17–19 May, 2004), Polish Academy of Sciences Press, Cracow, 2004, pp. 145–151.
E. Reviews
- Omarkhali, Kh., ‘Abdullah Incekan. Kurdisch für Fortgeschrittene. Lehr- und Arbeitsbuch des Kurmancî mit Lösungen und Audiomaterial', 2.2 Linguistique: langues vivantes et dialectes, vol. 44, 2022, pp. 1–2.
- ‘Žigalina, Ol’ga I. (red.): Lazarevskie Čtenija. Vypusk 1. Moscow: Institut vostokovedenija RAN, 2012, 255 p.,’inHennerbichler, F. et al. (eds.), Wiener Jahrbuch für Kurdische Studien 3, Österreichische Gesellschaft zur Förderung der Kurdologie, Vienna, 2015, pp. 263–264.
- ‘Eszter Spät. Late Antique Motifs in Yezidi Oral Tradition. Piscataway, New Jersey: Gorgias Press LLC 2010. XVII, 549 S. (Gorgias Dissertations in Religion 52.) ISBN 978-1-60724-998-6), Zeitschrift der Deutschen Morgenländischen Gesellschaft (ZDMG), Band 164, Heft 2, Wiesbaden, Harrassowitz, 2014, pp. 571–574.
- ‘Istoričeskie pesni kurdov. Džalilov O. Dž. SPb.: Petersburgskoe Vostokovedenie, 2003, 832 s. (Serija “Orientalia”)’, Iran-name 2 (14), Dushanbe, 2010, pp. 236–240.
F. Translations, Interviews and Others
- ‘Una religione fraintesa e per questo combattuta’, L’Intervista Khanna Omarkhali with for Primo Piano, Corriere del Ticino, 27 February 2017, p. 3.
- ‘Transformations in the Yezidi tradition after the ISIS attacks: An interview with Ilhan Kizilhan’, KurdishStudies 4(2), Special issue: Yezidism and Yezidi Studies in the Early 21st Century, guest edited by Omarkhali, Kh. and Kreyenbroek, Ph., Transnational Press London, London, 2016, pp. 148–154.
- Translation from Russian to English of: ‘Olga Zhigalina, The Khorasan Kurdish khanates’ trade with Russia at the end of the nineteenth and beginning of the twentieth century’, inWiener Jahrbuch für Kurdische Studien 3, Österreichische Gesellschaft zur Förderung der Kurdologie, Vienna, 2015, pp. 203–214.
- ‘Yeziden in den ehemaligen Sowjetrepubliken’, Pogrom 287, Yeziden: Eine uralte Gemeinschaft kämpft ums Überleben, die GfbV-Zeitschrift „bedrohte Völker – pogrom“, 2015, pp. 32–33.
- ‘Convert to Islam or Die: Yezidism – an Ancient Religion under Threat’, Hamazor 4, 2014, pp. 22–26. ISSN: 2051-4883
- with Kreyenbroek, Ph., ‘Jesiden suchen ihre Identität. Wissenschaftler über Verfolgung, Traditionen und Entwicklung der Religionsgemeinschaft,’ Göttinger Tageblatt 220, Göttingen, 20. September 2014, p. 35.
- ‘Obituary: Prof Dr Ol’ga Zhigalina (1946–2013)’, Kurdish Studies, vol. 2, No. 1, London, Transnational Press London, 2014, pp. 75–79.
- Translation from Farsi into Russian of Ali Ashraf Darvishyan “Doroshti” (Reed Pen), in Collectio Rara, St Petersburg, 2006. (Reprinted from Iranskij kalejdoskop, St Petersburg, 2006, pp. 296–302.)
G. Lectures
- 26/Okt/2018: „Das Konzept der Ehre in der Konfliktregulierung jesidischer Gemeinschaften“, Projekttagung “Konfliktregulierung in Deutschlands pluraler Gesellschaft”, Max-Planck-Institut für ausländisches und internationales Strafrecht Freiburg, Berlin.
- 18/Jan/2018: “Negotiating Yezidi Religious Authority in the Digital Era”, the Käte Hamburger Kolleg Dynamics in the History of Religions between Asia and Europe, the Center for Religious Studies (CERES), Ruhr-Universität Bochum.
- 11/Jan/2018: “The Complexity of the Notion of Honour in Traditional Patriarchal Societies and its Reception by the Younger Generation in Germany: Kurds and Pashtuns as Case Studies”, Institut für Ethnologie, Georg-August-Universität Göttingen, Germany.
- 25/Nov/2017: with M. Sharapan “Perception of Tradition: Yezidis in Germany and Tibetan Buddhist coverts in Finland”, the 24th Nordic Intercultural Communication Conference, Jyväskylä University, 23.–26.11.2017, Jyväskylä, Finland.
- 04/Nov/2017: with Ph. Kreyenbroek “Die ezidische religiöse Tradition: vom Oralen zum Schriftlichen? Eine Debatte über die Sinnhaftigkeit und Zweckmäßigkeit eines schriftlichen ezidischen Kanons“, the conference Die Eziden im 21. Jahrhundert: Zwischen (Religions-) Freiheit in der Diaspora und Genozid im Nahen Osten, Gesellschaft Ezidischer Akademiker/-innen, Bielefeld, Germany.
- 05/Jul/2017: “Ferdowsī’s Šāh-nāma in the light of new evidence”, during the Habilitationsverfahren, Georg-August-Universität Göttingen.
- 29/Jun/2017: “The transmission of the religious knowledge in Yezidism: between tradition and modernity”, the lecture series “Bayerisches Orientkolloquium SS–2017”, Rahmenthema: Kulturlandschaften Südostanatoliens und Mesopotamiens: Lokale und transnationale Perspektiven, Bamberg/Erlangen, Germany.
- 12/Dec/2016: “Transformations of the ‘Mechanisms’ of Transmission of the Yezidi Religious Knowledge”, the series of lectures “Religiöse Traditionen unter Kurden”, Institute of Iranian Studies, Göttingen.
- 24/Nov/2016: Keynote: “Transformations of the ‘Mechanisms’ of Transmission of the Yezidi Religious Knowledge: The Effects of Multiculturalism and Literacy”, the 23rd Nordic Intercultural Communication Conference “Communicating knowledge and values in multicultural settings”, NLA University College in cooperation with University of Agder, 24.–26.11.2016, Bergen, Norway.
- 09/Nov/2016: Festvortrag: “Das Jesidismus und die Jesiden”, Sechster Empfang der Religionen: Jesiden, Universität Salzburg, das Zentrum Theologie Interkulturell und Studium der Religionen, Salzburg, Austria.
- 03/Jun/2016: “The History of Kurdish Studies in Germany” at the Inauguration Ceremony of the International Private Institute for the Study of Kurdish Societies(IISKS), Göttingen.
- 21/Jan/2015: “Transformation of the Yezidi Religious Tradition”, the series of lectures „Das Ende der Vielfalt? Die Arabellion und die Zukunft der Minderheiten im Nahen Osten”, Johann-Wilhelm-Fück-Vorlesungsreihe des Seminars für Arabistik / Islamwissenschaft am Orientalischen Institut der MLU, Halle.
- 05/Dec/2014: “The History and Current Situation of Kurdish Studies in Russia” during the workshop “Kurdische Studien als Lehrfach”, the Mustafa Barzani Arbeitsstelle für Kurdische Studien an der Universität Erfurt.
- 11/Apr/2014: “Some Remarks on Eschatological Beliefs of Yezidism”, the International Symposium “Islamic Alternatives. Non-Mainstream Religion in Persianate Societies”, Georg-August-Universität Göttingen, Göttingen.
- 27/Apr/2013: “Current Situation of Kurdish Studies in Europe”, Kurdish Studies Workshop in the Kurdish Institute in Vienna, 27–28.04.2013, Austria.
- 23/Feb/2013: “Kurdish Studies in Europe: History, Current Situation, and Perspectives”, International Symposium: Kurdistan and Kurdish Diaspora 1983–2013, the Kurdish Institute in Paris, France.
- 07/Sep/2012: “Current Changes in the Yezidi System of Transmission of Religious Knowledge and the status of Authority in Light of Political Developments”, 2nd International conference on Kurdish Studies “The Kurds and Kurdistan: Considering Continuity and Change,” The University of Exeter,School of Humanities and Social Sciences, 6–8.09.2012,Exeter, the UK.
- 01/May/2011: “Yezidi Qewls”, 2nd World Congress of Kurdish Studies, the Kurdish Institute of Paris in partnership with Duhok University, Duhok, Kurdistan Region in Iraq.
- 02/May/2011: “Kurdish Studies in Germany”, 2nd World Congress of Kurdish Studies, the Kurdish Institute of Paris in partnership with Duhok University, Duhok, Kurdistan Region in Iraq.
- 14–16/Dec/2010: International Conference “Revitalizing Research in Kurdistan”, the Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research, Kurdistan Regional Government, Erbil, Kurdistan Region in Iraq.
- 13/Dec/2010: Invited speaker: “Yezidi Cosmogonic Myths. To the question of the comparative analysis of Yezidism, Yaresan (Ahl-e Haqq) and Zoroastrianism”, the Kurdistan Academy of Science in Erbil, Kurdistan Region in Iraq.
- 02/Nov/2010: “Historical preconditions for the formation of the Canon in Yezidism”, during the conference “Cultural and religious traditions, social and political transformation, conflicts and interaction in the Near and Middle Eastern countries region (Turkey, Iran, Afghanistan, Pakistan, ethnic Kurdistan)”, the Center for Near and Middle Eastern Countries Studies of the Institute for Oriental Studies, Russian Academy of Sciences, Moscow, Russia.
- 30/Oct/2010: “Diachronic approach to the Yezidi Myth of Cosmogony”, the second international conference “The World of Islam: History, Society, Culture”, organised by the Peoples’ Friendship University of Russia, Moscow, Russia.
- 22/Sep/2010: “Current concerns with a Canon and historical preconditions for its formation in the Yezidi society of Today”, 31. Deutschen Orientalistentag. Spiegelungen, Projektionen, Reflexionen, organised by the Center for Near and Middle Eastern Studies of the Philipps-Universität Marburg, Marburg, Germany.
- 24/Nov/2009: “Yezidism. View from inside”, organised by St Ethelburga’s Centre for Reconciliation and Peace and Gulan promoting Kurdish art and culture, London, the UK.
- 07/Oct/2009: “Kurds in the Former Soviet States”, Adam Mickiewicz University, Faculty of new Language and Literature, Poznań, Poland.
- 08/Oct/2009: “Yezidi Cosmogonic Myths”, Adam Mickiewicz University, Workroom of Kurdish Studies at the Faculty of new Language and Literature, Poznań, Poland.
- 09/Oct/2009: “The Structure of the Yezidi Society. The caste-theocratic division and the Yezidi clan and tribal system”, Adam Mickiewicz University, Institute of Ethnology and Cultural Anthropology, Poznań, Poland.
- 02/Apr/2009: “Current concerns with a Canon in the nowadays Yezidi society”, the International conference “The Kurds and Kurdistan: History, Politics, Culture,” The University of Exeter, School of Humanities and Social Sciences, Exeter, the UK.
- 20/Mar/2009: “Yezidi religious literature: basis, functions, exegesis”, Seminar on Iranian Kurds, organised by the Department of the Kurdish Studies, Institute of Oriental Philology of the Jagiellonian University, the Kurdish Centre for Documentation and Information in Krakow, Krakow, Poland.
- 01/Nov/2008: “Qewl û meneyên êzdiyan û rola wan”, Conference on Sheikh Fakhrê Adiyan, organised by Yezidischen Forum e. V. Oldenburg.
- 07/Jun/2008: “The status and role of the Yezidi legends and myths. To the question of the comparative analysis of Yezidism, Yaresan (Ahl-e Haqq) and Zoroastrianism: a common substratum?”, the International Symposium “Non-Islamic religions in Iran: a non-essentialist perspective”, sponsored by the Graduate Research Program (Graduiertenkolleg “Götterbilder – Gottesbilder – Weltbilder”), 6–7.6.2008, Georg-August-Universität Göttingen.
- 13/Apr/2007: “Yezidi religious observances”, the International scientific Workshop “Yezidism in Transition – Communities at Home and in the Diaspora”, Johann Wolfgang Göthe-Universität Frankfurt am Main (Deutschland), Frankfurt on Maine.
- 07/Sep/2006: “Symbolism of birds in Yezidism”, World Congress of Kurdish Studies, organised by the Kurdish Institute of Paris in partnership with Salahaddin University, Erbil, Kurdistan Region in Iraq.
- 15/Feb/2006: “Rites de passage in Yezidism, Zoroastrianism and Vedic Religions”, the International scientific conference “Iran: Cultural and historical tradition and dynamics of development”, 14–16.02.2006,Moscow, Russia.
- 05/Jun/2005: Invited speaker: the seminar on Yezidism, The World Zoroastrian Organization (WZO), London, the United Kingdom.