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Department-Internal Teaching Evaluations

The diversity of disciplines at the Department implies a wide range of teaching and learning goals, kinds of events, didactic concepts and expectations. A multi-dimensional concept of evalualtion which includes partially standardized as well as qualitative questionnaires caters to this complexity. These questionnaires are guided by four criteria of quality at the Department.

In order to do justice to the specific concerns of our various disciplines, we have developed a department-internal questionnaire in cooperation with the Education and Teaching Committee: TIES (Teaching - Infrastructure - Engagement - Studies). It was passed by the Department Council during the 2015/2016 winter term and subsequently approved by the General Staff Council of the Freie Universität. The questionnaire is gradually adjusted to fit the specificities of various kinds of events.

Advantages of Evaluations

Advantages for Students Advantages for Teaching Staff

You are able to anonymously comment on the course or lecture and give your teachers unfiltered feedback on the merits of the course.

You receive valuable feedback about the positive or negative aspects of your teaching style and curriculum.

You are able to enter a dialogue with your teachers and refelct on the learning environment throughout the course or term.

The results of the evaluations can be used as proof of your didactic skills in future applications.
You can actively contribute to the improvement of the general learning and teaching conditions. Based on the results, you are able to gauge your possible need for further training with the FU-wide and free of charge qualification program 'Support für die Lehre.'

Our Methods

Student Questionnaires

Attention: Questionnaires only available internally 

Questionnaires for teaching competence (LeKo) for junior researchers and newly appointed teaching staff (§ 9 (2) Evaluation Guidlines of the FUB):

Department-Internal Questionnaire TIES (Teaching - Infrastructure - Engagement - Studies):

Self-Evaluations for Teaching Staff / Students

According to a wide range of goals set, we currently offer these methods for self-evaluation:

  • Inquiry of Expectations: Clarification of (mutual) expectations
  • Feedback on Learning Success: Clarification of learning success regarding content
  • Mini-Feedback: Naming of particular traits as quick feedback
  • Measuring of Success Margin: Clarification of Goal Achievement
  • Qualitative Questionnaire

Teaching Staff Questionnaries

Guidelines and FAQs

In order to simplify your interpretation of the results, we have compiled a few suggestions. We recommend discussing the results of student questionnaires in feedback rounds, which can be structured along these guidelines.

For more details of the teaching evaluations, please visit our FAQ page. In addition to these, we are always happy to personally help you in the case of unanswered questions or problems.

Contact Person at the Department

Quality Assurance of Teaching and Academics

Dr. Sabine Boomers

