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Dr. phil. Jean Yhee


Institute for Korean Studies

Department of History and Cultural Studies

Freie Universität Berlin


Jean Yhee, Dr. phil.

Senior Researcher for the Project „Dokumentation der deutschen Einheit (Documentation of the German Reunification)“, Institute of Korean Studies, Free University Berlin (Freie Universität Berlin)

이진 / 베를린 자유대학교 한국학 연구소 선임 연구원

Research Areas & Topics

Culture, Aesthetics and Political Thoughts in East Asia and Europe, especially on following topics:

1. Cultural Reunification Discourses from Humanities and Cultural Studies Perspectives. Cultural Memories and Identities. Reunification and Multiculturalism.

2. Pluralistic Democracy and Productive Conflicts, especially regarding Debates on the political-philosophical Concept of ‘Agon’ (ἀγών).

3. Compatibility of Secularism and Democracy, especially as the critical assessment of the thoughts of Baruch Spinoza and Friedrich Nietzsche.

4. Traditional and Modern Exchange of philosophical, political, cultural and aesthetical Ideas between Western and East-Asian Civilization.

Current Projects

Senior Researcher for the Project „Dokumentation der deutschen Einheit (Documentation of the German Reunification)“, Institut of Korea Studies, Free University Berlin since 2015, specifically in educational and cultural sectors.

Commisioned Work (Auftrag) for the interdisciplinary Research Project (Sonderforschungsbereiche: Collaborative Research Centres), Project No. 580, Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG, German Research Foundation): „Wissenstransfer als interkulturelle Translation: Erarbeitung modellhafter Praxen transformationsvorbereitender Aktivitäten in Korea.“ (since December, 2014)

Curriculum Vitae

Ph. D. thesis „Nietzsche contra Spinoza“, successfully defended and highly acknowledged with the best note, summa cum laude at Kulturwissenschaft (Cultural Studies), Humboldt Univ. Berlin, Germany (Supervisors: Prof. Dr. Renate Reschke, Kulturwissenschaft und Prof. Dr. Volker Gerhardt, Philosophy of Law, Ethics and Politics) in 2014.
The thesis examined the development of the political sovereignty of the individuals and the conflict between individuals and the massification phenomenon in the new modern condition of the democracy, which were representatively reflected in Nietzsche’s Spinoza reception.

Fellowship Awardee of Kolleg Friedrich Nietzsche, Klassik Stiftung Weimar and was granted residential research right at the “Nietzsche-Haus” in Weimar, Germany during September 2013 and January 2014

Scholarship Awardee of the KHK Foundation for Ph. D research (South Korea) until 2013

Großes Latinum (2008) und Graecum (2009)

Studied Philsophical Aesthetics (M.A.) at the Seoul National University in South Korea (Thesis: „Aristoteles‘ δύναμις (dynamis) and Spinozas potentia: Genesis of Freedom out of the Potence Concept and its Aesthetic Dimension“)

Studied Law (B.A.) at Korea University

Publications (Selected)

Spinozas „Maskerade“: Nietzsche über „Spinozas psychologischen Hintergrund“, in: Georg & Zittel (Ed.), Nietzsches Philosophie des Unbewussten, Berlin, New York: De Gruyter 2012

니체의 스피노자 수용에 대한 관점들 그리고새로운 문헌학적 전거- “카오스 즉 자연(Chaos sive natura)”의 구상, 한국니체학회, 니체연구 (25), pp.195 ~ 221, 2014-04

Ein europäischer Topos des Denkens. Diese Rezension zu Nikolaos Loukidelis. „Es denkt“. Ein Kommentar zum Aphorismus 17 aus „Jenseits von Gut und Böse“, in: Friemert & Reschke (Ed.), Nietzscheforschung, Bd. 22, De Gruyter 2015

Translations for interdisciplinary Research Project SFB No. 580 (Sonderforschungsbereiche: Collaborative Research Centres): „Wissenstransfer als interkulturelle Translation: Erarbeitung modellhafter Praxen transformationsvorbereitender Aktivitäten in Korea.“, Zentrum der Sozialforschung Halle und Institut für Koreastudien, Freie Universität Berlin:

· Soziale Strukturen und Generationen (Social Structures and Generations), Michael Hofmann & Bernd Martens

· Unternehmerische Selbständigkeit im ostdeutschen Transformationsprozess und Implikationen für Korea (Entrepreneurship during the Tranformation Process in East Germany and its Implications for Korea) , Michael Fritsch & Michael Wyrwich

· Übergang von der Adoleszenz ins Erwachsenenalter. Die Rolle des sozialen und politischen Wandels in Deutschland in den 1990er Jahren mit Anmerkungen zu Korea, Rainer K. Silbereisen

· Eliten in Transition und Wiedervereinigung, Heinrich Best & Lars Vogel

Translation of the officially commissioned Research on the 25th Year after the German Reunification:Deutschland 2014 - 25 Jahre Friedliche Revolution und Deutsche Einheit - Kurzzusammenfassung der Ergebnisse. Forschungsprojekt im Auftrag der Beauftragten der Bundesregierung für die neuen Bundesländer(commissioned by the Reunifications-Attaché, the Embassy of Republic of Korea in Germany)

T'ongil Chŏnŭi T'ongil. Kongganŭi Ijilchŏk Kiŏge Taehan Munhwahakchŏk Sogo (통일 전의 통일. 공간의 이질적 기억에 대한 문화학적 소고; Reunification prior to the official reunification. Heterogeneous Memories on Sites and Cultural Memory Studies) in: LH Insight, No. 21, 2015 (Link)


Rehberg, Karl-Siegbert; Yhee, Jean (translation and commentary on its Implications on Korean Peninsula), Misullonjaengŭi Irŭmŭro Pŏrŏjin Sahoedamnonŭi Taerijŏnjaeng: T'ongil Hu Chŏn'gaedoen Togil Naeŭi Misullonjaengŭi Yŏksawa Kinŭnge Kwanhae, [미술논쟁의 이름으로 벌어진 사회담론의 대리전쟁: 통일 후 전개된 독일 내의 미술논쟁의 역사와 기능에 관해] (2-1) (Deklassierung der Künste als stellvertretender Gesellschaftsdiskurs. Zu Geschichte und Funktion des deutsch-deutschen Bilderstreites), in: 한국미학예술학회, <미학 예술학 연구> (The Korean Society of Aesthetics and Science of Art, Mihak Yesurhak Yŏn'gu), No. 45, Vol. 0 (2015), pp.323-358 (Link), http://dx.doi.org/10.17527/JASA.45.0.10


Bartzsch, Arne; Lee, Eun-Jeung; Pfennig, Alexander; Pfennig, Werner; Yhee, Jean et al. (Ed.), 20 Jahre deutsche Wiedervereinigung, vol.1-45 (White paper publications on the process of the German Reunification with introductions for Korean government and researchers, with original government documents from the Federal Republic of Germany and German Democratic Republic, and interviews with witnesses), Ministry of Unification, Seoul 2010–2016


Lee, Eun-Jeung; Yhee, Jean et al. (Ed.), German Reunification – Korean Edition (독일통일총서. 통합 관련 정책문서), vol. 10–12, Ministry of Unification, Seoul, 2015:

Vol. 10, < Costs of Unification (통일비용)>
Vol. 11, <Trust Agency (신탁관리청)>
Vol. 12, <Medical Care and Public Health (보건·의료)>

Lee, Eun-Jeung; Yhee, Jean et al. (Ed.), German Reunification – Korean Edition (독일통일총서. 통합 관련 정책문서), vol. 13–14, Ministry of Unification, Seoul, 2016:

<Social Securicy and Pension (사회복지·연금)>
< Unemployment Insurance and Labor Union (실업보험·노동조합)>

Lee, Eun-Jeung; Yhee, Jean et al. (Ed.), German Reunification – Korean Edition (독일통일총서. 통합 관련 정책문서), vol. 15–19, Ministry of Unification, Seoul (to be published in 2017):

<Currency Union (화폐통합)>
<AA 2+4 (외교) I>
< AA 2+4 (외교) II >
< Education / Bildung (교육) I>
< Education / Bildung (교육) II>

Parsifal, Siegfried und der Kompromiss der Moderne: Nietzsche über Wagners Verhältnis zum Schopenhauerschen Pessimismus und spinozistischen Optimismus. In Renate Reschke & Jutta Georg (eds.), Nietzsche Und Wagner: Perspektiven Ihrer Auseinandersetzung. De Gruyter 171-180 (2016) (Link)

Cultural Memories of Division and Unification : Memory Space and the Cultural Unification of Divided Nation-States (<분단과 통일의 문화적 기억: 기억의 공간 그리고 분단 국가의 문화적 통일>), 한국미학예술학회, <미학 예술학 연구> (The Korean Society of Aesthetics and Science of Art, Mihak Yesurhak Yŏn'gu), No. 47, Vol. 0 (2016), pp. 111-139 (Link), http://dx.doi.org/10.17527/JASA.47.0.04


The Ph.D thesis “Nietzsche contra Spinoza” that was awarded with Summa cum laude will be published after revision in 2016

Translation of Nobert Bolz, „Wer nicht spielt, ist krank“ – Warum Fußball, Glückspiel und Social Games lebenswichtig für uns sind“, Munye Publishing (문예출판사) (to be published in 2016)

Division and Circulation of Memories: On the Role of Documentation in the Integration Process from a Cultural Memory Studies Perspective,UC Berkeley University (to be published in 2016)


Conference Talks, Lectures, and other academic Contributions (Selected)

Served as General Secretary for the Hegel Society of Korea (Hegel Gesellschaft Koreas), organizing over 20 monthly conferences during 2002 – 2004

“How to Become What You Are: Suffering and aesthetic Self-determination in Nietzsche’s Spinoza Reception”, 18th International Congress of Aesthetics: , Beijing National University, China, 2010

Spinozas „Maskerade“: Nietzsche über „Spinozas psychologischen Hintergrund“, at the International Conference: ‚Nietzsches Philosophie des Unbewussten‘ in Naumburg, 2011

“Nietzsche contra Spinoza. Bedeutung des Nachlasses in Nietzscheforschung”, at the 19. Nietzsche-Werkstatt-Schulpforta: „Methoden der Nietzsche-Interpretation“, 2011

„Parsifal contra Siegfried. Nietzsche über Wagners Verhältnis zum Schopenhauerschen Pessimismus und spinozistischen Optimismus“, at the International Conference: „Nietzsche und Wagner - Perspektiven ihrer Auseinandersetzung“ in Naumburg, 2013

„Multikulturalität und Agonalität“, at the International Conference: „Mit Nietzsche nach Nietzsche“ in Weimar, Janauary 8th, 2014

Concepts and Co-Work with the artist Noh, Yeon-Jeong on her Austrian-Southkorean Art Project „Stimme aus Schweigen“ (Voice from Silence) on Victims and their Families during the NS-Regimes, der Wars in Korea and Europe, and the following ideological Incitements in both Countries (Universität für Angewandte Kunst Wien), 2013-2014

„Wiedervereinigung und Multikulturalität? Ein Deutschland-Korea-Vergleich in Erinnerung an 25 Jahre Berliner Mauerfall“, at the international conference: „Ereignis und Spekulation – Philosophische Momente“, Weimar City Hall, Kolleg Friedrich Nietzsche, Klassik Stiftung Weimar, October 23rd, 2014

Concept and Organization of the Symposium with Exhibition: „Dunkle Grenze in Korea“ with NON-Berlin and Heko, as an official Side Programm of „Lichtgrenze“ in Memory of 25th of the fall of the Berlin Wall. Lectures on „Kulturelle Wiedervereinigung und kulturelle Vielfalt“ (Cultural Reunification and Cultural Diversity), November, 2014

„Die Agonistik und die Grenzgänge. Zur Produktivität eines kulturellen Konflikts im Hinblick auf die Wiedervereinigungsrhetorik in Korea und Deutschland“, at the International Conference: „Denken in der Polis“ in Weimar (Kolleg Friedrich Nietzsche, Klassik Stiftung Weimar), July 16th, 2015

Concept and Organization of the International Workshop an der Freien Universität Berlin op: the Reunification Process in the Educational Sector in Germany and its implications for Korea (the Internationalen Workshop: Der Vereinigungsprozess im Bildungswesen in Deutschland und mögliche Implikationen für Korea), October 20-21st, 2015 in Berlin

“Divided Memories. The Constitutive Character of the Public Memory in Conflict at the International Conference”, at the International Conference: “Divided Nations: Paradigms of the Past, Options for the Future”, the University of California Berkeley, November 6-7th, 2015

Organization and Discussion: “Cultural Memories of Division and Integration. Documentations, Art-Exhibitions and Memorial Sites” at “Art and Culture for Peace and Unification: Germany and Korea”, a jointed International Conference of Institute for Peace and Unification Studies (IPUS) der Seoul National University (SNU) and the Institute of Korean Studies (IKS) at the Freie Universität Berlin, November 11st, 2015

Invited to Panel Discussion in Dresdener Künstlermesse (Annual Arts Fair in Dresden, Germany) with the topic “Kunstproduktion in geteilten Staaten“ (Art Production in Divided Nations), January 8th, 2016

Plan of and Talk at the Conference at the Seoul Arts Center (서울 예술의전당): “Unification as an aesthetic Task”, The Korean Society of Aesthetics and Science of Art (한국미학예술학회), February 25-27th, 2016.

Talk at the International Workshop: Division of Mind, Integration of Mind (Institute of Korean Studies, Freie Universität Berlin & SSK[Social Science Korea] Research Center, University of North Korean Studies), May 23th, 2016

Protocol at the 6. Sitzung des Deutsch-Koreanischen Konsultationsgremiums zu Vereinigungsfragen (제6차 한독통일 자문위원회), May 26-27th, 2016, Berlin

Talk at the Forum “Historic Meaning of Cairo Declaration and Unification of the Korean Peninsula for Unification of the Korean Peninsula” in Cairo, Egypt on the “The Restorative Character of the Reunification Discourse in Korea and Cultural Reunification”, October 19th, 2016.


Translation and Interpretation (Selected)

Commissioned for various projects for the Ministry of Unification, (통일부), Koreanisches Kulturzentrum in Deutschland (주독 베를린 한국문화원), Korea Communications Commission(방송통신위원회), Goyang City (고양시) and other Ministries of Republic of Korea, as well as for distinguished institutions such as Korea Foundation (한국국제교류재단), Womenlink (한국여성민우회), Korean Symphony Orchestra (코리안심포니오케스트라), Tongyeong International Music Festival (통영국제음악제), Asia Culture City in Kwang-Ju(국립아시아문화전당), Dong-A Ilbo (동아일보), The Chosun Ilbo (조선일보), The Hankyoreh (한겨레신문) and Korea Educational Broadcasting System (EBS; 한국교육방송공사)


Media Interviews, Cultural and Arts Reviews (Selected)

Radio-Interviews im Programm „Kulturgespräch“, Deutschlandradio (Link zur Sendung am 1.19.2014 ; Link zur Sendung am 5.30.2014)

Rediscovery of Asian Art and Culture“ für die Ausstellung „Re-Asia“ im Haus der Kulturen der Welt, Berlin (Korea-Foundation, 2008)

문화적 저력을 결정하는 두 단어: 폭과 깊이 (1). 향유를 위한 오페라 문화. 발트뷔네 콘서트 '두 번째 이탈리아의 밤' (링크)

문화적 저력을 결정하는 두 단어: 폭과 깊이 (2). 숙고를 위한 오페라 문화. “현재의 흔적을 찾아서” – 동독출신 오페라 연출가 하리 쿠퍼 간담회 (링크)

<I Puritani (청교도)> (Opera Review of the Opera Production at Deutsche Oper Berlin, on the 22th of June, 2005) (링크)

Ästhetik Isang Yuns und Wir (윤이상의 미학과 우리). Invited Lecture im Seminar im IKS, im Kulturzentrum Korea in Berlin (17th of February, 2007)