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Grammatical traditions in contact: Studies on the Arabic, Greek and Syriac traditions | Semitistisches Forschungskolloquium "Forschungsperspektiven der Semitistik"

19.05.2021 | 16:00 c.t. - 18:00
  • Margherita Farina (CNRS): "Syriac metalinguistic terminology between 6th and 9th cent.: Some open issues"
  • Simona Olivieri (FU Berlin): "Assessing influences in the early Arabic linguistic tradition"
  • Nadia Vidro (University College London): "A book on Arabic inflexion according to the system of the Greeks: A lost work by Ḥunayn b. Isḥāq"

Zeit & Ort

19.05.2021 | 16:00 c.t. - 18:00

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