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Vortrag "Local Powers and the State"

12.11.2019 | 14:00 - 17:00

Dr. Juan Carlos Moreno García (Sorbonne Universität Paris), Prof. Dr. Franciscus Wiggermann (Universität Amsterdam), Dr. Eva von Dassow (Universität Minnesota) und Prof. Dr. Kristin Kleber (Universität Amsterdam): "Local Powers and the State".

Kristin Kleber, “The provincial system of Babylonia in the Neo-Babylonian period”

Juan Carlos Moreno Garcia, “Provincial administration and local authorities in Egypt in

the Early and Middle Bronze Age”

Eva von Dassow, (Title to be announced)

Franciscus Wiggermann, “The population of Tell Sabi Abyad (Syria) in the Middle Assyrian Period”

Zeit & Ort

12.11.2019 | 14:00 - 17:00

KFG 2615
Fabeckstr. 15
14195 Berlin

Deutsche Vorschungsgemeinschaft