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Vortrag von Elshan Ghasimi: Lost Generation? – Iranian Female Musicians and the Islamic Revolution

22.05.2024 | 18:00 c.t.
Elsam Ghasimi

Elsam Ghasimi

What were the consequences of the forced silencing of women singers in the public sphere, not least as a breaking off of spiritual and cultural traditions? Which paths of external and/or internal emigration did the female artists choose? To what extent did instruments and strategies of empowerment for female musicians in Iran and abroad emerge in the diaspora?
In a double approach on an artistic and academic level, Elshan Ghasimi is developing an event that illuminates the work of these uprooted generations in a detailed lecture with numerous musical examples.

Zeit & Ort

22.05.2024 | 18:00 c.t.

Fabeckstr. 23-25
Seminarraum 2.2058