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Cristiano La Lumia

Koserstr. 20
14195 Berlin


nach Vereinbarung

Personal Profile

September 2021-March 2022: Visiting Researcher at Freie Universität Berlin

From Nov. 2019: Ph.D. student in Global History & Governance, Federico II University of Naples and Scuola Superiore Meridionale

March-Aug. 2019: Visiting Researcher at Freie Universität Berlin

Sept. 2018: Diploma di Licenza, Scuola Normale Superiore, Pisa

Oct. 2018: MA in History and Civilization, University of Pisa

July 2016: BA in History, University of Pisa

Current research

My project concentrates on the relationship between citizenship and property rights in the interwar period, focusing on the case of the German ex-enemy aliens during the Twenties. Adopting an interdisciplinary approach based on history and legal history, my aim is to highlight how the economic persecution after the First World War redefined the national belonging of the former enemy citizens both in western European countries (United Kingdom, France, Italy, Belgium) and the United States.

Main publications:

The Ambiguities of Being Stateless. Property Rights, Statelessness and Enemy Aliens in the UK, France, Belgium and Germany (1914–1930), «German History», 41,1, 2023 (forthcoming)

From protection to liquidation: the case of the Milanese jurists and enemy alien property (1915–20), «European Review of History», 2021, 28, 2, pp. 199-219

«Un chiarore sinistro». I disordini antitedeschi di Milano del 26-29 maggio 1915, «Contemporanea. Rivista di storia dell'800 e del '900», 2019, n. 4, pp. 589-607

Giuristi all'attacco. La questione dei cittadini di nazionalità nemica nel dibattito giuridico italiano (1915-1918), «Quaderni fiorentini per la storia del pensiero giuridico», 48, 2019, pp. 269-308

 For more on my works, see my personal page on Academia.edu


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