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Gastvortrag Hans-Lukas Kieser

29.11.2023 | 18:00

Hans-Lukas Kieseris a historian of the Modern Era, especially the late and post-Ottoman world, at the University of Zurich and the University of Newcastle, Australia. His monographs in English include When Democracy Died: The Middle East’s Enduring Peace of Lausanne (Cambridge 2023), Talaat Pasha: Father of Modern Turkey and Architect of Genocide (Princeton 2018), Nearest East: American Millennialism and Mission to the Middle East (Philadelphia 2010), and A Quest for Belonging: Anatolia Beyond Empire and Nation (Istanbul 2007).

Zeit & Ort

29.11.2023 | 18:00

Fabeckstr. 23/25 Hörsaal -1.2009
