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The Korean Wave: Who are K-Pop Fans in Europe? Fandom, Fan-Activism, and Sub-Culture

2021 Korea-Europe Lecture Series (Feb 8th-12th)

2021 Korea-Europe Lecture Series

KDIS-FUIKS Korea-Europe Center

KDIS-FUIKS Korea-Europe Center

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In the last decade, South Korea’s popular culture, the Korean Wave, has become an international phenomenon going beyond its earlier boundaries of Asia. Observing this, the academia has responded to the global penetration of the Korean Wave with cautious but growing interests. Nonetheless, studies and discussions on the Korean Wave have predominantly concentrated on Asia and North America so far, but research on Europe is still rare despite increasing interests in and recognition of the Korean Wave in this region. Considering this gap, we offer series of lectures on the Korean Wave as an intercultural and interdisciplinary platform for dialogue in Europe. The first series of the dialogue focuses on K-Pop fans in Europe, especially fan characteristic, fandom, and fan activism and participation – through which one can discover and discuss othernization and mainstreaming of the Korean Wave in different European countries.

For inquiries on the program of this Special Lecture Series, please contact Dr. Seo-Young Cho (scho[at]zedat.fu-berlin.de).

Should you wish to join the Lectures, please send an email to Sueheon Lee (sueheonlee[at]gmail.com) by 6pm (Berlin time) on February 7th, 2021.

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Session 1 (February 8th, 4-5.30pm, CET)

Chinoiseries - Japonisme - Korean Wave. East Asian Winds in Europe
Presenter: Prof. Dr. Eun-Jeung Lee (Freie Universität Berlin, Germany) 

Session 2 (February 9th, 4-5.30pm, CET) 

Reflections on the Development of Swedish K-Pop and Hallyu Fandom
Presenter: Dr. Tobias Hübinette (Karlstad University, Sweden)

Session 3 (February 10th, 4-5.30pm, CET) 

K-Pop Fandom in Germany: Themes and Transformations
Presenter: Dr. Michael Fuhr (Universität Hildesheim, Germany)

Session 4 (February 11th, 4-5.30pm, CET)

Fan Entrepreneurship: Fandom, Agency, and Marketing of Hallyu in Israel
Presenter: Dr. Irina Lyan (Hebrew University of Jerusalem, Israel)

Session 5 (February 12th, 4-5.30pm, CET)

 The Korean Wave and Korean Studies in Europe: Survey and Discussion
Presenter: Dr. Seo-Young Cho (Freie Universität Berlin, Germany)
Student panelists: Lucie Bartosova (Charles Univ. Prague), Gwendolyn Domning (FU Berlin), Rikke Reiche Larsen (Univ. Copenhagen)

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