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Dr. Vladimir Glomb

Institut für Koreastudien

Fachbereich Geschichts- und Kulturwissenschaften

Freie Universität Berlin

wissenschaftlicher Mitarbeiter

Otto-von-Simson Straße 11
Raum DG02
14195 Berlin

Vladimir Glomb, Dr., geb. 1979, Promotion 2010 in Prag;
seit 2010 Assistant Professor für koreanische Philosophie und Sprache an der Karls-Universität Prag.

Higher Education:

2004 - 2010

Charles University, Prague
Ph.D. in History and Culture of Asian and African Countries
Thesis: Způsoby argumentace v Debatě o Čtyřech počátcích a Sedmi emocích [Methods of Argumentation in the Four-Seven Debate]

2005 - 2007 Sungkyunkwan University, Republic of Korea
postgraduate study at the Department of Confucian Studies and the Department of Korean Philosophy 
1997 - 2004 Charles University, Prague
Institute of East Asian Studies, Department of Korean Studies

Diploma ThesisJulgok I I a taoismus [Yulgok Yi I and Daoism]

Mar - Aug 2000

Yonsei University, Republic of Korea
Korean language training

2000 - 2004

Charles University, Prague
Department of Philosophy 

Professional Experience:

2016 Visiting research fellow at the Ruhr-Universität Bochum
Käte Hamburger Kolleg "Dynamics in the History of Religions between Asia and Europe". Project:  Senses and Metaphysics in Korean Confucianism.
2014 - 2015

Visiting research fellow at the Ruhr-Universität Bochum
Käte Hamburger Kolleg "Dynamics in the History of Religions between Asia and Europe". Project:  Borders of Orthodoxy and the Charm of False Learning in Korean Confucianism.

2010 - 2016 Assistant Professor at the Department of Korean Studies, Institute of East Asian Studies, Charles University in Prague.
since 2007 Lecturing on Korean philosophy and language at the Department of Korean Studies, Institute of East Asian Studies, Charles University in Prague.

Grants and fellowships

2010 - 2011 Chiang Ching-kuo Foundation for International Scholarly Exchange (Taiwan) research grant »Luo Qinshun and his role in Korean Four-Seven Debate : Sino-Korean Intellectual Exchange in Ming Times.«
2010 - 2012 (together with Vladimir Pucek) Academy of Korean Studies research grant for the project »Introduction into Reading and Interpretation of Korean Original Classical Texts (15th-early 20th Century).«
2012 - 2015 Academy of Korean Studies (AKS) Overseas Leading University Program for Korean Studies
Sept - Oct 2012 Exchange Professor at Kim Il-sung General University, DPRK
Jan - Feb 2014 Research fellow at Freie Universität Berlin, Institut für Koreastudien
2015 - 2016 Academy of Korean Studies (AKS) CORE University Program for Korean Studies (Deputy Director) 
Jan - Mar 2016 Research fellow at Freie Universität Berlin, Institut für Koreastudien 

Membership and others

AKSE (Association of Korean Studies in Europe)


Koreanische Philosophie, Konfuzianismus; vormoderne koreanische Sprache und Geschichte


 Together with Prof. Lee Eun-Jeung ( FU Berlin) »Wege zur Erleuchtung (myŏng/ming) in der konfuzianischen Philosophie Koreas – am Beispiel von Yulgok Yi I.« In: Renger, Almut Barbara (ed). Erleuchtung, Kultur- und Religionsgeschichte eines Begriffs“. Herder Verlag, 2016, pp. 345-369.

 »Yulgok and Laozi: Integration of the Daodejing into 16th Century Confucian Discourse. « In: Marion Eggert, Florian Pölking (eds.), Integration Processes in the Circulation of Knowledge: Cases from Korea, Peter Lang 2016, pp. 15-47.

 »Progressive Idealist: North Korean views on Yulgok Yi I.« In: Sungkyun Journal of East Asian Studies vol. 15/2, pp. 173-197.

 »Svatyně a literati: poznámky k formování traduce korejského konfcuianismu [The Shrine and Literati: Remarks to the development of the Korean Confucian Tradition] .« In: Labus, D., Löwensteinová, Miriam (eds.): Tradice a proměny: mýtus, historie a fikce v Asii, Filozofická fakulta UK v Praze, 2014, pp. 30-47.

 »Malá Čína: Korea pohledem středověké učebnice [Small China: Korea in the Traditional Primer Tongmong sŏnsŭp].« In: Podoby Koreje [Shapes of Korea], Univerzita Karlova v Praze, Filozofická fakulta 2013, pp. 63-88.

 »The Man Behind: Luo Qinshun and Korean Confucianism.« In: Archiv Orientalni – Issue 80.3 pp. 563-579.

 »Reading the Classics Till Death: Yulgok Yi I and the Curriculum of Chosŏn Literati.« In: Studia Orientalia Slovaca II.2 (2012), pp. 315-329.

 »Chaloupka strýčka Kima: příběhy korejských otroků[Uncle Kim’s Cabin: stories of Korean slaves].« In: Dálný východ 2.2, str. 48-59.

 »Reflexe otroctví v korejském konfucianismu [Perception of Slavery in Korean Confucia-nism].« In: Studia Ethnologica Pragensia 2011/2, p. 121-136.

 »Diagram a organizace pojmů v korejském konfucianismu: poznámky k počátkům “Debaty o Čtyřech počátcích a Sedmi emocích”.« In: Acta Universitatis Carolinae – Philologica 1, Orientalia Pragensia XVII. Praha: Univerzita Karlova 2010, p.141-164.

 »Dokonalá Cesta. Vytěsňování chaosu v korejském konfucianismu [The Perfect Way: Elimination of Chaos in Ancient Korean Confucianism].« In: Řád a chaos v archaických kulturách, Praha: Hermann a synové 2010, p. 69-84.

 »Zákon a postoj k němu v korejském konfucianismu [Lawand Views of the Law in Korean Confucianism].« In: Zákon a právo v archaických kulturách, Praha: Hermann a synové 2010, p.81-104.

 »Chŏnsŭpnokpyŏn - T’oegye Yi Hwang’s Critique of Wang Yangming in 1566.« In: Acta Universitatis Carolinae – Philologica 1, Orientalia Pragensia XVI. Praha: Univerzita Karlova 2007 p.131-154.

 »Genealogía de “El Camino” en Corea: Yulgok Yi I y su vision del Daotong. « In: Ojeda A., Hidalgo A., Corea Exterior, Corea interior, CEIC, Madrid 2008, p.37-54.

 »Yulgok Yi I (1536-1584): Otázky o dlouhém životě a brzké smrti [Yulgok Yi I 栗谷 李珥 (1536-1584): Questions about Long Life and Early Death].« In: Studia Orientalia Slovaka vol. 6, 2007, p.61-80.

 »La vida con los bárbaros. La visión coreana sobre la China del siglo XVIII.« In: El ámbito exterior de las relaciones coreanas, CEIC, Madrid 2004, p.133-150.


 Vladimír Glomb, Miriam Löwensteinová: Korejská náboženství [Korean Religions], Togga, 2015, 256 p.

 Vladimír, Pucek, Vladimír, Glomb: Klasická korejština [Classical Korean], Filozofická fakulta UK v Praze, 2013, 362 p.

 (editor): Podoby Koreje [Shapes of Korea], Univerzita Karlova v Praze, Filozofická fakulta 2013, 306 p.


On-going Publication Projects

 Introduction to Classical Korean (together with Thorsten Traulsen (Ruhr-University Bochum) and Elena Kondratyeva (Moscow))