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Call for Papers: Korean Europe Review No. 5 “Framing Sustainable Security on the Korean Peninsula”

Korea Europe Review CfP for No. 5 “Framing Sustainable Security on the Korean Peninsula”

Korea Europe Review CfP for No. 5 “Framing Sustainable Security on the Korean Peninsula”

News vom 27.02.2023

The Korea Europe Center is happy to announce the Korea Europe Review's next Call for Papers.

The Korea Europe Review (KER) is an interdisciplinary platinum open access, peer-reviewed journal specialising in Korean Studies and encompassing the social sciences in a broad sense. While the primary focus is on the Korean peninsula, the journal’s perspective aims to transcend the traditional boundaries of Area Studies in its mission to integrate scholarship on Korea in a multidimensional context of regional as well as global social, cultural, and political discourse.

The Korea Europe Review is now inviting submission proposals for Issue 5 “Framing Sustainable Security on the Korean Peninsula” (guest editor: Francesca Frassineti) forthcoming in November 2023.

More information here.

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