Prof. Dr. Cornelia Reiher

Ostasiatisches Seminar / Japanologie
Professorin für Japanologie (Gesellschaft)
Fachbereich Geschichts- und Kulturwissenschaften
Hittorfstr. 18
Raum 0.21
14195 Berlin
Sommersemester 2024
mittwochs von 10.00 -12.00 Uhr (vor Ort - online - telefonisch)
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CV Professor Dr Cornelia Reiher
2022, 2023 |
Visiting Researcher, Kyushu University |
2020-2024 |
PI DFG Projekt „Urban-rural migration and rural revitalization” |
2020-2023 |
Vizedirektorin GEAS (Graduate School of East Asian Studies), Freie Universität Berlin |
2020 |
Professorin für Gesellschaft Japans, Japanologie, FB Geschichts- und Kulturwissenschaften, Freie Universität Berlin |
2019 |
Visiting Researcher, DIJ Tokyo und DHI London |
2018 |
Visiting Researcher, Sophia University, Japan |
2016 |
Positive Evaluation as Junior Professor |
2015 |
Visiting Researcher, International Christian University, Japan |
2014 - 2020 |
Assistant Professor, GEAS (Graduate School of East Asian Studies), Freie Universität Berlin |
2013 |
JSPS Postdoctoral Fellow (Short-Term), Dokkyō University, Japan |
2012 |
Ph.D., Japanese Studies Committee: Steffi Richter (U Leipzig), Jörg Gertel (U Leipzig), Title of doctoral thesis: „Discourses on local identity in rural Japan: Arita’s ceramics industry in a global context” |
2011- 2014 |
Postdoctoral Fellow, Institute of Political Science and Japanese Studies, Halle University |
2007- 2011 |
Doctoral Fellow, DFG Graduate Research Training Group “Critical Junctures of Globalization”, Leipzig University |
2006-2007 |
Research Assistant, Institute of East Asian Studies (Japanese Studies), Leipzig University |
2004-2006 |
Coordinator for International Relations (JET Programme), Municipal Hall Arita, Japan |
2003-2004 |
Research Assistant, Center for Advanced Studies, Leipzig University |
2003-2004 |
Postgraduate Studies “German as a Foreign Language”, Leipzig University |
1997-2003 |
M.A. Japanese Studies, Political Science, Communication Science, FU & Leipzig University, Title of MA-thesis: “The image of Japan during the US-Japanese trade conflict 1984-1993” |
PhD Courses
Research Colloquium (with Sabrina Habich-Sobiegalla), Graduate School of East Asian Studies (GEAS), FU Berlin (Winter 2022/23)
Method Course: Research Design (Summer 2022), Graduate School of East Asian Studies, FU Berlin
Method Course: Research Design (with Elena Meyer-Clement) (Summer 2021), Graduate School of East Asian Studies, FU Berlin
Method Course: Research Design (with Elena Meyer-Clement) (Winter 2020/21), Graduate School of East Asian Studies, FU Berlin
Method Course: Research Design (with Elena Meyer-Clement) (Summer 2020), Graduate School of East Asian Studies, FU Berlin
Research Colloquium (with Elena Meyer-Clement) (Summer 2019), Graduate School of East Asian Studies, FU Berlin
Method Course: Research Design (with Elena Meyer-Clement) (Winter 2018/19), Graduate School of East Asian Studies, FU Berlin
Research Colloquium (with Elena Meyer-Clement) (Summer 2018), Graduate School of East Asian Studies, FU Berlin
Research Seminar “Institutions and Politics in East Asia” (with Hannes Mosler und Elena Meyer-Clement) (Summer 2017), Graduate School of East Asian Studies, FU Berlin
Research Design for Cultural Studies and History (with J. Brooks Jessup and Elena Meyer-Clement) (Winter 2016/17), Graduate School of East Asian Studies, FU Berlin
Research Design for Cultural Studies and History (with J. Brooks Jessup) (Winter 2015/16), Graduate School of East Asian Studies, FU Berlin
Research Seminar “Food and Institutions in Japan” (Summer 2015), Graduate School of East Asian Studies, FU Berlin
Research Design for Cultural Studies and History (with J. Brooks Jessup) (Winter 2014/15), Graduate School of East Asian Studies, FU Berlin
Research Colloquium (with Hannes Mosler) (Summer 2014), Graduate School of East Asian Studies, FU Berlin
MA Courses
Interdisciplinary methods exercise “Representations of East Asia, Representations of the Self: Social media research and hybrid ethnography” (MA Global East Asia) (Winter 2024/25)
The Globalization of East Asian Cuisines (Seminar) (Winter 2024/25) FU Berlin
The Globalization of East Asian Cuisines (Research Seminar) (Winter 2024/25) FU Berlin
MA Colloquium (Summer 2024), FU Berlin
Social Science Research in Japanese Studies (Summer 2024), FU Berlin
Digitalization in Japan (Seminar) (Winter 2023/24), MA Global East Asia, FU Berlin
Digitalization in Japan (Research Seminar) (Winter 2023/24), MA Global East Asia, FU Berlin
MA Colloquium (Summer 2023), FU Berlin
Social Science Research in Japanese Studies (Summer 2023), FU Berlin
Research Seminar „Japanese Cuisine in Berlin” (Summer 2023), FU Berlin
Knowledge is Power? Expert and lay knowledge in Japan's politics and society (Seminar) (Winter 2022/23), FU Berlin
Knowledge is Power? Expert and lay knowledge in Japan's politics and society (Research Seminar) (Winter 2022/23), FU Berlin
Social Science Research in Japanese Studies (Summer 2022), FU Berlin
Research Seminar „Japanese Cuisine in Berlin“ (Summer 2022), FU Berlin
MA Colloquium (Summer 2022), FU Berlin
Social Science Research in Japanese Studies (Summer 2021), FU Berlin
Research Seminar „Japanese Cuisine in Berlin“ (Summer 2021), FU Berlin
MA Colloquium (Summer 2021), FU Berlin
Social Science Research in Japanese Studies (Summer 2020), FU Berlin
Research Seminar „Japanese Cuisine in Berlin“ (Summer 2020), FU Berlin
MA Colloquium (Summer 2020), FU Berlin
Social Science Research in Japanese Studies (Summer 2019), FU Berlin
Research Seminar „Japanese Cuisine in Berlin“ (Summer 2019), FU Berlin
MA Colloquium (Summer 2019), FU Berlin
Social Science Research in Japanese Studies (Summer 2018), FU Berlin
Research Seminar „Japanese Cuisine in Berlin“ (Summer 2018), FU Berlin
MA Colloquium (Summer 2018), FU Berlin
Social Science Research in Japanese Studies (Summer 2017), FU Berlin
Research Seminar „Japanese Cuisine in Berlin“ (Summer 2017), FU Berlin
Civil Society, the State and Political Change (Winter 2016/17), FU Berlin
Social Science Research in Japanese Studies (Summer 2016), FU Berlin
Research Seminar „Japanese Cuisine in Berlin“ (Summer 2016), FU Berlin
Social Science Research in Japanese Studies (Summer 2015), FU Berlin
Reading Kobayashi Yoshinori’s Han TPP-ron (Winter 2013), Halle University
Japan after 3/ 11 (Summer 2013), Halle University
Reading Japanese Texts on Globalization (Winter 2012), Halle University
Japan from a Global History Perspective (Winter 2012), Halle University
Consumption in Japan (Summer 2012), Halle University
Politics and Economy of Food in Japan (Winter 2011), Halle University
Reading Japanese Texts on Food Safety (Winter 2011), Halle University
Consuming Things Japanese in a Globalized World (with Katrin Gengenbach) (Winter 2008), Leipzig University
BA Courses
Food in Japan’s Politics and Society (Seminar) (Winter 2024/ 25), FU Berlin
Alternative Japan: Lifestyle, Subculture und Activism (Seminar) (Winter 2024/25), FU Berlin
Japan’s Rural Areas: Culture, Politics and Mobilities (Seminar) (Summer 2024), FU Berlin
Japan’s Rural Areas: Culture, Politics and Mobilities (Research Seminar) (Summer 2024), FU Berlin
Essen in Japan in gesellschaftlichen und politischen Kontexten (Seminar), (Winter 2023/ 24) FU Berlin
Konsum in Japan: Verbraucherpolitik, Aktivismus und Identitäten (Seminar) (Winter 2023/ 24), FU Berlin
Mobile Japan: People, Ideas and Technologies (Seminar) (Summer 2023), FU Berlin
Mobile Japan: People, Ideas and Technologies (Research Seminar) (Summer 2023), FU Berlin
Alternative Japan: Lifestyle, Subculture und Activism (Winter 2022/23), FU Berlin
Japan’s rural areas (Summer 2022)
Food in Japan (Seminar) (Winter 2020/21), FU Berlin
Food in Japan (Research Seminar) (Winter 2020/21), FU Berlin
Alternative Japan: Lifestyle, Subculture und Activism (Winter 2020/21), FU Berlin
Japan’s rural areas (Summer 2020)
Knowledge is Power? Expert and lay knowledge in Japan's politics and society (Winter 2019/20)
Alternative Japan: Lifestyle, Subculture und Activism (Winter 2018/19)
Global Japan (Winter 15/16), FU Berlin
Japan’s Rural Areas (Winter 14/15), FU Berlin
Food in Japan (Summer 2014), FU Berlin
Global Commodity Chains (Summer 2014), FU Berlin
Food Studies and Japan (Winter 2013), Halle University
Introduction to Japan (Summer 2013), Halle University
Nihonjinron – Discourse on Japanese Identity (Summer 2012), Halle University
Regional Politics in Japan (Summer 2011), Halle University
History of Rural Japan (Summer 2011), Halle University
Introduction to Academic Writing (Summer 2010), Leipzig University
Nihonjinron – Discourse on Japanese Identity (with Steffi Richter) (Summer 2010), Leipzig University
Nihonjinron – Discourse on Japanese Identity (with Katrin Gengenbach) (Summer 2009), Leipzig University
- Food Knowledge, Food Safety in Japan and East Asia
- Culinary Globalization
- Migration
- Rural Japan
- Digitalization
DFG-Projekt RE 4234/2-1 Urban-rural migration and rural revitalization in Japan (2020-)
At the interface of social anthropology and political science and with a focus on Kyūshū, Japan’s most southern main island, this project aims to understand the impacts of urban-rural migration on rural revitalization by empirically studying interlinkages between urban-rural migration and rural revitalization as well as between local practices, urban-rural migration and larger societal, political and economic structures. In order to contribute to debates on the future of rural areas in Japan, the project will analyze how mobilities change social structures and orders, power inequalities between centers and their peripheries and central-local relations in Japan. Project data will be produced qualitatively via ethnographic fieldwork, formal and informal interviews and content analysis of documents and visual materials produced by different stakeholders
Urban-rural migration is not unique to Japan. What is particular about Japan, are the programs and subsidies initiated by different stakeholders to attract people to move (back) to rural Japan and in turn to revitalize local economies and agriculture. We will compare 1) how municipalities of similar size in different prefectures in Kyūshū appropriate central government’s programs and 2) how these programs impact on inmigration, inmigrants’ experiences and local rural revitalization practices in the respective municipalities. In order to understand the different trajectories of urban-rural migration, we will also compare 3) different types of urban-rural migration according to their initiation by different actors. In a nutshell, this project will shed light on how mobilities contribute to reconfigurations of rural spaces in Japan.
Project website:
Berlin’s Japanese Foodscape: Culinary Globalization and Japanese Migrants (2015 -)
Since the sushi boom of the 1990s, Japanese cuisine has become popular worldwide. Most Japanese restaurants in Berlin are owned by Vietnamese migrants, and the comparatively small Japanese community consists mainly of artists and students who work in Japanese restaurants to earn a living while pursuing their professional dreams and enjoying the freedom of an alternative lifestyle. These younger migrants from Japan are bringing new ideas and changing Berlin's Japanese gastronomy as well as the changing eating habits of Berlin's clientele. The project examines how Japanese cuisine in Berlin has changed against the backdrop of globalization, migration, and changing lifestyles from the 1990s to the present, and who are the actors of this change. The project analyzes different types and causes of this change. These include changing notions of what Japanese cuisine is, as well as the mobility of people who produce and sell Japanese food. At the same time, the ever-changing lifestyles and eating habits of Berlin's customers (vegan, vegetarian, and gluten-free diets) pose a challenge to Japanese restaurateurs, as does the corona pandemic, which has also contributed to innovations, e.g. in the field of social media. The project also examines the role of Berlin as a specific place in the transformation of Japanese gastronomy and attempts to capture various transnational flows that connect Berlin's Japanese food landscape with centers of Japanese gastronomy such as New York, London, Paris, and Düsseldorf. Using Berlin as a specific site, the project contributes to debates on culinary globalization, migration, and urban spaces. After almost ten years of fieldwork, the results of which I have already published in several publications, I am now in the process of writing a monograph. The research project evolved from a teaching project, the results of which can be found at
Habilitationsprojekt “Food Safety in Japan: Knowledge, Governance and Advocacy” (ongoing)
The book analyzes food safety from three perspectives: 1) knowledge production, 2) governance and 3) advocacy by consumers, farmers and the food industry. The book will compare three case studies: genetically modified organisms, pesticides and radioactively contaminated food. It deals with questions of expertise in the production of knowledge on food safety, the role of scientists in political consulting and deliberation councils and citizen participation in decision making-processes related to food safety. Because Japan imports more than 60% of its food, the project’s scope is transnational and includes food and agricultural trade, preferential trade agreements, international organizations and Japan’s role in the global agri-food system as well as transnational advocacy campaigns. The book project is based on fieldwork conducted in 2012, 2013 and 2015 and engages with conversations from food studies and science and technology studies. Theoretically, it deals with the relationship between knowledge and agency and addresses the relationship between politics and science as well as the power relations between different actors (scientists, individual consumers, farmers) at different geographical scales.
Handbook “Studying Japan: Research Designs, Fieldwork and Methods” mit Nora Kottmann (DIJ Tokyo) (finished 2020)
Japanese Studies is an interdisciplinary field. Research focusing on Japan’s society, politics, culture and history draws on a wide variety of theories and methods from various disciplines. This textbook responds to the increasing demand for systematic and transparent research practices in Japanese Studies and Area Studies communities. It aims to support training in research design, research methods and preparation for fieldwork in and beyond Japan. In short, it is the first comprehensive fundamental guide on methodology in Japanese Studies. Devoid of a comprehensive textbook on methodology in Japanese Studies, students often have to start from scratch when preparing their own research for their BA, MA or doctoral theses and are confronted with questions like “How do I start my research?”, “Which methods suit which research questions and designs?”, “How should I conduct my research?”, and so forth. Lecturers who advise students or teach methodology courses are also lacking a comprehensive textbook on methodology. In order to design a methods course they have to scan through a large body of different texts on methodology and methods. This textbook aims at making this process easier and offers a starting point for learning and teaching methods and research design in a Japanese Studies context and beyond. It compiles an overview of basic qualitative social science methods, presents doctoral students’ and senior scholars’ experiences of applying these methods to research on and in Japan, gives reading suggestions and offers exercises for self-study and hands-on activities during courses. In short, the book, which is a collaborative effort of more than 60 scholars from Japan, Europe, the US and Australia, provides the foundations for a course on qualitative research methods on Japan aimed at undergraduate and graduate students as well as early career researchers in Japanese Studies, the Social Sciences and Area Studies.
Reiher, Cornelia (ed.) (2024), Lived experiences of crisis in rural Japan: An anthology on the transformation of communities and migration during the COVID-19 pandemic, Berlin: CrossAsia Open Access Repository. (Open Access)
(2020) Reiher, Cornelia (mit Nora Kottmann) (Hrsg.) Studying Japan: Handbook of Research Design, Fieldwork and Methods, Baden-Baden: Nomos.
(2015) (mit Sarah Ruth Sippel), (Hrsg.), Umkämpftes Essen – Produktion, Handel und Konsum von Lebensmitteln in globalen Kontexten, Göttingen: Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht.
(2014) Lokale Identität und ländliche Revitalisierung. Die japanische Keramikstadt Arita und die Grenzen der Globalisierung, Bielefeld: Transcript.
Special Issues
Reiher, Cornelia (ed.) (2024), Virtual Special Issue: Urban-rural migration in Japan and Europe from a transnational and comparative perspective, Journal of Rural Studies,
(2018) Reiher, Cornelia (Hg.) „Fieldwork in Japan: New trends and challenges “, Special Issue, ASIEN – The German Journal on Contemporary Asia 149.
(2017) (with Tomiko Yamaguchi) (eds.), „Food, Agriculture and Risk in Contemporary Japan“, Special Issue Contemporary Japan 29, 1
Journal articles
Reiher, Cornelia (2025), “(In)visible newcomers: Foreign workers and internal urban-rural migrants in Japan’s countryside”, Journal of Rural Studies 114, (Open Access).
(2025) (mit Susanne Klien), “Navigating Belonging: Mobilities of Japanese Artists in (post) Covid-19 Berlin”, Mobilities 20, 1–15.
(2023) "Negotiating authenticity: Berlin's Japanese food producers and the vegan/vegetarian consumer", in Food, Culture & Society 26, 5: 1056-1071.
(2022) "Zieht aufs Land! Strategien japanischer Präfekturen zur Anwerbung von Stadt-Land-Migrant*innen vor und während der Corona-Pandemie", in Japan 2022, Iris Wieczorek und David Chiavacci (Hrsg.), München: Iudicium, S. 281-302.
(2022) “Berlin’s Japanese foodscapes during the Covid-19 crisis: Restaurateurs’ experiences and practices during the spring 2020 restaurant shutdown”, Berliner Blätter86, 105−122. Open acces:
(2018), „Fieldwork in Japan: New trends and challenges “, (Introduction to Special Issue on Fieldwork in Japan), ASIEN – The German Journal on Contemporary Asia 149, S. 5-13.
(2018), “Japanese Foodscapes in Berlin: Teaching research methods through food ”, in ASIEN – The German Journal on Contemporary Asia 149, S. 111-124.
(2018), „Verzicht als politische Strategie: Japanische Konsumenten und die Regulierung von Agrarpestiziden (1960-1980), Historische Zeitschrift, Beiheft 73, S. 89-112.
(2017), „Der Garnelenhandel zwischen Japan und Vietnam: Ein Beispiel für transnationale Warenketten und die Regulierung von Lebensmittelsicherheit in Asien“, Geographische Rundschau 12 (Special Issue „Nahrung und Ernährung im globalen Süden“), S. 44-49.
(2017), „(Ver-)Handlungsspielräume der Bewegung gegen genetisch veränderte Lebensmittel: Die transnationale Vernetzung japanischer Verbraucherorganisationen“, Beiträge zur Verbraucherforschung 7, S. 147-165. Published online July 2017:
(2017) (with Tomiko Yamaguchi), “Food, agriculture and risk in contemporary Japan”, Contemporary Japan (Special Issue on “Food, Agriculture and Risk in Contemporary Japan”) 29, 1, pp. 1-12. Published online December 2016:
(2017), “Food safety and consumer trust in post-Fukushima Japan”, Japan Forum (Special Issue on “Trust and Mistrust in Japan”), 29, 1, pp. 53-76. Published online October 2016:
(2016), „Lay People and Experts in Citizen Science: Monitoring Radioactively Contaminated Food in Post-Fukushima Japan “, ASIEN 140 (Special Issue on “Science & Technology Studies (STS) Research Initiative on Japan”), pp. 56-73.
(2013), „‘Japanische Lebensmittel sind die sichersten der Welt‘: Die Verräumlichung von Risiken im Diskurs über Lebensmittelsicherheit in Japan“, Asiatische Studien 67, 2, pp. 19-47.
(2012) „Food pedagogies in Japan. From the implementation of the Basic Law on Food Education to Fukushima“, Australian Journal of Adult Learning (Special Issue on “Food Pedagogies”) 52, 3, pp. 507-531.
(2012), "Lebensmittelsicherheit in Japan nach Fukushima: Produzenten vs. Konsumenten?", in Iris Wieczorek und David Chiavacci (Hg.), Japan 2012, Berlin: VSJF, pp. 283-307.
(2010) „Selling tradition in Japanese rural tourism“, Orientwissenschaftliche Hefte 28 (Special Issue on “Tradition within and beyond the framework of invention”), pp. 121-151.
(2009) „Bestimmt der Staat, was auf den Tisch kommt? Die Umsetzung des Rahmengesetzes zur Ernährungserziehung im ländlichen Japan“, in Iris Wieczorek und David Chiavacci (Hg.), Japan 2009, Berlin: VSJF, pp. 63-88.
(2008) „Kommunale Gebietsreformen der Heisei-Zeit und lokale Identität: Das Beispiel der Kommune Aritachō“, in Volker Elis und Ralph Lützeler (Hg.), Japanstudien 20, München: Iudicium, pp. 163-192.
Book chapters
Reiher, Cornelia (2024), “Introduction,” in: Reiher, Cornelia (ed.), Lived experiences of crisis in rural Japan: An anthology on the transformation of communities and migration during the COVID-19 pandemic, Berlin: CrossAsia Open Access Repository. (Open Access), pp. 8-14.
(2024), “The COVID-19 pandemic in rural Japan,” in: Reiher, Cornelia (ed.), Lived experiences of crisis in rural Japan: An anthology on the transformation of communities and migration during the COVID-19 pandemic, Berlin: CrossAsia Open Access Repository. (Open Access), pp. 16-27.
(2024), “Urban-rural migration in Japan,” in: Reiher, Cornelia (ed.), Lived experiences of crisis in rural Japan: An anthology on the transformation of communities and migration during the COVID-19 pandemic, Berlin: CrossAsia Open Access Repository. (Open Access), pp. 52-62.
(2024), “Abandoned houses and housing in rural Japan,” in: Reiher, Cornelia (ed.), Lived experiences of crisis in rural Japan: An anthology on the transformation of communities and migration during the COVID-19 pandemic, Berlin: CrossAsia Open Access Repository. (Open Access), pp. 98-109.
(2024), “Transnational connections,” in: Reiher, Cornelia (ed.), Lived experiences of crisis in rural Japan: An anthology on the transformation of communities and migration during the COVID-19 pandemic, Berlin: CrossAsia Open Access Repository. (Open Access), pp. 147-157.
(2023), “Studying rural Japan with PhD students during a global pandemic: Experiences from the research project “Urban-rural migration and rural revitalisation in Japan,” in: Sebastian Polak-Rottmann & Antonia Miserka (eds.), Research into Japanese society: Reflections from three projects involving students as researchers during the COVID-19 pandemic (= Beiträge zur Japanologie; 50). Wien: Abteilung für Japanologie, Institut für Ostasienwissenschaften, Universität Wien, pp. 142-157.
(2022) "Translating Food Sovereignty: Transnational Activism and Food Trade in Japan", in Die Aufgabe der Japanologie: Beiträge zur kritischen Japanforschung, Dorothea Mladenova / Felix Jawinski / Katrin Gengenbach (Hrsg.), Leipzig: Leipziger Universitätsverlag, S. 249-267.
(2020) Reiher, Cornelia mit Nora Kottmann, “Introduction: Studying Japan”, in: dies. (Hrsg.), Studying Japan: Handbook of Research Design, Fieldwork and Methods, Baden-Baden: Nomos, S. 19-28.
(2020), mit Nora Kottmann, “How to interview people: Qualitative interviews”, in: dies. (Hrsg.), Studying Japan: Handbook of Research Design, Fieldwork and Methods, Baden-Baden: Nomos, S. 184-195.
(2020), mit Cosima Wagner, “How to conduct reliable and fair research: Good research practice”, in: Cornelia Reiher und Nora Kottmann (Hrsg.), Studying Japan: Handbook of Research Design, Fieldwork and Methods, Baden-Baden: Nomos, S. 428-441.
(2020), mit Andreas Eder-Ramsauer “How to understand discourse: Qualitative discourse analysis”, in: Cornelia Reiher und Nora Kottmann (Hrsg.), Studying Japan: Handbook of Research Design, Fieldwork and Methods, Baden-Baden: Nomos, S. 377-388.
(2020), „Embracing the periphery: Urbanites’ motivations to relocate to rural Japan”, in Manzenreiter, Wolfram, Lützeler, Ralph und Sebastian Polak-Rottmann (Hrsg.), Japan’s New Ruralities: Coping with Decline in the Periphery, London: Routledge, S. 230-244.
(2019), „Protect agriculture and food safety! Transnational protest movement(s) against preferential trade agreements in Asia“, in: Leong-Salobir, Cecilia (Hrsg.), The Routledge Handbook of Food in Asia, Abingdon: Routledge, S. 265-278.
(2018), „Transregional protest against preferential trade agreements“, in: Middell, Matthias (Hrsg.), The Routledge Handbook of Transregional Studies, Abingdon: Routledge, S. 283-290.
(2018), „Kulinarische Widersprüche: Japanische Konsumenten und die alltäglichen Herausforderungen im globalen Agri-Food-System“, in: Daniel Kofahl und Sebastian Schellhaas (Hg.), Kulinarische Ethnologie. Beiträge zur Wissenschaft von eigenen, fremden und globalisierten Ernährungskulturen, Bielefeld: Transcript, S. 99-120.
(2017), „Japans kulinarische Ökonomie und ihre Kosten“, in: Wierlacher, Alois (Hrsg.), Jahrbuch Kulinaristik, München: Iudicium, S. 43-58.
(2017), „Die Ohnmacht japanischer Verbraucher: Abes Freihandelspolitik und die Regulierung genetisch veränderter Lebensmittel“, in: Vogt, Gabriele und Heinrich, Steffen (Hg.), Japan in der Ära Abe, München: Iudicium, pp. 232-248.
(2017), “Discourse on food safety and the Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP): Perspectives from Japan”, in: Niehaus, Andreas & Walravens, Tine (eds.), FeedingJapan: Cultures and Politics of Food Identities, Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan, pp. 397-417.
(2016) „Transnationale Wissensnetzwerke: Standards für und Messungen von Radioaktivität in Lebensmitteln in Japan nach Fukushima“, in: Gerstenberger, Debora und Glasman, Joel (Hg.), Techniken der Globalisierung: Globalgeschichte meets Akteur-Netzwerk-Theorie, Bielefeld: Transcript, S. 233-255.
(2015) (mit Sarah Ruth Sippel), „Einleitung: Umkämpftes Essen in globalen Kontexten“, in dies. (Hg.), Umkämpftes Essen – Produktion, Handel und Konsum von Lebensmitteln in globalen Kontexten, Göttingen: Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht, S. 9-37.
(2015), „Lebensmittelstandards als „Black Box“: Diskurse über Lebensmittelsicherheit und das Transpazifische Freihandelsabkommen in Japan“, in dies. und Sippel, Sarah Ruth (Hg.), Umkämpftes Essen – Produktion, Handel und Konsum von Lebensmitteln in globalen Kontexten, Göttingen: Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht, S.172-195.
(2015) (mit You-Kyung Byun), „Kulinarische Globalisierung: Koreanische Restaurants in Berlin zwischen Authentizität und Hybridisierung“, in dies. und Sippel, Sarah Ruth (Hg.), Umkämpftes Essen – Produktion, Handel und Konsum von Lebensmitteln in globalen Kontexten, Göttingen: Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht, S.271-291.
(2010) „Roland Robertson“, in Matthias Middell und Ulf Engel (Hg.), Theoretiker der Globalisierung, Leipzig: Leipziger Universitätsverlag, S. 343-354.
Book Reviews
(2024) Reiher, Cornelia zu Merry White and Benjamin Wurgaft (2023), Ways of eating: exploring food through history and culture, in: Asian Anthropology,
(2020) Reiher, Cornelia zu Franziska Utomo (2019), Tokyos Aufstieg zur Gourmet-Weltstadt: Eine kulturhistorische Analyse, in: Asiatische Studien 74.
(2019), zu Nicolas Sternsdorff-Cisterna (2018), Food Safety after Fukushima: Scientific Citizenship and the Politics of Risk, in: Contemporary Japan, published online
(2018), zu Anna Wiemann (2018), Networks and Mobilization Processes: The Case of the Japanese Anti-Nuclear Movement after Fukushima, in: ASIEN – The German Journal on Contemporary Asia 148, S. 119-120.
(2017) zu Radiation Brain Moms and Citizen Scientists: The Gender Politics of Food Contamination after Fukushima. By Aya Hirata Kimura. Durham, NC: Duke University Press, 2016. In: Pacific Affairs 90, 2, pp. 816-818.
- Forschungswerkstatt „Japanische Küche in Berlin“,
- Blog zum DFG-Projekt „Urban-rural migration and rural revitalization in Japan“.
Other publications and media appearances
(2023) Reiher, Cornelia, Interview für The Japan Times: Wadhwa, Megha (2023), “Beating the odds on Japan's controversial foreign trainee program”, The Japan Times, 18.12.2023
(2023) (with Sarah Ruth Sippel), Podcast “Mahlzeit: Folge 6: Umkämpftes Essen – Produktion, Handel und Konsum von Lebensmitteln“, Humanities Matter by Brill
(2020) Reiher, Cornelia (mit Kottmann, Nora) Podcast “Japan erforschen - Methodik in der Forschung“ [Studying Japan: Research methods], Neutron,
(2020), Shingata korona kansenshō ryūkō shita no berurin no nichijō seikatsu, Shōhisha Ripōto 12, 20, S. 14.
(2018), Interview für die Onlinezeitschrift Coca, Nithin: “Back to the Future: Japanese Youth Flee Cities for the Countryside”,
(2017), Radiointerview im SWR2: „Nudelsuppenland Japan“, ausgestrahlt am 24.11.2017, 660804/did=20689822/nid=660804/1odb0ox/index.html
(2016), Interview mit Asahi Shinbun: Takano Yuzuru, „Sekai saidai no jiyū boeki kyōtei, doitsu hantai no naze”, Asahi Shinbun, 26.09.2016, S. 12
(2015) „Lebensmittelsicherheit und Verbraucherschutz“, JDZB Echo 110, S. 3
(2014), Radiointerview im RBB Kulturradio „Drei Jahre nach der Atomkatastrophe in Fukushima“, ausgestrahlt am 11.03.2014(2010), „Arita – Heimat des japanischen Porzellans“, Neues aus Japan 66,
Presentations (selection)
01.07.2024 „Kulinarische Authentizität als Emotion: Japanische Gastronom*innen in Berlin und ihre vegetarische/ vegane Kundschaft“, FAU Erlangen-Nürnberg
06.03.2024 “Digitalization as a chance for Japan’s countryside?”, Online-Workshop DFG Projekt “Urban-rural migration and rural revitalization in Japan”, FU Berlin
05.02.2024 “More than Sushi: A Conversation with Debra Samuels and Cornelia Reiher about popular Japanese Cuisine in Berlin and beyond”, Japanisch-Deutsches Zentrum Berlin
23.01.2024 Keynote: „Kulinarische Authentizität als Emotion: Japanische Gastronom*innen in Berlin und ihre vegetarische/ vegane Kundschaft“, Semiotische Woche, Universität Potsdam
22.11.2023 “Japan's Rural Areas: Urban-Rural Migration and Rural Revitalization”, Ringvorlesung “Research Fields in Global East Asia”, FU Berlin
03.11.2023 “(In)visible Newcomers: Migrants in Rural Japan”, VSJF Konferenz “Labor and (Im)mobility in Japan and East and Southeast Asia: Transnational, Regional and Rural-Urban Perspectives”, Japanisch-Deutsches Zentrum Berlin
21.09.2023 Paneldiskussion „Future of Food”, PROFUND Innovation, FU Berlin
11.06.2023 „Zwischen Aussterben und neuer Ländlichkeit: Transformationsprozesse im regionalen Japan“ (mit Sonja Ganseforth und Hanno Jentzsch), Filmfestival Nippon Connection, Frankfurt a. M.
21.03.2023 “Kyūshū no ijū teijū to chiiki okoshi: onrain, ofurain, soshite sono aida de”, Kyushu University, Fukuoka (Japan)
03.02.2023 “Urban-rural migration and rural revitalization in Kyushu: Online, offline and in between”, Symposium “Urban rural migration in Japan and Europe: Transnational and comparative perspectives”, Japanisch-Deutsches Zentrum Berlin
25.01.2023 Roundtable „Die Zukunft des Essens“, Japanisch-Deutsches Zentrum Berlin / Japan Foundation (online)
20.09.2022 „Kyūshū no ijūsha o taishō toshita onrain chōsa nitsuite no hōkoku“, Kyushu University, Fukuoka (Japan)
05.05. 2022 “Can migrants revitalize Japan’s countryside? Governmental promotion of urban-rural migration in Northern Kyushu”, University of Copenhagen
15.12.2021 “Urban Rural Migration and Rural Revitalization in Japan”, IN-EAST Research Forum, Universität Duisburg-Essen (Online-Vortrag)
27.09.2021 Book Talk “Studying Japan: Research designs, fieldwork and methods”, Studying Japan. Perspectives from ‘Inside’ and ‘Outside’, DIJ Tokyo (mit Nora Kottmann) (Online- Vortrag)
23.09.2021 “Area Studies and qualitative methods”, Qualitative multi-methods program speaker series, University of Washington (mit Nora Kottmann) (Online-Vortrag)
17.06.2021 “Revitalizing rural Japan through crafts”, U:Japan Lecture Series, Universität Wien (Online-Vortrag)
20.05.2021 „Zwischen Tradition und Innovation: Lokales Handwerk und ländliche Revitalisierung in Kyūshū“, Vortragsreihe “Jenseits von Tokyo, das ländliche Japan im Umbruch”, Universität Zürich (Online-Vortrag)
27.04.2021 “Hybrid cultural heritage and rural revitalization in Japan: The commodification of intangible cultural property and ‘traditional’ local crafts”, Una Europa Lecture Series in Cultural Heritage, Université Paris 1 Panthéon Sorbonne, France (Online-Vortrag)
19.03.2021 “Governing Radionuclides in Food in Post-Fukushima Japan”, VSJF-Tagung “Continuity and Change 10 years after 3.11”, JDZB (Online-Vortrag)
11.03.2021 Keynote: “Transnational co-production of food safety in Asia”, DGA-Tagung, Duisburg und Bochum (Online-Vortrag)
25.02.2021 „Remembering 3.11”, GEAS Lecture Series “East Asian Responses to Crisis”, FU Berlin (mit Julia Gerster) (Online-Vortrag)
16.02.2021 „Japanese cuisine in Berlin“, 11. Deutsch-Japanisches Umwelt- und Dialogforum, JDZB
10.02.2021 Buchvorstellung Studying Japan: Handbook of Research Design, Fieldwork and Methods (mit Nora Kottmann), HHU Düsseldorf (Online-Vortrag)
17.12.2020 Buchvorstellung Studying Japan: Handbook of Research Design, Fieldwork and Methods (mit Nora Kottmann), LMU München (Online-Vortrag)
14.12.2020 “Fieldwork in the research process”, Fieldwork workshop, GEAS, FU Berlin (Online-Vortrag)
03.12.2020 “Coping with uncertainty: Berlin’s Japanese restaurateurs during the Covid-19 pandemic”, GEAS Lecture Series “East Asian Responses to Crisis”, FU Berlin (Online-Vortrag)
19.11.2020 Keynote: „Two or three things I know about methods in area studies research”, Workshop Zürich (Online-Vortrag)
30.06.2020 „Was ist japanische Küche? Aushandlungsprozesse in der japanischen Gastronomie Berlins“, Vortragsreihe der Japanisch-Deutschen Gesellschaft Berlins (Online-Vortrag)
24.07.2019 “Qualitative Interviews” (mit Nora Kottmann), “Discourse Analysis”, “Good Research Practice” (mit Cosima Wagner), Internationale Konferenz “Studying Japan: The impact of transnationalization and technological innovation on methods, fieldwork and research ethics”, FU Berlin
25.06.2019 „‘Reich mir mal den Rettich rüber‘: Japanische Küche in Berlin“, Geschichte(n) zweier Städte: Ringvorlesung zum 25. Jubiläum der Städtepartnerschaft Berlin-Tokio, FU Berlin
01.04.2019 Keynote: “Production, Trade and Consumption of Food in Global Contexts”, University Alliance for Sustainability Spring Campus, FU Berlin
28.03.2019 „‘It’s safe, fresh and delicious’: The promotion of local food in contemporary Japan”, Workshop "Food lokal/global in Bewegung: Politiken und Praktiken”, FU Berlin
21.01.2019 „Food Security in Japan: the Self-Sufficiency Myth of a Food Importing Country“, Ringvorlesung “Japan’s Security Challenge: The Nation, Its People and Values”, Universität Hamburg
20.12.2018 “Gesundheit und Ernährung in Japan”, Ringvorlesung „Transforming Our World: Nachhaltige Entwicklung als Herausforderung für Wissenschaft und Universität“, FU Berlin
24.11.2018 “Citizen Science and Food in Japan: From Ui Jun to Fukushima”, Jahrestagung VSJF, JDZB, Berlin
30.08.2018 „Feldforschung lehren: Das Lehrprojekt Japanische Küche in Berlin (und Düsseldorf)“, 17. Deutschsprachiger Japanologentag, Freie Universität Berlin
19.01.2018 „Die Bewegung für Ernährungssouveränität in Japan Transnationale Solidarität und Agrarprotektionismus“, Probevortrag für die W3-Professur Modernes Japan, HHU Düsseldorf17.05.2018
23.11.2017 „‘Gibt es das auch ohne Reis?’ Japanische Gastronomie in Berlin und lokale Geschmäcker“, Ringvorlesung „Der globale Gaumen: Ostasiens Küchen auf Reisen“, FU Berlin
17.11.2017 „Japan im globalen Agrar- und Ernährungssystem: Zwischen kulinarischem Nationalismus und Ernährungssouveränität“, Probevortrag W3-Professur Japanologie, LMU München
19.10.2017 “Food Sovereignty vs. Agrarprotektionismus? Alternative Entwürfe der japanischen Agri-Food Bewegung für den Lebensmittelhandel in Asien“, Workshop „Food und Kulinaristik aus interdisziplinären und transregionalen Perspektiven“, FU Berlin
23.06.2017 “(Japanese) Women in Berlin’s (Japanese) Foodscape”, Workshop “Gender, Migration and Food: Women in Japanese Foodscapes in Berlin and Düsseldorf”, FU Berlin
06.06.2017 “Expert Knowledge vs. Public Participation: The Food Safety Commission’s Expert Committee on Genetically Modified Organisms”, Workshop “Democratic Legitimacy in Times of Globalization – Perspectives on Japan”, FU Berlin
18.02.2017 “Transnational knowledge in food-related activism“, Workshop „Sharing knowledge in a globalized civil society“, FAU Erlangen-Nürnberg
01.12.2016 Roundtable „Wissensbrücken schlagen: Für ein alternatives Ernährungssystem!“, Zentrum für Kunst und Urbanistik, Berlin
06.10.2016 „Soziale Beziehungen und gegenseitige Hilfe in ländlichen Kommunen in Kyūshū“, Universität Wien
24.05.2016 „Lebensmittelrisiken definieren: Grenzwerte für Radionuklide nach Fukushima“, Heinrich-Heine-Universität Düsseldorf
11.02.2016 “Preferential Trade Agreements and Area Studies: An East Asian Perspective”, Handbook of Transregional Studies Authors’ Workshop, Center for Area Studies, Universität Leipzig
19.01.2016 „Umkämpftes Essen”, Center for Area Studies, Universität Leipzig (mit Sarah Ruth Sippel)
24.07.2015 “Food Safety in Japan from an Area Studies Perspective”, Canon Institute of Global Studies, Tokyo
02.07.2015 “Who defines what the Japanese should eat? Food education revisited after 3.11”, Symposium “Emotionalizing the Nation: Conflicting narratives in Japanese food identities “, Ghent University, Belgium
28.04.2015 „Soziologie Japans“, Ringvorlesung „Der Blick über den Tellerrand“, TU Berlin
15.03.2015 „Umkämpftes Essen“, Buchmesse-Akademie, Buchmesse Leipzig (mit Sarah Ruth Sippel)
23.01.2015 „Radioaktivität in Lebensmitteln messen: Japans Bürgermessstationen aus Gender-Perspektive“, Workshop „Technikstudien als Teildisziplin der Japanforschung: Japanisch-deutsche Perspektiven der Science & Technology Studies (STS)“, FU Berlin
23.11.2014 “Food Safety and Consumer Trust in Japan”, Jahrestagung VSJF, JDZB, Berlin
24.06.2014 „Lebensmittelsicherheit nach Fukushima“, Denkwerk-Projekt „Japan im 21. Jahrhundert – Gesellschaft im Umbruch?“, JDZB Berlin
06.06.2014 „Lebensmittelstandards im globalen Agrar- und Ernährungssystem – Japans Vermittlung zwischen lokalen und globalen Ansprüchen“, Workshop „Techniken der Globalisierung“, FU Berlin
27.03.2013 „Spatializations of food safety“, Deutsches Institut für Japanforschung, Tōkyō
22.03.2010 „Discourses on local identity in rural Japan: Arita’s ceramics industry in a global context“, Sixth EAJS Workshop for Doctoral Students, Cambridge University
26.02.2010 „Nationalism meets Localism – The Implementation of the Basic Law on Food Education in Rural Japan“, Workshop „Nationalism in Japan“, White Rose East Asia Centre, Sheffield University
22.11.2009 „Overcoming crisis? – Revitalization strategies for Aritaʼs ceramic industry“, Jahrestagung der Vereinigung für Sozialwissenschaftliche Japanforschung (VSJF) „Risk and East Asia“, JDZB Berlin
25.11.2008 „Discourses on identity in rural Japan: Arita’s ceramic industry in a global context“, Workshop „Whither Transculturality“, Exzellenzcluster „Asia and Europe in a Global Context: Shifting Asymmetries in Cultural Flows“, Ruprecht-Karls-Universität Heidelberg
26.01.2007 „Selling Tradition in Japanese Rural Tourism“, Workshop „Tradition Within and Beyond the Framework of Invention“ des Graduiertenzentrums „Asien und Afrika in globalen Bezugssystemen“, Martin-Luther-Universität Halle-Wittenberg
Conference Papers
01.11.2024 “Overcoming the concept of a closed rural society: Multiple mobilities of urban-rural migrants in Aso’s neigboring communities,” Conference “Aso 2.0 and beyond,” University of Vienna
18.08.2023 “Feeling powerless: silent criticism of local planning in rural Japan”, 17th EAJS Conference, Ghent University
26.08.2022 „Gute wissenschaftliche Praxis: Braucht die Japanologie eigene Ethikrichtlinien?“ 18. Deutschsprachiger Japanologentag, HHU Düsseldorf (Online-Vortrag)
25.08.2022 „Japan aus der Ferne: Feldforschung während der Corona-Pandemie als Autoethnographie“, 18. Deutschsprachiger Japanologentag, HHU Düsseldorf (Online-Vortrag)
25.08.2021 “Studying Japan: Research designs, fieldwork and methods” (mit Nora Kottmann), 16. EAJS Conference, Ghent (Online-Vortrag)
30.08.2018 „Feldforschung lehren: Das Lehrprojekt Japanische Küche in Berlin (und Düsseldorf)“, 17. Deutschsprachiger Japanologentag, Freie Universität Berlin
31.08. 2017 “Expert knowledge vs. public participation in Japan’s food safety regulation: The food safety commission’s expert committee on genetically modified organisms“, 15th EAJS Conference, Lisbon
02.12.2016 “Food and Agriculture in the Anti-TPP Campaign: Perspectives from Japan”, Workshop “Envisioning the Future of Food Across North-South Divides: Transregional Food Networks and Movements”, Forum Transregionale Studien Berlin
23.09.2016 “Food and Area Studies: A New Research Agenda for Analyzing Power in the Global Agri-Food System” (mit Sarah Ruth Sippel), Crossroads Asia, Bonn
09.09.2016 “Food Safety Governance and Science in Post-Fukushima Japan: The Case of Radioactively Contaminated Food”, JEAS Conference, SOAS, London
15.07.2016 “The globalization of Japan’s consumer movement”, Conference “Beyond the Sinosphere”, Schloss Herrenhausen, Hannover
23.05.2016 „(Ver-)Handlungsspielräume im Kampf um sichere Lebensmittel: Die transnationale Vernetzung japanischer Verbraucherschutzorganisationen“, Workshop „Verbraucher in Geschichte und Gegenwart“, Kompetenzzentrum Verbraucherforschung NRW, Düsseldorf
20.05.2016 „Umkämpftes Essen: Macht über Lebensmittel“, Jahrestagung der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Humanökologie, Würzburg
27.02.2016 „Das kommt uns nicht auf den Tisch!“ Aushandlungen von Lebensmittelrisiken in Japan seit den 1960er Jahren“, Konferenz „Du bist, was du nicht isst! Gesundheit und Ernährung seit 1850“, FU Berlin
02.10.2015 „Safe food for urban dwellers: Consumer co-ops in Japan”, Deutscher Kongress für Geographie, HU Berlin
03.09.2015 „Genetically modified food in Japan: Food Safety Standards, Technology and Governance”, JAWS Conference “Technology & Nature”, Bogazici University, Istanbul
27.08.2015 „Weniger Transparenz ist mehr? Diskurse über Lebensmittelstandards in Post-Fukushima Japan“, 16. Deutschsprachiger Japanologentag, LMU München
27.08.2015 „Bürgermessstationen - Wissensproduktion über Lebensmittelsicherheit durch zivilgesellschaftliche Akteure nach 3.11“, 16. Deutschsprachiger Japanologentag, LMU München
20.06.2015 “Food and Area Studies: A new Research Agenda“, Workshop „Raum is(s)t Nahrung“, Universität Bayreuth (mit Sarah Ruth Sippel)
19.05.2015 “Food Safety Standards and Protests against the TPP in Japan and TTIP in Germany”, Symposium “Food Safety and Consumer Advocacy in Japan and East Asia”, JDZB Berlin
26.03.2015 “Japanese food is the safest in the world‘: Spatialization of risks within the discourse on food safety in Japan”, AAS, Chicago
20.10.2014 “The Governance of Food Safety Standards in Japan: The Example of GMO Food”, Fourth International Conference on Food Studies, Prato
28.08.2014 „Agency in Japan’s Agri-food-System – On Protests, Alternative Food Knowledge and Biodynamic Agriculture“, 14th Conference of the EAJS, Ljubljana
23.11.2013 „Food Safety and the Alliance against the Trans-Pacific Partnership in Contemporary Japan“, Jahrestagung der Vereinigung für Sozialwissenschaftliche Japanforschung (VSJF), Sektion Politik, Berlin
16.11.2013 „Revitalization and local identity in rural Japan: ‘old village’ vs. ‘global city’“, Rurality – New Perspectives and Themes, Universität Bamberg
05.11.2013 „Discourse on food safety and the Trans-Pacific Partnership in Japan“, International Conference on „Travelling Food and Beverages: In and Out of Japan“, Hebrew University Jerusalem
16.10.2013 „Spatializations of food safety in contemporary Japan“, Food Studies: An Interdisciplinary Conference, University of Texas, Austin
02.10.2013 „Diskurse über Lebensmittelsicherheit in Japan“, Jahrestagung der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Völkerkunde (DGV), Mainz
23.09.2013 „Food safety and the alliance against the Trans-Pacific Partnership in contemporary Japan“, Foodscapes – Access to Food, Excess of Food, Schloss Seggau, Österreich
25.04. 2013 „Spatial Politics of Food“, Researching Japan in Social Sciences and Humanities, Cardinal Stefan Wyszynski University, Warschau
24.11. 2012 „Sozialer Protest nach Fukushima: Gegen Atomkraft und für sichere Lebensmittel!“ (mit Katrin Gengenbach), Jahrestagung der Vereinigung für Sozialwissenschaftliche Japanforschung (VSJF), Fachgruppe Soziologie, Weingarten
29.08.2012 „Lebensmittelkonsum nach Fukushima“, 15. Deutschsprachiger Japanologentag, Universität Zürich
25.08.2011 „The Supermarket as Political Space – Spatial References in the Contemporary Discourse on Food Safety in Japan”, EAJS Conference, Tallinn University
19.11.2009 „Shokuiku im ‚trauten Kreis der Familie‘ – Die Diskriminierung berufstätiger Frauen im Rahmengesetz zur Ernährungserziehung“, VSJF Genderworkshop, JDZB Berlin
30.09.2009 „Past triumphs and present crisis in the Japanese porcelain industry”, Sommerschule der Research Academy der Universität Leipzig, Universität Leipzig
29.09.2009 „Leben auf dem Land: Garant sozialer Ungleichheit?“, 14. Deutschsprachiger Japanologentag, Martin-Luther-Universität Halle-Wittenberg
29.11.2008 „Identitätsdiskurse im ländlichen Japan – Aritas Keramikindustrie in globalen Kontexten“, Jahrestagung der Vereinigung für Sozialwissenschaftliche Japanforschung (VSJF), Fachgruppe Soziologie und Anthropologie, Düsseldorf
28.09.2007 „Mobilitäten von Keramik aus Arita in Vergangenheit und Gegenwart”, Sommerschule der Research Academy der Universität Leipzig
24.11.2007 „Die Gemeindefusionen der Heisei no Daigappei und lokale Identität am Beispiel der Kommune Arita-chō“, Jahrestagung der Vereinigung für Sozialwissenschaftliche Japanforschung (VSJF), Fachgruppe Stadt- und Regionalforschung, Berlin