Suryoye l-Suryoye.

Suryoye l-Suryoye.

Ausgewählte Beiträge zur aramäischen Sprache, Geschichte und Kultur.

Piscataway: Bibliotheca Nisbiniensis I, Gorgias Press 2008.

This first volume of the series Bibliotheca Nisibinensis reflects the broad scope of the series through a collection of papers on various aspects of Aramaic linguistics, history, and culture. The papers are drawn from the first three “Suryoye l-Suryoye” symposia held in Germany – Heidelberg (2002), Dingden/Duisburg (2004), and Königswinter/Bonn (2006). These diverse papers are specifically intended for an informed Aramaic readership interested in raising awareness of their own culture. With an appeal to the specialist and layman alike, some of the papers are technical while others are of a more introductory nature, providing relevant information to a wide variety of readers. A fresh range of topics is therefore presented in this flagship volume of the series, offering a renewed vision of Aramaic and Syriac studies even for the specialists in the field.