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Lectures and Colloquia


If you would like to be informed regularly about the events of the Emmy Noether Junior Research Group "Kosmos/Ornatus. Ornament as a Form of Cognition - A Comparison of Persia and France c. 1400" please send a short email to vera.beyer@fu-berlin.de.




Current Events:


Forum for Young Researchers (FU Berlin, 24th- 26th June 2010)

Linking Islamic and Christian Art - Transfer and Comparison


The Forum seeks to bring together scholars investigating the artistic relations between Christian and Islamic contexts. The focus will not merely lie on giving concrete evidence for transcultural contacts, but also on contextualising objects and comparing the function of certain motives and the roles of artists, patrons and beholders within their societies. We will question the categorisation of objects into ‘Christian’ and ‘Islamic’ and discuss concepts such as 'style', 'cultural identity', 'the Mediterranean' or 'borders' , as well as the relation between comparative studies and the analysis of transfer.


Thursday 24th June 2010

Brugsch Pascha Saal, Geschwister-Scholl-Straße 2-8, 10178 Berlin, S/U Friedrichstraße

Chair: Julia Gonnella, Museum for Islamic Art


15.30 Coffee


16.00 Introduction


16.15 Rania Abdellatif, Paris

Frankreich und die mediterrane Welt. Räume des kulturellen Transfers


17.00 Anthousa Papagiannaki, Oxford

Christian and Islamic Societies in the “Mediterranean World from AD300” Gallery in the Ashmolean Museum

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18.30 Simon Rettig - Julia Gonnella, Berlin

Visit of the Museum of Islamic Art


Friday, 25th June 2010

Kunsthistorisches Institut der FU, Raum A 163, Koserstraße 20, 14195 Berlin, U Podbielskiallee

Chair: Hannah Baader, Florenz


9.30 Gia Toussaint, Hamburg

Kunst-Stücke aus dem Morgenland. Heinrich II. als Stifter islamischer Spolien


10.15 Anna Bücheler, Toronto

Textile-Ornament in Early Medieval Manuscripts from a Court Culture Prospective

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11.30 Isabelle Dolezalek, Berlin

Writing as Ornament on Norman and Fatimid Textiles


12.15 Jennifer Pruitt, Harvard

The Treatment of Christian Churches during the Reign of al-Hakim bi-Amr Allah (r.996-1021CE)

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Chair: Friederike Weis, Berlin/Florenz


14.30 Margit Mersch, Erlangen/Ulrike Ritzerfeld, Berlin

Hybridisierung von Zeichen und Formen durch mediterrane Eliten? Zur Praxis transkulturellen Kontakts im Mittelmeerraum des Hoch- und Spätmittelalters


15.15 Doron Bauer, Johns Hopkins

Toward a Genealogy of Form and Meaning in the Arts of the Balearic Islands

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16.15 Nicoletta Fazio, Heidelberg

Marking the Inside, Shaping the Outside. Madness in Western and Islamic Culture and Society - 12th - 15th centuries


17.00 Annette Hoffmann, Florenz

Exodus: Images of Alterity and Migration in Jewish, Christian and Islamic Contexts


Saturday 26th June 2010

Kunsthistorisches Institut der FU, Raum A 163, Koserstraße 20, 14195 Berlin, U Podbielskiallee

Chair: Vera Beyer, Berlin


9.30 Federica Broilo, Venedig

‘Ut qui orare volunt, prius abluant manus et tunc demum eas ad preces attollant’. A Comparative Study on Fountains for Ritual Ablutions in Byzantine and Ottoman Civilizations


10.15 Patricia Blessing, Princeton

Reevaluating “Seljuk” Style in Late 13th c. Anatolia

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11.30 Maximilian Hartmuth, Istanbul

Islamic and Islamicate Material Cultures in Early Modern Southeast Europe


12.15 Elena Paulino Montero, Madrid

Aulic spaces in Late Medieval Castile between the Andalusi tradition and European influences


Final discussion


The forum is open to the public.


Information: i.dolezalek@fu-berlin.de

Concept: Isabelle Dolezalek, Vera Beyer, Simon Rettig

Organised by the DFG Emmy Noether Junior Research Group “Kosmos/Ornatus. Ornaments in Persia and France c. 1400 in Comparison” in Cooperation with the Museum for Islamic Art, Berlin.



Series of Lectures: Ein Gott – kein Bild? Konstitutionen von Bildpraxis und Bilderverbot zwischen Judentum, Christentum und Islam Program:

I. Bildpraxis und Bilderverbot in der Gegenwart (04-06/2010)

 Silvia Naef, Genf (22. April 2010)

Vom Bilderverbot zur Bilderflut - islamische Positionen zu einem globalen Phänomen


Gabriel Hanganu, Oxford (6. Mai 2010)

Social lives of Orthodox Christian icons - biography and politics


David Morgan, Duke University (20. Mai 2010)Media and Mediation: Protestantism and the Power of Sacred Information


Margaret Olin, Yale University (17. Juni 2010)

Visible/Invisible: What do Jewish visual practices look like?


II. Bildpraxis und Bilderverbot zwischen Spätantike und Mittelalter  (10-12/2010)

Barbara Schellewald, Basel (28. Oktober 2010)

Bilderverbot ohne Bildersturm - Der byzantinische Bilderstreit


Steven Fine, Yeshiva University (11. November 2010)

God's Artisan:  Bezalel the Tabernacle Builder and the History of Jewish Art in Late Antiquity


Finbarr Barry Flood, New York University (2. Dezember 2010)

Rethinking Representation: Islamic Law as a Source for Image Theory


Thomas Lentes, Münster (16. Dezember 2010)

Wer Bilder stürmt, tötet Religion. Ein Blick aus dem christlichen Mittelalter


The Lectures will be held at 7 pm at the Mschatta Hall at the Museum of Islamic Art ine the Building of the Pergamon Museum. Entrance is free by showing this program and announcing the visit of the lectures.

 Concept: Prof. Dr. Barbara Schellewald, Art History Department at the University of Basel and Dr. Vera Beyer ;DFG Emmy Noether Junior Research Group "Kosmos/Ornatus. Ornament as a Form of Cognition - A Comparison of Persia and France c. 1400“, Institute of Art History of the FU Berlin in cooperation with the „Nationaler Forschungsschwerpunkt Bildkritik – eikones“, Basel and the Museum of Islamic Art.Contact: vera.beyer@fu-berlin.de / barbara.schellewald@unibas.ch



Colloquium Sommer 2010

Fridays (fortnightly), 10-12 a. m., A 125,  Koserstr. 20, 14195 Berlin



16th April: Präsentation Simon Rettig: Modes of Transmission of Calligraphic Knowledgein Fifteenth-Century Iran

30th April: Workshop mit Oya PancarogluLektüren: Oya Pancaroglu: Signs in the Horizon. Concepts of Image and Boundary ina Medieval Persian Cosmography, in: RES 43, Frühjahr 2003.- , “A World Unto Himself: Human Images in the Late Seljuk Period (1150-1250),”Ph.D. Harvard 2000.

14th May: Präsentation Sophia Vassilopoulou: Figürliche Darstellungen auf iranischeSternfliesen der seldschukisch-mongolischen Übergangszeit (13.-14.Jh)

28th May: Gemeinsame Sichtung von persischen Manuskripten in der Staatsbibliothek

4th June: Präsentation Joanna Olchawa Islamische Aquamanilien. Eine Studie zuGebrauch, Bedeutung und ihrem Einfluss auf romanische Bronzen

18th June: Präsentation Simon Rettig: Walls on Pages, Pages on Walls: LinkingArchitectural Panels and Illuminated Folios in the Timurid World

24th to26th June: Forum „Zwischen christlicher und islamischer Kunst“

9th July: Präsentationen Anna Bücheler Zur Rezeption byzantinischer und islamischerTextilien in der westlichen frühmittelalterlichen Buchmalerei und Vera-SimoneSchulz Teppichdarstellungen in der italienischen Trecentomalerei



Past Events:


Colloquium: "Christliche und islamische Bildkulturen im Vergleich" WS 2009/10 - "Christian and Islamic Cultures of the Image in Comparison" winter semester 2009/10

Every Tuesday, 10-12 a. m., A 340



3rd November: Simon Rettig - "Analyzing 14th-15th Centuries Persian Illuminations First Remarks"

17th November: Sofia Vassilopoulou - "Figürliche persische Sternfliesen aus dem 13. und 14. Jahrhundert"

20th November: 10 Uhr - Visit of the Taswir-Exhibition at the Martin-Gropius-Bau

1st  December: Sabine Kulik - "Der Beatus von Gerona und seine 'islamische' Ornamentik"

5th January: Vera Beyer - "Das Kleinkarierte lesen. Zum Verhältnis von Ornament und Figur in persischen und niederländischen Bildern um 1400

19th January: Isabelle Dolezalek - "Schrift als Ornament auf den Gewändern der normannischen Königen auf Siziilen

2nd February: reading discussion



Dr. Oya Pancaroğlu, Boğaziçi University, Istanbul - Lecture on April 26th 2010 - 6 pm

Markets, Gardens and Lovers: Questions of Context in the Early Illustrated Persian Manuscript of Varqa and Gulshah


At the Institute of Art History, Freie Universität Berlin, Lecture Hall B, Koserstr.  20, 14195 Berlin


Dr. Oya Pancaroğlu, Boğaziçi University, Istanbul - Workshop on April 30th 2010 - 10-12 am


At the Institute of Art History, Freie Universität Berlin, Room A 125, Koserstr. 20, 14195 Berlin

The readings fort he workshop will be emailed upon request to vera.beyer@fu-berlin.de.



Lecture: Charles Burnett, London - 10.07.2009


The Social Context of the Transmission of Talismanic Texts in the 12th Century: Jewish Documents from the Cairo Geniza and Latin Translations from Toledo

10.07.2009, Seminar of Arabic and Semitic Studies, großer Seminarraum (large seminar room), Altensteinstr. 34, 14195 Berlin



Lecture: Birgit Schneider, Potsdam - 03.04.2009


Bildtextile Ordnungen - Eine Medientheorie des Ornaments ausgehend von Gottfried Semper

UdK (University of Fine Arts) Berlin, room 102, Hardenbergstr. 33, 10623 Berlin



Conference: Ornament : Motif – Mode – Image, 18-20 September 2008, NCCR Iconic Criticism – eikones, Basel


This international conference is organized by the Research Network "Ornament: Motif – Mode – Image".

The programme will be available on this site in August.



Lecture: Solomon's Glass Palace in Qur'an 27/44 as a Paradigm of Ornament


Prof. Dr. Valérie Gonzalez, Savannah College of Art and Design

July 17th 2008 - 19.00

Mschatta-Room, Museum für Islamische Kunst (Entrance via Pergamonmuseum), Am Kupfergraben 5, 10117 Berlin - free entrance to the lecture


In cooperation with the Museum für Islamische Kunst Berlin.



Workshop: Ornament as Visual Metaphor? The Comares Hall of the Alhambra (mit Valérie Gonzalez)


July 18th 2008 - 10.00-12.00

Institute of Art History at the Freie Universiät Berlin, Room A 336, Koserstr. 20, 14195 Befrlin

The readings will be mailed upon request (vera.beyer@fu-berlin.de).


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