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Forum for Young Researchers (FU Berlin, 24th- 26th June 2010) Linking Islamic and Christian Art - Transfer and Comparison

News from Jan 06, 2010

Forum for Young Researchers (FU Berlin, 24th- 26th June 2010)

Linking Islamic and Christian Art - Transfer and Comparison


The Forum seeks to bring together scholars investigating the artistic relations between Christian and Islamic contexts. The focus will not merely lie on giving concrete evidence for transcultural contacts, but also on contextualising objects and comparing the function of certain motives and the roles of artists, patrons and beholders within their societies. We will question the categorisation of objects into ‘Christian’ and ‘Islamic’ and discuss concepts such as 'style', 'cultural identity', 'the Mediterranean' or 'borders' , as well as the relation between comparative studies and the analysis of transfer.


Thursday 24th June 2010

Brugsch Pascha Saal, Geschwister-Scholl-Straße 2-8, 10178 Berlin, S/U Friedrichstraße

Chair: Julia Gonnella, Museum for Islamic Art


15.30 Coffee


16.00 Introduction


16.15 Rania Abdellatif, Paris

Frankreich und die mediterrane Welt. Räume des kulturellen Transfers


17.00 Anthousa Papagiannaki, Oxford

Christian and Islamic Societies in the “Mediterranean World from AD300” Gallery in the Ashmolean Museum

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18.30 Simon Rettig - Julia Gonnella, Berlin

Visit of the Museum of Islamic Art


Friday, 25th June 2010

Kunsthistorisches Institut der FU, Raum A 163, Koserstraße 20, 14195 Berlin, U Podbielskiallee

Chair: Hannah Baader, Florenz


9.30 Gia Toussaint, Hamburg

Kunst-Stücke aus dem Morgenland. Heinrich II. als Stifter islamischer Spolien


10.15 Anna Bücheler, Toronto

Textile-Ornament in Early Medieval Manuscripts from a Court Culture Prospective

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11.30 Isabelle Dolezalek, Berlin

Writing as Ornament on Norman and Fatimid Textiles


12.15 Jennifer Pruitt, Harvard

The Treatment of Christian Churches during the Reign of al-Hakim bi-Amr Allah (r.996-1021CE)

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Chair: Friederike Weis, Berlin/Florenz


14.30 Margit Mersch, Erlangen/Ulrike Ritzerfeld, Berlin

Hybridisierung von Zeichen und Formen durch mediterrane Eliten? Zur Praxis transkulturellen Kontakts im Mittelmeerraum des Hoch- und Spätmittelalters


15.15 Doron Bauer, Johns Hopkins

Toward a Genealogy of Form and Meaning in the Arts of the Balearic Islands

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16.15 Nicoletta Fazio, Heidelberg

Marking the Inside, Shaping the Outside. Madness in Western and Islamic Culture and Society - 12th - 15th centuries


17.00 Annette Hoffmann, Florenz

Exodus: Images of Alterity and Migration in Jewish, Christian and Islamic Contexts


Saturday 26th June 2010

Kunsthistorisches Institut der FU, Raum A 163, Koserstraße 20, 14195 Berlin, U Podbielskiallee

Chair: Vera Beyer, Berlin


9.30 Federica Broilo, Venedig

‘Ut qui orare volunt, prius abluant manus et tunc demum eas ad preces attollant’. A Comparative Study on Fountains for Ritual Ablutions in Byzantine and Ottoman Civilizations


10.15 Patricia Blessing, Princeton

Reevaluating “Seljuk” Style in Late 13th c. Anatolia

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11.30 Maximilian Hartmuth, Istanbul

Islamic and Islamicate Material Cultures in Early Modern Southeast Europe


12.15 Elena Paulino Montero, Madrid

Aulic spaces in Late Medieval Castile between the Andalusi tradition and European influences


Final discussion


The forum is open to the public.


Information: i.dolezalek@fu-berlin.de

Concept: Isabelle Dolezalek, Vera Beyer, Simon Rettig

Organised by the DFG Emmy Noether Junior Research Group “Kosmos/Ornatus. Ornaments in Persia and France c. 1400 in Comparison” in Cooperation with the Museum for Islamic Art, Berlin.


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