Project Publication Strategy
[Kalila wa Dimna]. Silvestre de Sacy, [Antoine Isaac] (ed.). Calila et Dimna, ou Fables de Bidpai, en Arabe.
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The AnonymClassic publication policy follows the guidelines of the European Research Council “Horizon 2020” for maximum accessibility and sustainability. To this day, the humanities are taking their time in adapting to full Open Access practices; traditional print media are slow in being replaced by different genres of academic publishing. Rather, a certain kind of coexistence perdures, which also reflects the longer validity of research results in the humanities. This also applies to Arabic Studies and related fields, even though Cultural Studies (because of their often smaller departments and stronger international networks and collaborations) tend to be more open to creative strategies and the use of DH, adjusting faster to the standards of OA expectations. In many aspects, the AnonymClassic project has proven to be a pioneer endeavor for numerous issues arising in Digital Humanities within and beyond the field of Arabic Studies.
Making publications available via the institutional repository REFUBIUM of Freie Universität Berlin, either as author’s manuscripts (comparable to preprints in the STEM-sciences) or in the edited final versions, is only a first step. The primary effect of this Green Open Access is the expanded visibility of both metadata and PDF documents for search networks/engines throughout academic institutions all over the world.
Gold Open Access shall be offered whenever possible: the two book series related to the project will be made available in OA: Global Arabic Literary Cultures, series editors B. Gruendler, I. Toral (both AnonymClassic) and Elias Muhanna, Princeton University, published with Brill, Leiden/Boston. ADAB — Focus of Arabic Language and Literature, series editors B. Gruendler, J. Stephan (both AnonymClassic) and Ruben Schenzle, will allow the publication of additional work by early career scholars of high standard (such as the BA and MA theses of some of the research team). Not wanting to limit ourselves to book series only, we deliberately target Open Access solutions for all publications. Thus, we publish our conferences elsewhere, in a special issue of JAS (Journal of Abbasid Studies, Brill) and in an online-only journal, JAIS (Journal of Arabic and Islamic Studies).