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Online Gallery of the E 1 Facsimiles

Additionally to the edition in Iranica 16 (containing facsimiles in black and white) here the facsimiles of E 1 are presented in a colour version (with the friendly permission by Harrassowitz Verlag).

The images are copyrighted!

Vol. 1

Vol. 2

E 1: Frontispiz
(click to enlarge)

Fol. 1r–50r

Fol. 296r–350r

Fol. 50v–100r

Fol. 350v–400r

Fol. 100v–150r

Fol. 400v–450r

Fol. 150v–200r

Fol. 450v–500r

Fol. 200v–250r

Fol. 500v–545r

Fol. 250v–295v