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Krisztián Simkó

Researcher, Assyriology until 06/2018

Fabeckstraße 23/25 (Holzlaube)
Room R 1.1011
14195 Berlin

Krisztián Simkó studied Assyriology, Egyptology and Ancient Near Eastern Archaeology at the Eötvös Loránd University, Budapest, Hungary (2005-2014), receiving his MA in Assyriology in 2011. Additionally, he won two scholarships to study at the Oriental Institute of the University of Vienna in 2013 and 2014. K. Simkó is currently working on his PhD dissertation entitled “Überlegungen zu der Rolle der Steine in Mesopotamien unter besonderer Berücksichtigung des sumerischen Mythos Lugal-e”. By using the example of stones, the aim of the dissertation is to investigate the ways in which the peoples of Ancient Mesopotamia approached the different phenomena of the natural world. This study is based mainly on cuneiform sources, with the epic Lugal-e (“king”) in its core.

For the list of publications of K. Simkó, please consult the website https://elte.academia.edu/KrisztiánSimkó.