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Prof. Dr. Markham J. Geller

Freie Universität Berlin

Professur für Wissensgeschichte

Principal Investigator BabMed

Hittorfstraße 18
Room 104
14195 Berlin

Office hours

The BabMed office at Fabeckstraße 23/25 (Holzlaube), Room 1.1011 is open on Tue and Thur from 10 am until 2 pm. Please also send your request via email message to babylonian-medicine@geschkult.fu-berlin.de.

Mark Geller is currently Professor für Wissensgeschichte at the FU Berlin, on secondment from University College London (UCL) until 2018, and he is the PI of BabMed.  

He completed his studies at Princeton and Brandeis Universities in the USA, as well as at the Hebrew University, Jerusalem, before moving to London in 1973.  He joined the UCL Department of Hebrew and Jewish Studies in 1976, where he served as Head of Department for 9 years and has been Director of the Institute of Jewish Studies since 1983.   He was Alexander von Humboldt-Stipendiat at the Institut für Assyriologie und Hethitologie in Munich in 1980-81, as well as having several subsequent AvH Wiederaufnahme-Stipendia in Leipzig and Berlin.   He has twice been a Fellow of the Netherlands Institute for Advanced Study in the Humanities (NIAS) in research groups on magic and religion in the Ancient Near East and on Greek and Babylonian medicine, and he has been a frequent visitor to the Max-Planck-Institut für Wissensgeschichte, Berlin, for extended visits of three months.   He was awarded an honorary doctorate by the New Bulgarian University in 2009.