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BCH 25 - Soziale Probleme

Soziale Probleme

Bd. 25, 2004, 128 S., br., ISBN 3-643-99988-7




Marianne Bastid-Bruguière:

The Ebbs and Flows of Illiteracy in Present Day China


Nina Y. Borevskaya:

The PRC Educational Modernization Strategy: The Shift of a Paradigm?


Bettina Gransow:

Social Assessment in China - Action Learning for the Risk Society?


Heike Schmidbauer:

Living on the Fringes - Urban Experiences of Rural Migrant Women in Reform China


Nathalie van Looy:

From Revolution to Institutonalisation? Labour Relations and Conflict in the People's Republic of China


Xia Hongwei:

The Indirectness of Chinese Communication


Mechthild Leutner:

Sinologen als kulturelle Mittler: Versuch einer Typologie "gebrochener Identitäten"
