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Information for Students: Programs and Courses

Japanese Studies has been running the B.A. program "Japanstudien/Ostasienwissenschaften" (Japanese and East Asian Studies) since the Winter Semester 2005/06.

The B.A. program conveys basic knowledge about Japan, as well as scholarly methodology and appropriate presentation techniques. In addition, students acquire active and passive Japanese language skills that will enable them to take part in everyday communication and specialized discussion, and to conduct scholarly analysis of sources in Japanese.

The aim of the "Japanstudien/Ostasienwissenschaften" program is to prepare students for work in a variety of occupational fields, including trade and industry, media and journalism, or national and international organizations. The B.A. degree also qualifies students for a postgraduate program.

The contact person for the B.A. program in Japanese Studies is Prof. Dr. Elena Giannoulis, Tel. +49 (0)30 838 52749, elena.giannoulis@fu-berlin.de

Beginning in the Winter Semester 2008/09, the Freie Universität Berlin offers a Master's program in Japanese Studies with the areas of specialization Literary and Cultural Studies, and Social Sciences.

Applications are made via a central Online Application for Master Programs.

The contact person for the Master program in Japanese Studies is Prof. Dr. Urs Matthias Zachmann, Tel. +49 (0)30 838 61720, u.zachmann@fu-berlin.de