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Roswitha Del Fabbro - The Aleppo hinterland

This dissertation is an attempt to provide a picture as complete as possible of the Aleppo hinterland in Antiquity from a combined archaeological and historical point of view. Specifically, the present work stems from the need to provide a wider context to one of the most important archaeological discoveries of the last decades in Syria, namely that one of the Storm-God temple, which has been brought to light by a Syro-German mission on the Aleppo citadel.

The research area is the region which surrounds Aleppo, within a radius of ca. 50 kilometres toward north, and of about 30-35 kilometres toward east, south and west. This region has been investigated by adopting an interdisciplinary approach, that is to say taking into account all available sources: in particular geoarchaeological information, data from satellite imagery, and the evidence provided by the ancient texts. These data have been implemented by information derived from the “low-intensity” archaeological survey conducted in the area during three field campaigns (in 2008, 2009, and 2010).

The period under consideration ranges from the end of the third millennium B.C to the early part of the first millennium B.C., including thereby the late Early Bronze Age (EB IVA-B), the Middle Bronze Age, the Late Bronze Age, and the Iron Age I-II. This choice was by no means accidental, but in point of fact conditioned by the coverage of written sources for the mentioned periods.


Supervisors: Prof. Dr. Jörg Klinger, Prof. Dr. Kay Kohlmeyer (HTW Berlin)