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Arabistisches Blockseminar "Natural Sciences and Technical Knowledge in the Arabo-Islamic Middle Ages" (3. Termin)

19.05.2017 | 10:00 c.t. - 17:00

The image of the cosmos as a hierarchically ordered environment where different beings interact in the frame of the sublunar world was widespread in the Arabo-Islamic Middle Ages, and influenced more than the philosophical speculation. A deep and careful observation of nature went hand in hand with the wish to manipulate it. Alchemy, divination, physiognomy, talisman making, and many other branches of knowledge originate from this cultural attitude. In the course of this seminar, the student will make the acquaintance of the primary sources, in the form of printed texts and manuscripts. The selection of texts will display for the students the transfer of knowledge into the Arabo-Islamic culture, and its original elaborations of many different themes and topics.

Zeit & Ort

19.05.2017 | 10:00 c.t. - 17:00

Büro von Frau Raggetti; Holzlaube - Erdgeschoss