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Plagiarism attempts at written exams

Unfortunately, plagiarism attempts have accumulated lately so the Department of History and Cultural Studies requests undergraduate and graduate students to execute this declaration when handing in written exams. Also, in addition to the printed version please hand in a digital version of your work. This rule has been enacted by the Department Council on June 6th 2010.

Please note that according to § 8 II and III of the Regulations for General Examination Issues the unspecified use of resources and in particular the unlabeled acquisition of passages from other works leads to failure of the exam, and in particularly serious cases to failure of the general exams and therefore to the removal from the register of students.

It is not mandatory to declare that submitted papers have been written without outside help and only with the specified tools. However, please note that failure to deliver will result in a particularly intense review.

Plagiarism declaration to download
