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With the long-term goal to facilitate a unified structure so as to create a “BUA Ombudswesen”, the OBUA project aims to prompt a “Berlin Model” for dealing with scientific misconduct, by developing common strategies in the actual handling of the cases that Ombudspersons are confronted with.

This will be accomplished by providing further training to the Ombudspersons, and by creating a common forum for the Berlin area, which will allow the involved actors to have moments of confrontations and discuss possible shared strategies for common issues.

The ultimate objective is to develop a shared best-practices guideline, created out of the common strategies developed by the Ombudspersons themselves, that would integrate from a more practical viewpoint the guidelines issued by the relevant bodies. 

In addition to this, the OBUA project will promote long-term and closer cooperation among the institutions involved, by establishing a shared understanding of the current situation, encouraging the cultivation of collaborative networks, favoring the development of synergistic approaches, and developing a pool of shareable services.

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