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Šárka Velhartická „Studies on the Huwaššanna Texts (CTH 691-694)“

The proposed dissertation will present an extensive group of texts from the Hittite corpus which has so far never been subject to philological study.

Since the discovery of the sources in Hittite language at the beginning of the 20th century, several thousand texts have come to light which provide a detailed view of the history and cultural development of Near East in the 2nd millennium BC. The majority of these tablets has since been made available to research and subject to individual studies. The group of texts known as the Huwaššanna-Texts, which includes over 200 tablets and fragments, remains an exception.

The proposed dissertation aims to collect all of the texts which belong to the group. The material will be transcribed and translated into German along with a philological, linguistic, and historical commentary. The philological part will be supplemented by a second part, in which the results of the editions will be summarized and placed in broad cultural-historical context.

Supervisor: Prof. Dr. Jörg Klinger