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Call for Papers for the Summer Academy on the Entangled Histories of Concepts in the Bengal to Balkans Complex (B2B)


The Summer Academy on the Entangled Histories of Bengal to Balkans Complex invites applications for its first session which will take place in Istanbul between September 4th–15th, 2023.

The Summer Academy builds upon and seeks to strengthen the increased scholarly interest in conceptual history as a tool to analyze the discursive transformations in the broad B2B geography. “Bengal to Balkans” framework is inspired by Shahab Ahmed who drew attention to the shared cultural formations across this vast geography particularly in the post-Mongol era.

The summer academy has no topical or chronological restrictions, although we are interested in the early modern and modern conceptual formations in the nexus of religion, law and politics with an eye to the emergence and contestation of categories of the “political”, “legal” and the “religious.” We are particularly interested in works on key concepts of central importance such as “haqq/hakk” that have vast semantic fields attached to them (in this case extending also to huquq/hukuk).

We are eager to have a variety of academic and regional backgrounds represented and will, on a competitive basis, provide scholarship for PhD students and Post-Docs, taking into account both the academic quality of proposals and economic need. Participants from the global south might therefore be prioritized in funding.

Further information: here

Deadline for applications: March 1st 2023
