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Past Conferences

International SBL 2014, Vienna

Early Judaism and Rabbinics (EABS)
1:00 PM to 4:00 PM
Room: HS 16 - HauptgebäudeTheme: Feminist Perspectives on Rabbinic Literature
The Early Judaism and Rabbinics Programme is hosting a session to mark the publication of the FCBT, the Feminist Commentary to the Babylonian Talmud. In this session we will explore various aspects of feminists interpretations to rabbinic literature.

Charlotte Elisheva Fonrobert, Stanford University
Reading the Talmudic Account of Human Creation: A Feminist Commentary
Aryeh Cohen, American Jewish University
The Gender of Cooking in Mishnah and Babylonian Talmud
Moshe Lavee, University of Haifa
The Egyptian Midwives: Lost Traditions and Suppressed Perspectives in the Genizah

Taube Center for Jewish Studies, Stanford University

Workshop on Feminist Commentary to the Babylonian Talmud

MAY 18-20, 2014

Judith Hauptman

Charlotte Fonrobert

Marjorie Lehman

Jane Kanarek

Aryeh Cohen

Gail Labovitz

Sarra Lev

Christiane Tzuberi

David Brodsky

16th World Congress of Jewish Studies, Jerusalem; Hebrew University

Sunday, 28/7/2013, 14:30-16:30, Room 2718Sunday

Chair: Tal Ilan

Dalia Marx "Through the Threads of the Curtain: Women's Religiosity in Tractate Tamid

Moshe Lavee "A Pleasing to her Lover as a Gazalle whose womb is Narrow: Talmudic Gynecology in Tractate Bekhorot

Anat Israeli "Forbidden Seclusions at the end of Tractate Qiddushin in the Mishnah, the Tosefta" 

SBL 2011 International Meeting, London, UK

Feminist Commentary on the Babylonian Talmud
1:30 PM to 3:30 PM
Room: 1.21 - Franklin Wilkins

Ronit Nikolsky, Rijksuniversiteit Groningen, Presiding
Tal Ilan, Freie Universtaet Berlin
A Feminist Commentary on Tractate Hullin
Federico Dal Bo, Freie Universität Berlin
A Feminist Commentary on Tractate Keritot
Monika Brockhaus, Freie Universität Berlin
A Feminist Commentary on Tractate Temurah
Ronit Nikolsky, Rijksuniversiteit Groningen, Respondent
Sacha Stern, University of London, Respondent 

Women in the Temple? A Feminist Commentary on the Babylonian Talmud
Hebrew Union College (Jerusalem) - Institute for Jewish Studies (Berlin)
7-8 March 2011, Jerusalem

Program (PDF)


האישה והמקדש: פירוש פמיניסטי לתלמוד – כנס לזכרה של חנה ספראי ז"ל


יום ב  - ערב

נעמה קלמן (היברו יוניון קולג')               ברכות

זאב ספראי (אוני' בר אילן)                   נשים בדתיות ה'אחרת'" בתקופת בית שני, המשנה


רוחמה וויס (היברו יוניון קולג')              מקללת חכמים ומלקטת גללים – היבט נשי של

                                                        חורבן בית המקדש

טל אילן (פרייה אוניברזיטט, ברלין)          מגיבה


יום ג – בוקר


משה לביא (אוני' חיפה)                         יושב ראש

דליה מרקס (היברו יוניון קולג')               קרבן היולדת כמקרה מבחן לדתיות נשית

משה בנוביץ (מכון שכטר)                     מרים בת בילגה במקדש: סמל, דמות, או תבנית?

חנה צוברי (פרייה אוניברזיטט, ברלין)        'והאשה כהן גדול':  מהמקדש למטבח, מדיני טהרות לכשרות.



רינה לוין-מלמד (מכון שכטר)                           יושבת ראש

תרצה מיטשם (אוניברסיטת טורונטו)      השתלשלותן של הלכות "על ביאת המקדש"

בספרות חז"ל

פדריקו דל בו (פרייה אוניברזיטט)            נשים כמדרש הלכה: פרט וכלל במסכת כריתות

דוד לוין (היברו יוניון קולג')                   מדוע אין נשים בבית המדרש

AJS 42nd Annual Conference
Reflections Upon Writing a Feminist Commentary on the Babylonian
December 19-21, 2010
Westin Copley Place, Boston

Program (PDF)

Women in the Rabbinic Kitchen as Imagined by Bavli Pesahim
Judith Hauptman (Jewish
Theological Seminary)

Tractate Hullin between Human and Divine, between Male and Female
Tal Ilan (Freie Universität Berlin)

A Feminist
Commentary to the Babylonian Talmud: The Case of Tractate Eruvin (18a-19a)
Fonrobert (Stanford University)

JTS, New York, December 16, 2010

A Feminist Commentary to Massekhet Taanit: How to Read Gender Into a Commentary of the Mishnah and Babylonian Talmud
A Discussion with Dr. Tal Ilan

Program (PDF)

Ishà ba´azarà? “A Woman in the Temple Court?” Women in Seder Qodashim and in the Temple
Institute for Jewish Studies
31 October-2 November 2010, Freie Universität Berlin

Program (PDF) and Prof. Tal Ilan´s interview at Kol Berlin

Günter Stemberger (Universität Wien)
Did Women Actively Participate in the Sacrificial Cult of the Temple of Jerusalem?

Dalia Marx (Hebrew Union College, Jerusalem)
Tractate Qinnim: Between Margins and Center

Klaus Herrmann (Freie Universität Berlin)
Do Women have Access to the Divine Realm? Temple Ideology in Judaism

Aryeh Cohen (American Jewish University, Los Angeles)
Mishkan as the Masculine to Shabbat’s Feminine

Christiane Steuer (Freie Universität Berlin)
From the Temple to the Kitchen. Laws of Im/Purity and Kashrut

Ishay Rosen-Zvi (Tel Aviv University)
Women Condemned in the Temple: The Case of Sotah

Marjorie Lehman (Jewish Theological Seminary, New York)
The High Priest and his Wife: A Critique of the Yom Kippur Avodah as Seen Through the Lens of Tractate Yoma, Chapter 1

Dvora Weisberg (Hebrew Union College, Los Angeles)
The Origins of Beit Honyo and the Feminization of the Priests in Tractate Menahot

Reuven Kiperwasser (Open University, Israel)
The Body of the Story about the Disciples of R. Ishmael (bBekh 45a) and the Boundaries of the Fe/Male Body

Federico Dal Bo (Freie Universität Berlin)
Women to "Think with": Sexual Transgressions as Heuristics in Tractate Keritot

Jane Kanarek (Hebrew College, Newton Centre, MA)
All are Obligated: Sacrifice, Sight, and Study

Sarra Lev (Reconstructionist Rabbinical College, Wyncote, PA)
Metaphors of Me'ilah: The 'metaphoric' use of the Word ma´al in Tanakh and in Rabbinic Sources

Moshe Lavee (University of Haifa)
Birth, Seminal Emission and Conversion: Gender and Self-Control in Massekhet Bekhorot

Gail Labovitz (American Jewish University, Los Angeles)
The Omitted Adornment: Women and Men Mourning Destruction

Andreas Lehnardt (Universität Mainz)
The Scent of Women. Incense and Perfume in ySheq 5:2

Monika Brockhaus (Freie Universität Berlin)
How Do the “Harlot” and the “Dog” Effect the Sacrifice (Temurah)

Tal Ilan (Freie Universität Berlin)
Males are for God, Females are for Us: Sacred and Kosher Slaughter Rhetorics in Seder Qodashim and Tractate Hullin

AJS 39th Annual Conference

December 16-18, 2007 • Toronto, Ontario

Sponsored by the German Research Foundation
Chair: Tal Ilan (Freie Universität, Berlin)
Discussants: Aryeh Cohen (American Jewish University)
Charlotte Fonrobert (Stanford University)
Judith Hauptman (Jewish Th eological Seminary)
Tamara Or (Freie Universität, Berlin)
Christiane Steuer (Freie Universität, Berlin)

Gam hen hayu be-oto ha-nes: "They also Participated in the Miracle: Women and Gender in Talmudic Festivals
Institute for Jewish Studies
23-25 May 2006, Freie Universität Berlin

Program (PDF)

Shaye Cohen (Harvard University)

"Are Women Jews? - Women in the Jewish Covenant"

Judith Hauptman (Jewish Theological Seminary New York)
"Rabbinic Permission and Prohibition vs. Women’s Practice of Pesah Rituals"

Catherine Hezser (School of Oriental and African Studies, University of London)
"Passover and the Question of Social Equality: Women, Slaves, and Minors in b. Pesahim"

Dorothea M. Salzer (Free University of Berlin and Potsdam University)
"Women’s World in Massekhet Rosh Ha-Shanah"

Tamara Or (Free University of Berlin)
"’Why don’t we say anything to them?’ Women in Massekhet Betzah"

Elizabeth A. Shanks (University of Virginia)
"How the Talmudic Commentaries to Mishnah Eruvin 10:1 altered the Significance of Women’s Exemption from Timebound, Positive Commandments"

Charlotte E. Fonrobert (Stanford University)
"Gender Politics in the Rabbinic Neighborhood: Taractate Eruvin"

Admiel Kosman (Potsdam University)
"The Traditions on Rahab the Harlot in Babylonian Talmud Megillah 14b-15a and their Parallels: The Portrait of Rahab in the Aggadah"

Irina Wandrey (Free University of Berlin)
"Mourning Rituals for Women and for Men"

Judith Baskin (University of Oregon)
"Women and Tractate Megillah"

Adiel Schremer (Bar Ilan University)
"For whom is Marriage a Happiness? Mishnah Mo’ed Qatan 1:5 and a Roman Parallel"

Klaus Herrmann (Free University of Berlin)
Vortrag: "Massekhet Hagigah and Reform Judaism"

Tirzah Meacham (University of Toronto)
"Misconstrued Commandments: The Case of the Menstruant Levirate"

Shulamit Valler (Haifa University)
"Women and Mitzvat Sukkah According to the Mishna and the Babylonian Talmud"

Cynthia Baker (Santa Clara University)
"Women Marking Margins: Some Examples from Seder Mo’ed"

Tal Ilan (Free University of Berlin)
"Gender and Dance in Massekhet Ta’anit"

OSA Judaistik